Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1187: "Yuba" Ye Beiming

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Yun Sheng is a transparent person.

She won, she was not arrogant, she lost, and she accepted.

She was disappointed earlier, just because of a moment of frustration, and now she was a little bit by the bang sheep, and she immediately understood her mind and learned the trick.

In the dark night, Yun Sheng's eyes sparkled.

The idea of ​​getting stronger is deeply rooted in her mind.

It's just that Yun Sheng also realized that getting stronger is not as simple as she imagined.

Especially today, after seeing the power of Wuhu, she already understood that improving magic alone does not mean that she can run on the Eight Continents without hindrance.

What should she do if she encounters a magically immune body of Warcraft.

It’s not every time that I can be so lucky to catch up with the enemies that are befriending and summoning the beast.

"Dear Master, have you forgotten that the demon **** taught to you by that big pervert in the underworld has changed?" Biao Yang reminded.

"Boom, I have said it many times. The ghost ghost king is now my famous master, don't bite a big pervert," Yun Sheng listened amused and funny.

"Anything related to the underworld, anyway, are all good things for the gods and horses," said the sheep.

Although it doesn't like everything related to the Underworld, well, it must be said that the magic called "Magic God Change" invented by the ghost king who is comparable to the upper **** is quite good.

"The demon **** change is just an unfinished magic, it can really contend that the witch and fox call the witch beast summoning technique like the witchcraft and the summoning?" Yun Sheng was puzzled.

"Dear master, don’t forget, Nether Ghost King is a big metamorphosis. Of course, the magic he comprehends will also be a bit abnormal. The demon **** is changed. Although it is a kind of magic, it is also a kind of refining powerful devil physique. Magic. It can strengthen your physique, so that you gradually have a demon **** body similar to the ghost ghost king. In short, if you have been practicing for a long time, there is a certain chance that you have an immortal demon body," When the sheep thought of it, the dear master could be just like himself, and he was very happy that he would not die.

The disgusting heart of Nether Ghost King is a little bit smaller.

Boom, but to be the summoning beast of the master forever.

Yun Sheng did not expect that the demon **** can actually make people have an immortal body.

Immediately, she began to meditate and cultivate the demon.

The same night, somewhere in the Eight Continents.

In the almost luxurious building complex, there are eight palaces, the palace is very luxurious, and the winding path is deep.

The beams carved with the Warcraft Totem, and the golden bath, the holy water seemed to boil and rushed into Jin Qilin's body like crazy.

As Shengshui invaded the body of Jin Qilin a little, the limbs, which were originally full of scales, became palms and ankles.

Slender limbs, **** wheat-colored skin, seductive eyes, long black men's hair, wet hanging on the collarbone, a little lazy.

Some men are born with blue face and bad luck. One look and one breath can't be ignored.

Obviously he is a very evil man, but there is another force in his body that makes people have to retreat from Sanshe.

Just sitting in the bath, the man's body exuded a lonely arrogance of the king that could not be suddenly realized.

These two breaths, mixed together, instead formed an indescribable sense of oppression.

After being cursed by Kirin for several years, Ye Beiming finally returned to human form.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Ye Beiming's trip to the Eight Continents was far more difficult than he thought.

The reason for this situation is the magic machine

According to Ye Beiming's earlier estimate, after he and Yun Sheng were separated, they should have arrived at the beast altar of the Eight Continents and completed the baptism. The Divine Machine used the ghost ghost king to save people's hearts, attempting to build a second town demon array in the underworld. After the deeds were revealed, he escaped the disaster by relying on fake death.

I thought that under the cover of Ye Beiming, I could escape from the underworld.

Where do you know that his every move can hide the ghost king, but he can't hide the **** of the underworld, the dark day.

While traveling to the teleportation formation of the Eight Wastelands, halfway there was a corpse of gods.

The general of the army in front of the constellation of the sun, forced Ye Beiming to hand over the magic machine.

Ye Beiming disagreed.

With one person's strength, he evaded the Ten Thousand Gods Army. On this way, Rao Shiye Beiming was also seriously injured, and almost broke into the Underworld.

Losing this man also gave birth to a fate, and finally stunned and seriously wounded to the Eight Continents.

As soon as he arrived in the Eight Wastelands, the **** machine was like a fish, and the people in the animal beast altar rescued the two.

For this reason, Ye Beiming also missed the best time to meet with Yunsheng.

During the baptism of Holy Water, Ye Beiming closed his eyes, and behind him stood two figures, two eyes, and fell behind Ye Beiming’s body and **** machine to recover his flesh, and he planned to immediately threaten himself earlier. Ye Beiming had thousands of swords and knives. Where did you know that this kid who had only one breath left? I didn't know what to say to the first priest.

Instead of killing him, the first priest was willing to help him get baptized.

This matter, God Machine can't think of it at this moment.

The second priest, Shen Zi, stared at Ye Beiming's back with a dark gaze.

"Boss, you really used so much holy water to baptize this kid, are you not afraid that he will bite us back?" Shen Jizi felt terrified of Ye Beiming.

The second priest **** machine of the beast altar is also an old traitor.

He is good at calculations, and has been lurking in the underworld for so many years, and has never shown his feet.

This time, Ye Beiming and the unidentified humanoid female magician cut into the foot, causing his plan to fall short.

This matter is a stain on his life for God Machine.

With an uproar, Ye Beiming stood up from the bath. He wore a robe of the same color as the night.

Few people are so suitable for black.

The man in front of him is inherently black.

The golden scales of his body had faded, but the golden pupils had not changed at all.

On the other party, that breath of breath made the first priest, shrouded in the pupil under the hat, shrank heavily.

"Thank you," Ye Beiming's voice was a bit lazy.

The sound is like a night scent blooming in the dark night.

The voice hasn't fallen, others are already several feet away, but it means to leave.

"Wait, good boy, you really think that my beast altar is wherever I come, and wherever I go," Shen Jizi became furious.

This surnamed Ye really regarded the beast altar as a bathhouse. He came to take a bath, patted his ass, and left. This is a bath tyrant.

There is no such thing as cheap in the world!

~ Regarding the update, there have been many complaints recently. I feel I have to explain to you that Fuzi has encountered a major change in her work. In addition to preparing for the transition of new and old books, the latest update can only be temporary. After I deal with good things and get my mood in order, I will try to write more. In addition, there are indeed too many imperfections in this book. Thank you for always insisting on subscribing to the reward voting message to encourage everyone, tearful eyes~

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