Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1192: Explore Cangdu at night

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Cangdu is one of the ten capitals of the Tianhu tribe.

Beneath Cangdu, it governs nearly a hundred towns of the same size as Crescent Springs.

The city guard of Cangdu, named Huyue, was a few years older than Fox's blood, about forty years old.

Huyue's mother was from the Tianhu tribe Wang clan, and her father was from the Tianhu tribe big family, so his identity was very prominent, and he was entrusted to the city of Cangdu.

His strength is much stronger than that of Hu Yi, and his strength is roughly equivalent to that of Wushen. He is a very difficult character.

However, Huyue also has a big disadvantage, he is reckless in his work, and he is not good at conspiracy.

Such a person is obviously not enough for such an important role as the city guard, so the Huyue family spent a lot of energy and invited a military division, which is what Dr. Zhao said earlier, Cangdu Military Division, He Lai .

"He Lai is also a half-orc. Although he is not proficient in martial arts and does not know high magic, he is from an ancient orc. This group is now a single orphan, but in history, Zeng Shengji was once the most famous strategist on the Eight Wasteland Orcs." Although Dr. Zhao is still somewhat hostile to the Orcs, he is quite respectful when he mentions Helai.

Since He Lai arrived in Cangdu, Cang Da has experienced dozens of battles and various beast tides, but each time, he was resolved by He Lai.

"Moreover, every time Cangdu’s losses are very small, even there have been no records of casualties. Therefore, in the country of the Tianhu tribe, there is a saying,'There is only one person, Wanfu Mokai' "Dr. Zhao is here, and his face is a little bit heavier.

Such a character guarding Cangdu, Master Yun even threatened to conquer Cangdu within a month. This is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

"Oh, Doctor Zhao, is it true that you are the only one who has closed the door, and you won't know until you fight. After listening to you, I really want to have a meeting at Nahe Lai," Yun Sheng raised his brow slightly. A mouthful of intriguing smile opened in his mouth.

Calculate the time, at this moment, Queen of Night Charm has arrived in Cangdu.

"Queen of Night Charm, how is Cangdu?" Yun Sheng's consciousness turned.

"Master, before and after sunset, you should be able to reach Cangdu. On the way, you didn't encounter any soldiers who came from Cangdu," the voice of Queen Yemei entered Yunsheng's mind.

As for whether the crane is round or flat, it should bring news soon.

It turned out that Yun Sheng had long known that she was too unfamiliar with the situation of Cangdu, so she sent the Queen of Night Charm early in the morning and rushed to Cangdu.

"After you arrive in Cangdu, first figure out the whereabouts of two people, one is the city guard of Cangdu. There is another one, He Lai. Especially the latter, be sure to record all his words and deeds for the past few days. Come down."

The queen of night charm has a dark complexion. In the dark night, she is best at concealment. She is clever and clever. It is most appropriate to send her to check the news.

The Queen of Night Charm rushed to the road, and after a day and night, before and after the palm lights, arrived in Cangdu.

Cangdu, compared to Crescent Lake Town, has a population of nearly 100,000 and a vast territory.

After searching for the Queen of Night Charm, she quickly set her sights on the most luxurious mansion in the city.

In the city guarding the palace, the night charm queen murmured words, and saw her exquisite figure flickered, her body suddenly shrunk a lot, and turned into a moth-sized ghost.

She shuddered her wings and found it in the Cangdu City Guard House.

The Queen of Night Charm had good luck. After searching for a while, she discovered the city guarding Fox Yue.

Fox Yue is a mediocre Fox man. At the moment, he is sitting in the main hall of Chengshou Mansion.

There are also two men in the main hall.

One of the two men, the Queen of Night Charm, knew it, the orc doctor who had fled in the crescent town of Crescent Lake earlier.

As for the other person, he only looks at his age, but he is in his early thirties.

The Queen of Night Charm flew silently into the main hall and landed on an illuminated magic array. Her appearance was no different from that of a normal moth.

At this moment, the Orc physician said.

"City guardian, Crescent Spring Town has been captured for many days, and please send your troops to support."

On that day, the Orc doctor saw that the situation was wrong and escaped secretly. I thought that after arriving in Cangdu, the city guard of Cangdu would immediately attack.

Where do you know that Huyue has been standing still.

It's been almost ten days in the past, and the city guard hasn't seen to attack Crescent Spring Town.

"This matter, this city guard has also heard about it. He Lai, what do you think?" Hu Yue, as Dr. Zhao told Yun Sheng earlier, is a man with no chest.

Let him go to the battlefield, but if you want to talk about the use of troops, Hu Yueke will not work, he has always relied on the help of He Lai, this time is no exception.

"The crane thought that it was necessary to stay intact. The human race was weak, even if it was temporarily condensed because of the strength of one person, but it must be divided for a long time, and there are a large number of Orcs in the Crescent Spring town. Even if the human race can rely on external forces to temporarily suppress, But it will inevitably cause another riot." The beautiful Confucian man said leisurely.

"What a cunning half-orc, no wonder these days, Cangdu has not sent troops. It was originally intended to make the half-orc den in Crescent Spring town counter." The Queen of Night Charm heard it clearly.

"Master Helai, you don't know that the woman who killed the mayor is very strong. The orc warriors in the town, nine out of ten, have been killed or captured by her." But he witnessed Yun Sheng's power with his own eyes.

Even the blood of the fox with the inheritance of the Sky Fox was killed by her.

Not to mention the stupid half-orcs in town.

"He Lai, the town of Crescent Moon Spring is a poor town, but it is a town after all, and there is a crescent moon well in the town. If it is really occupied by the human race, the news spread out, I am afraid that it will attract other towns. Distracted." Hu Yue also waited more than ten days, he also felt that it was time to shoot.

The human race, that kind of ants like existence, dare to spread wild on his site, he must strangle the local human race.

"City guardian, a small crescent moon town, there is no need to use the strength of Cangdu. There are two plans for the crane, and the combination of the two measures will definitely retake the crescent moon town. The adults can rest assured that it does not need one month, and the crane will not need one. The soldiers were able to recapture the town of Crescent Moon Spring," He Lai is also full of confidence.

The people from the Promise Continent, no matter where the other party is sacred, those who underestimate Cangdu must pay a heavy price.

"As it is, you just let it go and the city guard is waiting for your good news," Huyue laughed.

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