Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1202: Run into an assassin

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The sun is getting higher and the hot sun is shining on people's eyes.

On the official road, hundreds of people, plus dozens of veterinary vehicles, have been standing still.

"The two girls have just got the news, and there was another incident of assassination of the candidate saint on the official road, and this time, the plot is extremely bad. Master He Lai ordered someone to send a message for the innocence and safety of the girls. Let's change our way. Girl Hua Yanluo is worried about delaying her journey and is unwilling to change her way.

Qin Yue heard that another candidate for the saint had been killed, and she was disfigured and innocent, her face changed.

"Now that's the case, then change your way so that you don't encounter an assassin," she glanced at Fenglian aside.

"After the diversion, they are all rugged trails, even veterinary vehicles can not be used, you need to walk on foot, if you want to go, I don't want to go," Hua Yanluo gave Qin Yue a glance.

When I heard that she was going to walk on the mountain road, Qin Yue's face was pale, and her family was average. This time, she also spent a lot of money to prepare such a line. If you walk on the mountain road, how can you meet people after you reach the arc? .

"Then, let's decide, Fenglian, do you want to take the official road or the mountain road?" Qin Yue is also smart. She looked at Hua Yanluo and Qianlang's complexion and knew that it was not good to offend on both sides, so she asked. Fenglian comes.

Hua Yanluo snorted, and she knew that Qin Yue was a clump of grass. This woman was not a good thing at first glance.

Although Fenglian is also a hybrid of Tianhu, she is different from Qinyue who likes to please people. She hasn't opened her mouth a few times along the way, nor has she brought a maid. The whole person is like a block of ice, cold.

But somehow, Hua Yanluo dare not look down upon her.

"What if there is an assassin, just kill it," Fenglian just put aside the hard words, and turned back without looking back.

"Have you heard? Do not the three of us walk down the mountain road, or say, you want to **** the empty car to Hudu," Hua Yanluo looked smug, and got on the car with the corner of his clothes.

"Since both sisters have already made the decision, Qin Yue also follows them," Qin Yue said softly.

This is awkward for a thousand wolves, whether Master Helai's orders listen or not.

If you don’t listen, none of these three candidates will be willing to leave.

"Everyone has decided, and the guest is willing to do whatever I want. I'm not going to force it. It's just the Thousand Wolfs, and you need to be more vigilant along the way," Yun Sheng pointed at the Fenglian's beast car meaningfully.

Fang Cai, if he read right, when referring to the assassin, Fenglian's body seemed to radiate a breath of murderousness.

Three women and one play, these three women, are all uneasy masters.

It seems that this road will not be too peaceful.

In this way, the beast car turned its direction, and went to the official road according to the original plan.

Three days later, the official road was peaceful all the way, and the veterinary car had already traveled nearly half of the way.

"Several girls, it’s not too early today. There is a lake in front of us. We have already found a man to lead us across the lake. Please ask some girls to get off first. There is a town after the lake. Tonight, we are in the town Overnight." Qianlang looked at the wide lake.

On the lake, there are only a few merchant ships, and there is no view at all. Such a place is not easy to ambush assassins.

He breathed a sigh of relief and caught several veterinary vehicles over several cargo ships.

Several women, including Yun Sheng, boarded a relatively luxurious boat.

After Yun Sheng got on the boat, he glanced around.

She has been alert to find that there are a few bad breaths on this ship.

It's time to come.

At this moment, the prince of the rowing boat was sharp, and suddenly burst out, punching Thousand Wolfs.

The chilling murderousness, like lightning, shocked in the heart of the thousand wolves. He took two steps violently, his hands thumped twice, and his hands became wolf claws.


The two punched each other across the air, and the whole ship shook.

"There are assassins to protect Yunyi and the three candidate saints!"

Thousands of wolves' words fell, and the orc warriors on the ship had scattered in every corner, protecting several women.

The noses of Hua Yanluo and Qinyue were almost crooked.

This thousand wolves is a bad brain, and it is said that protecting Yun doctor girl, the humble half-orc doctor girl, can be compared with them.

"I don't need your protection," Fenglian's face remained the same.

I saw her waving her sleeves, and a strong wind rolled towards the nearest assassin.

The air was torn apart in an instant, and the assassin screamed before it was too loud. He shattered his heart with Fenglian's palm and threw it out.

"It's time to wait for you, and say, was it you who killed the guard last time!" Feng Lian's cold face was flushed.

"Ji Jie, good strength, and spicy enough. Xiaomei, which time did you say? The uncles have killed too many Tianhu guards, don't remember it," Hei Tuxi took off his mask and asked to take off his mask. Come.

It was a half-orc man with triangular eyes, and he was extremely evil.

His forehead is marked by a dark blue lightning flash.

"Thunderbolt!" When he saw the mark, Qian Lang's expression changed suddenly, and he said silently.

The Thunder Devil is a famous killer on the Eight Wastelands.

He is a half-orc of the Lei Pengbird family. Because of his lust, he has raped many women of his own family and was chased and killed by the tribe.

However, because he is proficient in super thunder magic, he has used magic to escape many times. In these years, he has assembled a group of traitors from various tribes on the mainland to work as a killer.

"Jian Jie, you are called Qianlang, right? You have good eyesight. You will leave you a whole corpse if you recognize this uncle," Thunder Demon lay in ambush, killing many Tianhu tribes. People.

The woman of the Tianhu tribe is also the most beautiful among the big tribes. The Thunder Demon has repeatedly destroyed the flowers. This time, he met Cangdu’s team of **** candidates. He followed him all the way until he reached the waterway before secretly shooting. .

He did not expect that the wolves of the **** team were masters, and even Fenglian, one of the candidates, was not weak.

After seeing the face full of lewdness of the Thunder Demon Lord, Hua Yanluo and Qin Yue felt regretful that their intestines were green.

Knowing this before, they would rather walk the mountain road than to meet such a thorny thunder dweller.

Only Fenglian is still a face of hatred.

"No matter what your origin is, I only know that you killed my elder brother and I want to avenge him!" Fenglian came to run for the Saint this time, the main reason is to avenge her.

Her eldest brother, Feng Wei, was the general who was in charge of escorting the second batch of Cangdu candidate saints into Hudu. He and the 100 soldiers under him were all gone.

"Haha, it's such a big tone, this uncle gives you insight, my real strength of the Thunder Demon Residence!" Jackie, wearing a hat, gave a sensational laugh.

He and several men suddenly turned around and jumped out of the boat.

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