Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1136: Unprecedented crisis

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"Huh, Wan Tianqiu, this old thief, really can't beat Xiaoqiang."

Yun Sheng's pupils shrank a lot, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged.

She had never imagined that Wan Tianqiu could be transformed into such a situation.

This time, she was miscalculated.

Before the disintegration, Wan Tianqiu's cultivation behavior had reached the middle level of Wushen, and most of Yunsheng's Warcraft was at the king level.

In the match, there is a certain gap.

Yun Sheng was originally planning to rely on the beasts that bullied the beast and the beast, and slowly killed Wan Tianqiu. Finally, after killing him in one fell swoop, unexpectedly, after Wan Tianqiu was turned away, Xiuwei went up a lot. .

Today's Wan Tianqiu, I am afraid it has reached the peak of Wushen, compared with the black unicorn king Obsidian, it is only a short distance away.

Seeing that this is the end, Yun Sheng can only be a scalp, commanding the Warcraft, and attacking Wan Tianqi in turn.

Wan Tianqiu, who turned into a warrior, has a violent temper, and his strength is also amazing. His iron fist was shocked, and the fighting spirit screamed beside him, forming a small black whirlwind.

The whirlwind screamed and rolled towards the enchanted soldiers.

The whirlwind rushed into the Warrior Warrior, just like a human-shaped meat grinder, only to hear the sound of chewing bones and bones in the stomach, dozens of Warrior Warriors have been divided into a pool of **** sauce meat.


The night charm queen saw her soldiers were killed, and a dark rush of red rose from the dark skin.

She flew a few feet abruptly, and in the cave, the charm of singing was melodious.

In the singing voice, there is a fascinating voice of demon.

But Wan Tianqiu, indifferent to this touching song, his expressionless face, his fists crackled.

In the next moment, his figure fell like a ghost, and suddenly fell to the side of the night charm queen, and the fist shadow hit the night charm queen like a storm.

With a loud bang, the night charm queen's song came to an abrupt end, and her body fell to the ground like a broken kite.

Seeing that the Queen of Night Charm was seriously injured, the other Warcraft who had formed a deep friendship with her in the Linglong Beast Tower were very angry.

Xiao Heifei stood up like a tiger cub, turned into a black arrow, and headed behind Wan Tianqiu.

Under Wan Tianqiu, he stepped back a few steps and disappeared in front of Xiao Hei.

He suddenly appeared behind Xiaohei, his legs leaping down, and the carrier swept the Xiaohe's spine with one foot.

When this foot goes down, even a 500-kilogram boulder will be turned into powder, Xiao Hei howled, and was swept out severely, and fell to the ground.

Yun Sheng felt terrified when he saw that Ten Thousand Vendetta, who turned into a warrior, was like an upper body of a ghost.

"Boom, you don't have a way to move it temporarily?" Yun Sheng clenched the magic scepter, and there were several feasible strategies in his mind.

"Dear Master, here is the Underworld, Boom Boom can't use the exile technique, only the stinky Wicked God can use the exile skills," Biao Biao mourned.

Boom, look at the injuries of the friends one by one, and they are also angry enough, but there is no other skill except that it has a strange power to attack.

It is the **** of the human world waiting for the post, but in the ground of the underworld, it has no ability to exile the people of the underworld.

"However, dear master, there is another way. You have a dharma bracelet. If you can break to the dharma level as soon as possible, combined with the power of the dharma bracelet, you can defeat this old monster who is not human. Now."

The dharma bracelet has a certain magical effect, but only in the hands of the real dharma can the best effect be exerted.

"Boom, the Dharma God doesn't mean that you can make a breakthrough through a breakthrough. Although your master, I said that there is a bit of evil, but it hasn't reached the level of abnormality," Yun Sheng couldn't help smiling.

Yun Sheng's cultivation speed, looking at the entire human world, even in the underworld, is considered to be one of the best. It can surpass her talents, only Ye Beiming's superb demon, and Ji Rumo, which is transformed into a fate mirror.

But they also broke through to the Dharma God only in their twenties.

Yun Sheng has stayed with the Holy King of the Holy Land for several years. Despite her many efforts, she has no way to do it. She has broken through the Dharma God in one fell swoop.

Let her break through the Dharma God at this time, it is unavoidable that some too strong people are difficult.

"Dear Master, in other places, it may not be possible, but here is the Ghost King's Cave. Look at the two cultivation magic circles behind you. These two magic formations may have been left when the ghost ghost king practiced. Boom can feel very powerful dark energy. As long as you enter one of the cultivation magic circles and absorb the dark energy, you are likely to break through the first dark magic **** in the adult world with the dark magic soul!" Biao sheep Said cracklingly.

Diablo Dharma, how awesome is that, and when the sheep thought that his master would become the Diablo Dharma in the underworld, he would have a big backer in the future.

The stinky iceberg meditation **** dare not challenge it.

Yun Sheng's expression changed slightly.

What the sheep said, it may not be 100% successful, but it may not be feasible.


It was only when Yun Sheng and Biao Yang were talking that there were more blood shadows on the ground.

The hundred-footed ant will lead the flying ants to retreat under Wan Tianqiu's rapid offensive. I saw Wan Tianqiu passing through the ant colony like ghosts.

Every time he passed by, his fist style blasted a group of flying ants into a mass of blood.

If this continues, soon, the army of flying ants will be defeated.

Both the Queen of Night Charm and Xiaohei have been seriously injured, and the pedicel ant will also be defeated. This is the first time Yunsheng has encountered such a big crisis for more than ten years in this life.

In a hurry, Yun Sheng became more calm.

Her black eyes stared at Wan Tianqiu.

After the disintegration, Wan Tianqiu is like a killing machine, punching like thunder, and the body like a hurricane, looks invulnerable.


His eyes!

Yun Sheng noticed that Wan Tianqiu's eyes were like a fool who had lost his focal length. His punches and punches were all like robots. In other words, after he was transformed, although he gave Wan Tianqiu an invincible warrior's physique , But made him completely conscious, becoming an uncontrollable murder puppet.

Yun Sheng's thoughts moved, his hand waved, and there was already a purple-gold figure beside him.

"Local tyrant gold, stop him!" Yun Sheng ordered, local tyrant gold whizzed, burst out, and rushed in front of Wan Tianqiu.

Local tyrant Jin and Wan Tianqiu, one is an immortal magical tool for eternal life, and the other is a puppet killer who kills the willful puppet.

It is not known which of these two is fighting, which is stronger or weaker.

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