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Seeing the boo-boo sheep look like this, Yun Sheng also felt sad.

The sheep is reluctant to be separated from her, why would she want to let it go.

However, if you do not leave, staying is a little more dangerous.

The ghost ghost king is already a **** body, that is to say, there is only one difference between the title **** and the real god.

Nether Ghost King is too lazy to ignore the reluctance of Yun Sheng and Pang Yang.

The black whirlwind quickly shrouded Yunsheng, and the sheep were thrown out.

As long as the black whirlwind completely covers Yunsheng, she will become a part of the town of demons like other powerful players in the Underworld, and Yunsheng's life will disappear accordingly.

Is it just waiting to die?

Yun Sheng's eyes were ruthless, and suddenly, in her hand, a few rays of light came out of the animal language ring.

Seeing the emergence of multiple powerful Warcraft, Nether Ghost King was not too surprised.

Even World of Warcraft, like a bang sheep, can be contracted. This female summoner's talent in summoning will never be inferior to her talent in magic.

"Stubbornness, the emperor has already said that every corner of this town demon array is the emperor's territory. Although your strength of these Warcrafts is good, it is a pity that you have to be implicated by you," he shook. Shaking his head, sighing and sighing.

"Slow down, Nether Ghost King! It doesn't matter if you want to kill me, but I have a request to release my World of Warcraft including Biao Biao Yang. If you read right, this magic circle can be completed by using my soul alone. "These Warcraft are all the Warcraft that I was born and died for many years, they are innocent, let them go," Yun Sheng shouted.

The ghost ghost king was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that Yun Sheng would even make such a request.

He has seen many human races, and at such times, shouldn’t he be crying for his father and begging for mercy? This woman just asked him to let her warcraft go?

When did the summoner pay attention to Warcraft?

But Yun Sheng's actions did touch the ghost ghost king.

"Okay, the emperor looks at you and looks at you for the sake of dying. I promise you once, and you will stay alone. As for the others, the emperor will let them go," the ghost ghost king waved his hand.

"Boom, don't leave," Boom, the sheep is still not stubborn, and is desperate to rush up.

"Boom, you listen, leave here obediently. You need to grow up quickly and become the world **** of the human world, don't embarrass the master," Yun Sheng's voice was also a little sobbing.

Other Warcraft, in the face of this scene, are also reluctant to leave.

Yun Sheng has reached the point of seeing the matter, and he has been ruthless, regardless of the pleading of the sheep.

The most worrying thing in her heart is the safety of her. Other Warcraft and her are ordinary contracts. No matter what she does, they are at most only to release the contractual relationship and restore the free body.

But Boom is different. It is a life contract with him. Yunsheng only hopes that Boom’s underworld teacher can help Boom and survive this crisis.

"All of you leave, immediately! Queen of the Night Charm, Queen of the Water, you walked with the sheep," Yun Sheng shouted sharply.

"Don't touch me, all of you are bad guys, and you can't save yourself if you die," Biaoyang sheep rebounded and struggled.

"Bao Biao! If you do this again, I will break the Soul of the Law now," Yun Sheng is most worried about the Biao Yang.

When it was still an egg, it was with Yunsheng, but it can be regarded as the deepest affection for Yunsheng in all Warcraft.

Yun Sheng's words calmed the boo-boo sheep, and it drooped its wings, sandwiched by the queen of night charm and the queen of water elves.

The Queen of Night Charm and the Queen of Water Elves glanced at each other, and they no longer hesitated, tucking at the boo.

When the ghost ghost king flicked his sleeves, the Warcraft were caught in a black hurricane and forced out of the teleportation array.

As soon as he left the teleportation circle, the poo sheep broke into the hands of the queen of night charm and the queen of water elves with anger, and it looked like an unrequited figure, shrinking in the corner, tearful, and thinking: "Bou hates you No one should be close to Boo. The dear master will die, and Boo will not live anymore, Boo will go on a hunger strike, Boo."

"Boom, you don't want to live anymore, who helped to save the Savior," despite being asked by Yunsheng, to leave here, but all the Warcraft, of course, still recognize Yunsheng as the master.

At the last moment, the master still remembered them, how could they leave the master and escape themselves.


As soon as I heard that there was a Fazi Saviour, the tears in the eyes of the black bean of the puffy sheep disappeared immediately.

"Wait, we just said there is still a savior? Then why are you leaving? The master is so sorry for the big pervert," Poo looked at Warcraft.

"Cut, leaving doesn't mean betraying the master, that's a tactic. Boom, you have been with the master for the longest time, how come you haven't learned the master's ability to live in life. Our strength is not as good as the ghost ghost king, even if you stay, It's useless, only a few more lives will be lost," the face of Queen Enchanted Queen is full of old tricks.

Among all the Warcraft of Yunsheng, the strength is calculated, maybe the Queen of Night Charm is not the strongest.

But when it comes to methods and various damaging, she is most like Yun Sheng.

In her early years, she was hiding in Xianju Kingdom, and was working with elf tribes whose strength was many times that of her. This also helped her to think twice and strive for a stable character.

The Queen of Nightmare knew in her heart that there was no way to save the Savior.

Right now, there is only one way, which is to move rescuers.

"Salvation? Is it that you are going to find the Kirin kid? Although he is very strong, it may not be the perverted opponent?" Bo Yang hesitated.

"Of course, Jin Qilin alone is not enough, and we don’t know where it is now. How does it compare to that first-level God of Warcraft? We don’t even know that the owner’s situation is critical, we Must come up with the most appropriate method," Queen Yeh said, other Warcraft don’t understand, since the golden unicorn is not necessarily safe, how to save the master.

The night charm queen turned her eyes, and her eyes fell on the body of the sheep.

The sheep was erected by her eyes, and the wool was all erected, uncomfortable.

"Boom, you honestly tell me, how is your friendship with the underworld of the underworld? For the master, you have to find the underworld to help," Queen Yemei suspected earlier that Xiao Biao's relationship with the underworld is not ordinary.

Only then, Nether Ghost King, at the last minute, let go of the boo, and listened to his tone, it seemed that he had let go of the boo on the face of someone.

That being the case, there is a great possibility for Boom to find the Underworld and God to save the Savior.

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