Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

When Ye Beiming was a childish child, he was ignored by his father and emperor because of blindness. He has been studying hard the piano art, listening to what he said, hoping to get a touch of love.

After Li Hou's death, he learned that he was Obsidian's son. His temperament changed greatly, and he once lived in the cold palace.

Later, he was determined to avenge Li Hou, he began to accept the forces that Li Hou left in his early years, and then further expanded.

He forced Gong Ye Cheng Tian Tian, ​​and eventually became the regent king of Da Zhou, he and Obsidian played several times, all of this, because he wanted to avenge his "mother".

But in the end, all this is nothing.

Whether it was Ye Chengtian, Obsidian, or the woman in front of him, it had nothing to do with him.

What he has done over the years is a joke.

In Jin Eyes, there is sadness and anger, and at that moment, resentment almost overwhelmed Ye Beiming's reason.

He stepped back step by step and laughed loudly, and there was only a cold in his heart. Then who is he and why was he born?

"Xin'er! You listen to me explain that although I am not your mother-in-law, although I was initially afraid of you, but as you grew up a little bit, I looked at you sensible and cute, I really regarded you as my own Son. After I died, I came to the underworld, and I was not assured that you were alone in Dazhou, so I..." Li Hou said here, his voice was choked.

Yes, Ye Beiming was not her blood, but she was born in October.

In the time when I was pregnant with Ye Beiming, Li Hou thought that a monster might be born, and I was afraid, and even tried to quietly kill this unknown child.

But every time, when she was ready to start, she couldn't get down.

Gradually, her belly grew bigger, and Qing Ma always said happily: "Queen empress, look at your belly, this must be a boy."

As the belly beats day after day, Li can hear the heartbeat of the child in the belly.

Slowly, for him, she also had a similar feeling to mother and son.

Especially when she gave birth to Ye Beiming, she was found to be a blind man, and his body was surprisingly weak.

At that time, Li thought, maybe, everything about Qilin Wangzuo is just a dream.

This child has nothing to do with that cold and merciless kindness.

Holding this idea, Lihou began to take care of Ye Beiming like a mother.

But probably shortly after Ye Beiming learned to walk, Li found out that there was a five-line dharma soul in this child, and his talent for martial arts was also surprisingly good.

Li Hou also noticed that his body was weakening a little bit.

At that time, she had to wake up. The fact is the fact. This child is indeed formed by the mysterious voice of the black unicorn king mound.

I just don't know what the reason is, when that voice became a fetus, it sealed off part of the memory.

Li regretted that it was too late, but everything was too late.

She could only count the days, and began to use the power and financial resources left by her natal family to cultivate her own strength and Beimingwei.

After Li Hou said all this, Ye Beiming remained silent.

Li Hou also seemed very embarrassed. She knew that all her words sounded like she was justifying her. For a while, Ye Beiming must not be able to listen.

"The Ghost King said that you tried to break through the Zhenmo formation many times when you were in the Zhenmo Stone Tablet. Is it for me? Why? Are you afraid of me repenting and forgetting the agreement with you that year to help you revenge? Rest assured, although I don’t I remember what I said, but your hatred, I have already reported half of it for you," Ye Beiming raised his eyes, his voice shivering slightly.

"No, it's not what you think it is. I attacked the Demonic Array because I regret it. Ye Chengtian or Obsidian, they are all my enemies and have nothing to do with you. I'm afraid You are like me, because of hatred, you lost your reason, and missed your own life. But... when I saw Yun Sheng, my heart was put down. I know, you will never be the same as your mother. Road," Li Hou's tears dimly, but a smile of relief lingers from the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, her child met such a woman.

The woman who possesses the pure Shenhuo like the Shenlianyehuo can surely accompany Ye Beiming to the end.

"You can deny me my mother-in-law, but the mother always reminds you that although you don't know your origin, if you want to find out your life experience, it is best to go to the black unicorn tribe." Li Hou wiped Wipe the red and swollen eyes.

Lihou knew that all these years, he had caused great harm to Ye Beiming, making him carry his hatred for no reason and lived for so many years.

But she was just a ghost, and there was nothing to make up for.

The only thing she could tell Ye Beiming was the suggestion.

Li Hou once sent someone to investigate the Qilin Wangzuo, but there was no clue.

However, since it is possible to enter the Kirin King Mound, the predecessor of Beiming that night should also be a person from the Black Kirin tribe. This is beyond doubt.

"I have already thought about this. Today, I don't want a third person to know, including... Yunsheng," Ye Beiming listened to Li Hou's explanation and felt a little comfortable.

But it was difficult for him to explain this to Yun Sheng.

Who is he? I am afraid that he can only know the truth after the investigation of the black unicorn tribe.

Li Hou sighed. She really did not talk to the third person about this matter.

Ye Beiming and Li Hou went to Yunsheng's house after being separated.

After getting used to sleeping with the stray cat, he used to sleep with her, and once separated from her, at night, he would inevitably fall asleep.

Standing outside the door, listening to the house, the little wild cat breathing gently, Ye Beiming knew that she was still meditating.

At the moment, Ye Beiming was in a state of confusion, and he did not want to disturb Yun Sheng, so he simply turned around and left.

Not long after Ye Beiming left, the Piaoyang sheep who went to Mingri to inquire about the news had already contacted Mingri. As for the thing that Piaoyang used to contact Mingri, it should be the "powder broken bones". jade.

Earlier, Pang Pang Yang thought that he could get rid of Mingyu forever.

Where did you know that after Ming Sun left, Piao Pang Yang found that the strange Jade Jade actually returned to its original condition and returned to it.

However, with Mingyu, it becomes much more convenient to find the Ming Day.

You only need to read the voice of Midday to communicate with him.

"Midday, come out soon!"

It was only after the sound of the sheep's words fell, and there was a situation of a harem in front.

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