Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1147: Tiehan tenderness

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Ghost King!

After finally finding him, Yun Sheng was ecstatic, and suddenly, her eyelids jumped, a medical instinct that made her keenly aware that something was wrong.


The magic wall burst out and exploded, and the strong magic waves that burst inside could instantly tear people into pieces.

But almost at the same time that the magic wall exploded, a gray light gleamed from Yunsheng's flying magic scepter.

"Time and space prohibited!"

The magic wave formed after the explosion was stopped in an instant.

"Good forbidden magic, but unfortunately, it is useless to the emperor," a feather-like sigh came from behind the magic wall.

The enchanting rose-like man came out.

The gorgeous sleeves waved easily, and the effect of time and space was forbidden.

Only one move broke the prohibition of time and space. The strength of Nether Ghost King is much stronger than it was five hundred years ago.

"Nether Ghost King, you really aren't dead," Yun Sheng took a deep breath. Only then, if her reaction was slower by half a beat, I was afraid that after she had been shattered by the magic wall, the wave of magic formed would be torn apart.

This shady man actually used this insidious method.

"Little girl, you look very familiar," the ghost ghost king's figure shifted, like a gust of wind, suddenly approached Yunsheng, he was very close to Yunsheng.

Except for a few specific people, Yun Sheng doesn't like to be close to people on weekdays. She disgusts and wants to retreat, but suddenly finds that her body seems to be controlled by what kind of force, and her actions are slow.

"I remember you. You were the female magician whom the emperor met in Taiyuan Mountain 500 years ago."

The ghost ghost king hooked the corner of his mouth, and the enchanting face like a stunning beauty was close to Yun Sheng, and Yun Shengzai carefully scrutinized enough.

Yun Sheng blushed angrily, and the ghost king made people feel terrible, like a snake crawling on the skin.

But no matter how hard she tried, there was no way to break the control of Ghost King on her body.

"Don’t try to resist, this town of magic is the natal magic circle of the emperor. Anyone who enters here and Warcraft must be controlled by the emperor. The emperor wants to kill you, just like killing an ant Easy," Ghost King is not bragging.

This special town of demons is a ghost array that has been operating painstakingly for the past two decades.

He did not hesitate to use part of his vitality to act as an eye for the magic circle.

If it wasn't for Yun Sheng to enter the magic circle, there were many waves of power that were of interest to the ghost ghost king. When Yun Sheng entered the teleportation circle, he had already ended with those martial gods.

He breathed slightly coldly, sweeping Yun Sheng's cheeks inch by inch, causing goose bumps to float on her face.

"Huh, it's really strange. If you remember correctly, you should be back to the human world more than 500 years later. It should be only a few years. At first, you were just a sky magician, but now you are a dharma god, and Still a necromancer," the ghost ghost king's nose suddenly moved like a puppy.

In the face of the ghost ghost Wang Junmei, the pair of mortal purple eyes showed mood swings for the first time.

Damn, it's no wonder that there was such a strong dark magic wave in this woman's body. She wanted to come to the magic circle before she entered the town, and she successfully merged the dark magic spring inside.

Looking at the situation of her cultivation as being advanced, the dark magic fountains in the cultivation magic circle are afraid that they have been completely absorbed by light.

The thought of Nether Ghost King couldn't stop smoking.

God knows how much effort he had made for the dark magic fountains earlier.

That practice magic circle is also the place where the ghost ghost king practiced earlier.

He would go to practice a few years earlier.

Only because of this, the Zhenmo array is becoming more and more perfect. He needs to stay in the Zhenmo array day and night, and he has not practiced the magic array.

Unexpectedly, Yun Sheng, who ran halfway, took advantage of it.

When the ghost ghost king was angry, there was still something in his heart. Fortunately, the woman's strength was not enough to absorb those dark crystal nuclei, otherwise, he really wanted to vomit blood.

"Now that you have absorbed the Emperor's dark magic fountain, then use your life to exchange it. You should also see that in this huge magic circle, most of the magic circle has been sealed in. Magic The formation is almost completed. The emperor just needs the soul of a master of the **** level to drive this town demon formation," Ghost King turned angry.

His magic town of town demons was built by imitating the town stele of Xiweimen.

It's just that unlike the Xiweimen's Town Demon Stele, the Nether Ghost King's magic circle is much smaller in scale, and the magic circle of the sealed soul that can be accommodated in it is also much smaller.

But the strength of the soul used to maintain the magic circle here is much stronger than that of Xiweimen.

At a glance, the entire town of the demon formation is gone, and the worst practice of the sealed soul is also at the level of Wu Sheng or sky magician.

The ghost ghost king's words fell in Yunsheng's ears, but they were strange.

"Zhenmo Array, does this magic array have the same effect as the Zhenmo Stone Tablet? What is the inheritance of the ghost king, and the news of the fall? All are fake? The purpose is to attract people?" Yunsheng suddenly realized that the cause and effect of contacting him, She and the strong men in the underworld are all treated as monkeys.

It seems that the old man of Nether Ghost King and Shenjizi have already colluded.

Their purpose is to attract the powerful men of the underworld to come to seize the treasure.

In this magic circle, about ten thousand souls have been sealed, so to speak, there are already a large number of Warcraft and powerful people, all deceived.


Yun Sheng hated her teeth, and she was looking for a difficult light for her mother.

"Oh, little girl, you are not very young, but they are the so-called strong men of the Wushen level, and they are more clever. Yes, the **** machine is deliberately arranged by the king, and the news of the ghost king cave is all false. You are about to die. Now, the Emperor will give you a heart. This town demon array, and the town demon stone monument in Xiwei Gate, are somewhat similar in structure, but in fact, they are different. As for why this emperor wants to make such a magic array, Because this emperor wants to use it to save a person." The ghost ghost king said here, purple eyes flashed a touch of soft color.

Killing 10,000 people, just to save someone?

Yun Sheng couldn't help but want to swear, what a **** ghost king, this man is simply a madman, but at the same time, Yun Sheng is also very curious, who is it, who can make the temperament uncertain, never serve anyone softly The Nether Ghost King has become like this.

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