Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1161: Who is he (Part 1)

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When the sheep heard it, the master asked for the ghost key, and he was a little unhappy.

Oh, why the master is so stupid, and I want the broken key, and I don’t want to go to the ghost place of the underworld at all.

The ghost ghost king thought for a moment, and he thought in his heart that the ghost key is an essential tool for traveling between the underworld and the human world. Although letting this celebrity female magician get the ghost key, the order of the underworld will be disrupted, but it is really good. In the hands of other evil generations.

Although this woman seems to be right and evil, and her work is different from ordinary people, she is now a necromancer, and the ghost key is in her hands.

"As for the third condition, I will keep it for the time being. If I think of it in the future, I will ask you to ask for the third condition," Yun Sheng can get two artifacts of Heart Difficult Lamp and Ghost Ghost Key at one go, which is also worthwhile. okay.

"Yun Sheng, you first adjust the interest rate for a moment, and my mother and I have some things to discuss," the gold coin nodded at Yun Sheng, and Li Li temporarily left.

After Yun Sheng and Ye Beiming separated, they did not immediately begin to meditate and adjust their breath.

Although Yun Sheng didn't ask much, she felt that there was something wrong between Ye Beiming and Li Hou.

Before Yunsheng adjusted, Yunsheng found a bang sheep.

"Boom, before you meditate, you have to do me a favor," between Yunsheng and Boom, after experiencing the ghost king cave, the feelings were more harmonious.

"Dear patience master, no matter what it says, Boom will promise," Boom Sheep patted her ass.

"Don't talk too early, I want you to go to the **** of meditation and inquire about something," Yun Sheng couldn't help laughing when he saw a pair of dog legs.

Sure enough, as soon as he heard it let him go to the **** of meditation, it immediately looked like a frosted eggplant.

"Well, what is the master looking for that big villain?" Biao Yang's face was reluctant, but with Yun Sheng's good advice, he promised to go to look for a dark day.

"I want to know why he was caught in the underworld after Li Li," Yun Sheng was also very curious. Why did Li Fei come to an end today? What sinful things did she do?

"It's okay, it's wrapped in Boom Boom, Boom Boom is going to find a stinky god," Boom Sheep waved her wings, and the whine disappeared.

On the other side, Ye Beiming and Li Hou's mother and son met for the first time after a lapse of years.

"Xin'er, your mother-in-law has heard the girl Yun said," Li Hou looked at the gold coins in front of her. Although he couldn't see Ye Beiming's appearance when he was human, Li Hou heard Yun Sheng said, Ye Bei Ming is very similar to her, a rare beautiful man at the time.

The gold coin is looking at Li Hou. In fact, his memory of Li Hou is not clear. After all, Ye Beiming was young and blind.

But in his heart, he always thought about the appearance of his mother, but at first sight, the woman in front of her, although indeed similar to herself, was a little different from what she had in mind.

To be precise, Li Hou did not make him feel particularly close, and there was no excitement between mother and son, meeting many years later.

The same is true from Lihou's expression. The gold coins can even detect that Liou's eyes have a deep scruples.

It may be that the mother and the child have been separated for too long, so the illusion arises.

"The Ghost King is a good person," the gold coin no longer thought carefully, and asked Li Li's next plan.

Despite the mentality that the two tigers can hardly bear the two tigers, the gold coins do not like the ghost king, and the man almost killed Yunsheng.

However, he also sees the score, Nether Ghost King, is sincere to Li Hou.

Although Lihou condensed her soul, after all, she was a ghost and could not return to the human world.

There is a ghost king here to take care of her, but Ye Beiming is more at ease. He hopes that his mother can let go of her heart and disappointment with men, and accept the ghost king.

A hint of aura flashed on Lihou's beautiful face.

Fang Cai, in front of the ghost ghost king, she deliberately pretended to be cold, but her heart was very tormented.

For more than ten years, although she was alive and unclear, she did not know everything that happened outside, but she knew that there was a man who had been carefully caring for her.

While she was playing the piano, the man sat quietly aside. When she was in a daze, the man accompanied him in a daze.

In this life, Li experienced three men.

The first one, Da Zhou Ye Di, got the most sincere feelings of her girlhood, but Ye Chengtian was also the deepest person after the injury.

The second one is Obsidian, the head of the black unicorn clan. Obsidian's love for Li Hou is more like a plunder. Li Hou's life was also destroyed by Obsidian.

After going through these two men, Li Hou thought that he would not be tempted by any other men. Unexpectedly, after her death, he met the ghost ghost king.

Speaking of strength, Nether Ghost King is even better than Ye Di and Obsidian.

But for Lihou, he was a redemption.

"He is a good person, I will stay in the underworld," Li Hou also understood that staying beside the ghost king is the most suitable choice for her today.

Although she still hasn't fallen in love with Ghost King, she has got used to the man, and the feeling of being around her, she will try to fall in love with him for countless years.

"Bump," there was a mumble outside the door.

Ye Beiming and Li Hou couldn't help but smile. Ye Beiming had long discovered that when the mother and the son were in close conversation, the ghost king also sneaked behind.

It's funny to think of a ghost as a thief.

Li Hou smiled back her lips, but when she saw Ye Beiming's eyes, her smile seemed far-fetched.

"People are gone. You, what do you want to ask, even if you ask, I already knew that this day will come," Li Hou sighed. Sure enough, things still couldn't hide.

Ye Beiming was much sharper than she thought.

"My father is really obsidian?" Ye Beiming's words were only addressed to the Nether Ghost King. Sure enough, the other party got a satisfactory answer and left.

"He obsidian is not worthy," Li Houyi suddenly changed his expression when he heard Obsi's name.

For Lihou, Obsidian is the biggest nightmare of her life. ""

"Did you say...I am Ye Chengtian's son?" Ye Beiming's face was a bit gloomy.

"You really don't remember anything at all? You are not Obsidian's son, or Ye Chengtian's son, you are not even my son," Li Hou sighed.

Ye Beiming was shocked suddenly.

"How is it possible? You are not my mother-in-law, then me, who am I?"

"This matter, I have to talk about it more than 20 years ago. At that time, I just married Ye Chengtian. It was just a young age, and my brain was full of so-called sons and daughters..." Li Hou looked sad. , Said softly.

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