Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1157: Kill, second priest

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Yun Sheng was also surprised. She was still worried that where the gold coins had stopped the arrow tails and the rhinoceros, where did she go? Unexpectedly, it was actually sending out.

She was about to speak, but suddenly realized that the gold coin was actually with the divine machine, and it blinked quietly at herself.

What was going on, Yun Sheng was suspicious in her heart, but her tacit understanding with the night fox immediately understood that the night fox must have arrangements.

She didn't say anything, although Yun Sheng hated her teeth when she saw the magic machine. This old man was really about to kill her.

However, she was just pitted by Shenjizi for a hundred king-level soul stones. Compared with that, the ghost ghost king has been pitted for more than 20 years. This hatred is much deeper than her.

Hey, Yunsheng will never use more effort to solve things that can be solved with the fists of others.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw the old man of Shenjizi, the ghost of Wang Junmei's face revealed a killing opportunity.

"Shenji Zi, you old thief, cheated the emperor's bitterness," Nether Ghost King burst into rage. His claws were like black flashes, and his claws had captured the life gate of Shenjizi's whole body.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Shen Jizi had already been vigilant in his heart. Seeing that the ghost king's trick had arrived, Shen Jizi suddenly raised the heart-difficult lamp, holding down the heart-difficult lamp with one hand, and being alert on the other.

"Ghost King, the remnant soul of Li Qingcheng is in this lamp. If you dare to step forward, I will break the heart and the lamp. At that time, even the **** Buddha can't save her soul," the **** machine is a traitor. Already one step earlier, the remnant soul of Li Qingcheng was included in the heart-wrenching lamp.

Over the years, Li Hou's residual soul has been able to keep, and did not eventually dissipate, also because of the light of this heart-wrenching lamp.

The heart-difficult lamp, although it has a mysterious divine power, but it is only a fragile palace lamp from the outside. As long as the magic machine uses a little force, the heart-difficult lamp will shatter, so the magic machine will always hold. This life saver won't let go.

He used the Haunted Ghost King earlier to save the Allure, confusing the Ghost King, and the Demon Array can gather the soul.

The Nether Ghost King was eager to save people, and did not go deep into whether this matter was real or feasible. For more than 20 years, he had plundered the souls of nearly ten thousand strong men and Warcraft, forming a small town of magic.

The magic machine is right, today the Zhenmo array is about to be completed, and it attracts a group of powerful people including Yun Sheng to enter. It was thought that everything has been arranged seamlessly, and the Zhenmo array will also come to an end.

Where did you know that a Yunsheng was suddenly inserted halfway, and the plan he and the beast altar had been working on for many years was ruined.

Thinking of this, the divine machine, the second priest of the beast altar, itched for a while.

"Shen Jizi, who are you? Why do you want to hurt the emperor many times!" The ghost ghost king drunk, and he was annoyed in his heart. He really believed the old thief wrongly, and he shouldn't give his heart difficult light to him.

"The king of ghosts was wrong in saying this. The old man and the ghost king didn't have half of a grudge. What the old man had to do was to destroy the human world. To be precise, it was the infinite continent of the human world. , Under the order of the first sacrifice, destroying the human clan's border and causing commotion. Seeing the task is about to be completed, how can the old man allow it to fail? The ghost king, to save your beloved, immediately kills the one beside you The famous female magician inspires the Zhenmo Array," Shen Jizi laughed, his thin hand pressed **** the heart-lamp.

Nether Ghost King's face was sullen and he didn't start.

"Why, don't you say that Ghost King doesn't want to save Allure?" Shen Jizi's men used some force, and that force invaded the heart-difficult lamp. The heart-difficult lamp immediately issued a painful voice, which was gentle like a yellow bird. , Is the voice of Li Hou.

When the ghost king heard it, his heart cramped, he snorted, and waved his hand to Yunsheng.

Yun Sheng had been prepared for a long time, but the first inheritance of Sky Fox had already been launched.

Dark, long hair, like wild grass, suddenly grew countless. The long hair formed a black wall curtain, blocking the applause of the ghost king.

At the same time, the Warcraft including the Night Charm Queen also stepped forward to assist.

Although the strength of Nether Ghost King is strong, but there are few people, and for a moment, it is actually entangled with Yun Sheng and others.

The divine machine looked around, first proudly, but as he looked down, the look on his old face grew stranger.

This woman, if used right, is clearly the inheritance of the Sky Fox.

Could it be said that she is also a descendant of the Tianhu tribe?

Moreover, looking at her strength, it is much stronger than the sage of the Sky Fox tribe.

Not only that, she is also a summoner and has a strong Warcraft lineup. When did the human race appear so many powerful descendants of the Eight Wastelands.

No, this matter must be told to the first sacrifice.

And this woman, is it killing or not?

If you keep her down, maybe it can just be used to contain the Tianhu tribe.

Shen Jizi was thinking, suddenly, he just felt his eyelids jump, Yun Sheng and Ghost King who were fighting fiercely, suddenly rushed towards him together.

"Well, you're a ghost king, but you forced me." The **** machine was shocked, and the heart-difficult lamp in his hand was held high by him.

Suddenly, a sharp pain in his back, a golden light, pierced into the chest of the **** machine.

The bones shattered, the sound of the viscera exploded, and the magic machine was incredible. He leaned over and saw the beast claws with terrifying power flashing all over his chest.

The beast's claws suddenly burst into force, and the body of the second priest's machine, like a piece of paper, cracked.

The heart-wrenching lamp fell into the claws of the gold coins.

"You..." The Divine Machine swallowed his last breath. He didn't understand why he died suddenly because of the gold coins.

"Hand over the Heart Difficult Lamp," the Ghost King saw that the Heart Difficult Lamp was taken away by a golden Warcraft. For fear of Li Qingcheng's unexpected encounter, he would **** it.

"Ghost King, don't worry, the gold coins won't hurt Lihou, he is Lihou's son," Yun Sheng's words made the ghost ghost king stagnate.

Allure's son?

One end... Golden Warcraft?

Which one did this sing out?

Fortunately, Nether Ghost King knew a bit about Li Hou's origin. He knew that before Li Hou died, there was indeed a son. Then he grumbled and took back his killing trick.

"Give me the heart-hard lamp," the thought of the gold coin is the child born by Li Qingcheng and the scum man earlier, and the ghost ghost king is not angry.

The gold coins were silent, but they stared at the ghost king with a staring look. This ghost king, known as the hegemon of the underworld, was the culprit behind his mother's imprisonment for so many years.

He also built the ghost king palace.

One person and one beast, they couldn't look at each other well, and the golden eyes faced the purple ones. For a moment, the gunpowder smelled full.

Yun Sheng saw it, stepped forward, and took the difficult light in Ye Beiming's hand, comfortably resting on his spine, stroking it a few times.

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