Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1197: The event of the fox saints (Part 1)

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With the help of He Lai, after arriving in Cangdu, Yun Sheng took no effort to control Hu Yue.

"He Lai! You mean half-orc, dare to cope with me with a mean human race, you wait and see, the people of the Tianhu tribe, will not let you go."

In the Cangdu City Guard House, the five big and thick foxes were **** by the five flowers, and he yelled at He Yunsheng and Lai.

Gradually, his voice became like a mosquito bite, and his eyes gradually shattered, and in the end, it became a puppet.

"Master, how amazing!" Xiao Yingying was shocked when he first saw Hu Yue.

However, as Yun Sheng's corpse puppetry gradually worked, Yingying saw that Hu Yue had become a puppet with no personal consciousness. In her eyes, fear had been replaced by excitement.

Together with Piao Piao, she surrounded Huyue, squeezed east and west, and treated him like a big toy.

"Bao Biao, Yingying, you two should stop playing. Biao Biao, you first take Yingying to meditation and practice the jade jade skills," Yun Sheng's face was big.

The acceptance ability of her baby apprentice is far better than she thought.

In particular, she was also mixed with Biao Biao, the two of them along the way, no less poke Lou Zi.

One person, one sheep and one face left reluctantly.

"He Lai, Hu Yue has been controlled. After he became a puppet, his daily behavior and deeds are no different from ordinary people. You only need to manipulate him secretly as before," Yun Sheng’s role of Jin Ping Tong is permanent. Unless Yun Sheng lifts himself, Hu Yue will be like this for life.

"Master Yun, the problem of Huyue is solved, but I just found a letter from Hu Du," He Lai said, and took out a letter.

The letter was just received by Huyue. Due to the appearance of Yun Sheng and He Lai, he hadn't had time to reply.

It was an urgent letter. It was written that Cangdu was sent to Hudu to participate in the selection of the three candidates for the Sky Fox Saint Girl. Halfway down, he was assassinated.

"Hu Du? Tianhu Shengnv? What's the matter?" Yun Sheng couldn't help thinking about the candidate Tianhu Shengnv.

"Hu is the capital of the nation of the Tianhu tribe. As for the selection of the virgin daughter of the tianhu tribe, it is to elect a new virgin of the tianhu tribe. A few years ago, the previous sage of the fox maiden fox Sheng disappeared bizarrely, and his whereabouts are still unknown. According to the rules of the Tianhu tribe, the last saint was missing or died for three years before he could choose a new saint. This time, the elders proposed that the presbytery adopt a folk selection model for all days in the eight capital cities. Fox girls can participate," He Lai answered truthfully.

The celestial celestial fox, in the country of the celestial fox tribe, has a distinguished status, and its status is second only to the patriarch and elders.

The selection of saints has been very cautious. The eight major capitals of the Tianhu tribe will select the corresponding candidates to go to Hudu, accept the assessment, and select the final candidate.

If it is a certain capital city, it is a glory for the entire capital city that a sky fox woman can be chosen as a saint.

Cangdu is no exception. In this selection, Hu Yue and He Lai were also carefully selected.

"These saints were all pure foxes from Tianhu, and they were all famous in Cangdu. They went to Hudu all the way and were strictly guarded. Unexpectedly, they died on the way." He Lai saw the letter. It's also a tricky face.

"That's the case, just select three more people," Yun Sheng disagreed.

"Sir Yun, you don't know, this is already the first batch of women sent to Hudu. About half a month ago, three people were sent to Hudu. Last time, he was also assassinated," He Lai Shake his head more than.

Saint Fox, even if it is only a candidate, is also an honor.

According to the regulations of the Tianhu Tribe, the Heavenly Fox Saint must meet several conditions.

He has a Tianhu ancestry, an unmarried virgin, aged between sixteen and twenty-five, with a clean family and beautiful appearance.

At that time, when the selection criteria for this saint woman in Cangdu were announced, countless celestial foxes and aristocratic women from all over Cangdu rushed to compete for the selection of this celestial woman.

At that time, Hu Yue and He Lai were also eye-catching, and then selected a few suitable candidates.

They rejoiced, and sent the three saints to Hudu, who had chosen to go there. It didn't take long for people to send them out, and bad news came.

The three saints were chosen, and even the guards who escorted them to Hudu were all killed and none survived.

In desperation, Cangdu had to conduct another selection of saints.

But the news of the bizarre killing of the three saints has already been spread. During the second selection, the number of people who came to sign up for the selection of the saints suddenly decreased by 50%.

After all, although the celestial celestial fox is glorious, those women born in the pure genre of the fox are reluctant to die for nothing.

"Master Yun, plus this time, six virgin girls have already been selected. It is you, and you are not willing to risk your daughter and send it to Hudu," He Lai has a headache right now. The three selections of the Virgin, what should I do.

"This matter is a little weird. Who is the perpetrator, and for what purpose, is there no clue?" Yun Sheng felt wrong when he heard it.

"There is no clue, the other party comes and goes without a trace, and the start is very fierce, and I don't leave any live mouth or clue every time. I have already asked people to inquire, several other cities, sent to the holy woman of Hudu There was something wrong with the election. I am afraid that this time, the other party was selected for the sacred girl of the Tianhu tribe," He Lai calculated the time, only half a month away from the time the candidate sage woman requested by Hu Du .

Under the helplessness of He Lai, he could only daringly publish the announcement of the third selection of Saints.

Unsurprisingly, after undergoing two bizarre assassinations, the fiercely contested Candid Candidate was selected and suddenly became a monk.

Five days after the announcement, the number of candidates for the Tianhu Saint Maiden who came to register turned out to be only ten pitiful people.

"These people are really too unsatisfactory," He Lai grumbled at the information of the candidates.

Among the women, most of them are mediocre in appearance and average in strength. To make matters worse, one of them is still lame.

If such a person was sent to Hudu, even if the Elder Tianhu would not get angry, Cangdu would be laughed at by the other capitals.

But if he didn’t choose among these people, where would he go, and in half a month, he would find three more people who were willing to participate in the selection of Saints.

"He Lai, are the people you selected all pure Tianhu?" Yun Sheng looked at the information of the new Saint Woman and coughed a few times.

Even as a woman, she feels that these new saints are really too bad to choose. No wonder He Lai, who is a good talker, can't stand it anymore.

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