Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

At the moment when Yun Sheng and Piao Piao Yang walked out of the practice magic circle.

The original magic power of the magic circle of cultivation, disintegrated, disappeared without a trace, as if never existed.

Wan Tianqiu and local tyrant gold are still struggling, although they are eternal life implements, but local tyrant gold and Wan Tianqiu's fight, did not get much benefit.

The original Zijin Cancan had many more scars in it.

This is undoubtedly the most severe challenge that local tyrant gold has faced since Yunsheng refined the local tyrant gold.

The situation of Wan Tianqiu is a little better, but compared with earlier, his morale does not increase but decreases. It seems that his moralization can not be maintained forever. Once the time of moralization has passed, the shape of the military will also be disappear.

Yun Sheng waved his hand and summoned the local tyrant Jin back.

Wan Tianqiu's eyes, which had already been red, showed a terrible color.

Like a hungry wolf, he rushed to Yunsheng.

Yun Sheng's lips twitched slightly, not even avoiding.

She lifted the magic scepter in her hand. On the scepter branded with the ghost mark, the ghost mark was like a soul stone, and suddenly lighted up.

Under Yun Sheng's feet, a grisly head of the ghost ghost appeared.

The light on the magic scepter is like a little black sun. That ghost Sha Wang's head, let Wan Tianqiu's pace freeze in an instant.

He could not help squinting, although he had lost consciousness, but Wan Tianqiu subconsciously still realized that this dark light was extraordinary.

Swish swish—

The black evil spirits turned into skeletons or fierce beasts, and flowed towards Yunsheng.

Although it was known that his master had become a necromancer, but he saw so many dark shadows and the sheep's wool, and he still stood upright.

The Yinsha Qi gathered more and more at Yunsheng's feet.

In the ghost formation, Yun Sheng's skin was as white as ivory, and her lips were glowing bright red.

Yun Sheng's plain clothes summoned the robe of the master, and suddenly turned black, and ghost skeletons appeared on the robe of the magician.

Between black and white, she exudes a sensual beauty.

"Summon, King of Ghosts and Sharks!" Yun Sheng shouted briskly, his black hair fluttering, but he couldn't tell the world.

In the singing voices of Yun Sheng, all kinds of evil spirits gradually formed a king of ghost evil with a height of five meters.

He had **** copper-colored muscles, and each muscle was like a small mountain in a bulge, with red blood-like blood eyes, naked upper body, and a bone necklace on his neck.

There are multiple head bones on the necklace. It seems that there are human bones and animal bones.

When the king of ghost evil got out of the magic circle, every time he took a step, the ghost evil spirits exuded from the whole body, people could not be shocked, and the spirit was not kept.

Compared with the ghost ghost king summoned by the undead summoning technique, Wan Tianqiu is just a mere warrior, and his momentum is suddenly much weaker.

In Wan Tianqiu's turbid eyes, the murderous air gradually dissipated, replaced by horror.

Wan Tianqiu didn't even think of it. Earlier he thought that people who could be killed within ten strokes were able to summon the terrible king of ghost evil.

Is that the strength of the human race summoner?

Wan Tianqiu's movements hesitated.

He turned around and looted toward the exit behind him, apparently not daring to fight hard.

However, what Wan Tianqiu didn't expect was the moment he turned around.

The huge ghost ghost body of King Guisha has already laid before him.

The cave, which could only accommodate two people barely passing through, appeared very narrow against the huge body of the king of the ghosts more than five meters high.

The king of ghost evil made a roar like a horn.

Many heads and beasts hung on the necklace in front of them, and there was a change.

The jaws of the heads and beasts quacked, and a cloud of blood mist spit out of their mouths. The blood mist was like long eyes, surrounded by thousands of enemies, and scrambled into his chest.

After the blood mist entered the body, Wan Tianqiu's sullen face was surging with a red blood, and he was already twisted with the same features as the evil spirits.


Something like it was bitten by a bite.

The pain in the heart, Wan Tianqiu grabbed his heart.

He felt his heart feel like he was being bitten by something.

Wan Tian Qiu snorted and vomited a sip of blood.

The blood and flesh of Wan Tianqiu's body shrank rapidly, and the blood was black, and soon his body became a crumpled mummy.

Although Wan Tianqiu's demonization is powerful, it also has fatal weaknesses.

Destroying is a kind of combat skill at the expense of one's own vitality. If it is excessively consumed, it will eventually become a bloodless and fleshless corpse.

The warrior is invincible, and his heart alone is the most fragile. Yun Sheng did not know the weakness of the warrior before and was forced to retreat.

The king of ghost evil, as the king of ghost evil, is the weakness of the warrior who knows well.

Those blood mists, but they were bitterness, they had already gnawed away the heart of Wan Tianqiu.

Wan Tianqiu was killed?

This is too fast.

Yun Sheng was still a little unbelievable. She stepped forward and looked at Wan Tianqiu's body.

Zai carefully checked again and found that Wan Tianqiu was indeed dead.

Yun Sheng's black eyes turned golden, staring at Wan Tianqiu's heart.

Found that the heart of Wan Tianqiu had disappeared.

No, it should not be said that it disappeared, but was swallowed.

The strange blood mist released by the King of Ghosts and Shades can penetrate into the body invisible. They are invisible and invisible, but they have terrible strength.

What a terrible ghost.

Even Yun Sheng himself did not expect that the king of ghost evil he had summoned had such terrible strength.

Although Yun Sheng has just advanced to become a necromancer, she is not proficient in necromancer.

This is the first time she summoned, and the king of ghost evil summoned has such terrible strength.

According to the memory of the first Dharma God and the first red-dressed emperor in her mind, necromancers are also divided into single necromancers and group necromancers.

If she is proficient in the future, compared to being able to form a powerful ghost evil undead summoning army, even in the face of thousands of horses and thousands of horses, Yun Sheng believes that commanding the king of ghost evil can also kill thousands of horses in invisible.

Yun Sheng secretly palpitated, and was even more eager for the power of the undead's summons, but just remembered the earlier warnings of the two big eight wild powerhouses. Yun Sheng also understood that she could not overdo the power of the undead's summons since now, otherwise it would be easy to be The dark forces bite back.

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