Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 219 Principal, admonishment

Remember for a second【】

Huo Yao raised his eyebrows, then looked at Meng Ying, pursed his lips and smiled, and then returned to his normal voice, "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

"Yes...Pfft, it's actually true?" Meng Ying guessed in his heart, but hearing it with his own ears is another matter.

When she met Lu Xia at the school gate some time ago, she just thought that the big sister and Lu Xia were relatives. She never expected to have such a relationship.

Meng Ying touched the tip of her nose, "So, this Lu Xia deliberately framed you because of your good academic performance, and wanted you to stay in No. 1 Middle School... I'll go, I'll just say that every time I see this Lu Xia Xia pretends to be pretty, and it really is a white lotus."

Even though he had already returned to his wealthy parents, his adoptive parents had nothing to do with him anymore, and he was still thinking about adopting his parents' biological daughter. This jealousy was too strong.

"This only shows that I'm too good." Huo Yao said proudly, pulling the broken hair behind his ear.

Shade who was caught off guard and was critically hit: "..."

Can you still understand it this way?

Seeing Meng Ying's stunned look, Huo Yao raised his hand, put it on her shoulder, and turned the person back, "Listen carefully to the principal's admonition."

The principal on the stage didn't talk too much nonsense, and went directly to the theme of the school meeting. The content of the theme really was about the post on the forum that violated the rules of the Huo Yao competition.

Because the post made a lot of noise in the forum, even if the school wanted to suppress it, it was too late, not to mention that after reading the post yesterday, the principal never thought of suppressing it.

As a student he personally recruited, Huo Yao was maliciously speculated and slandered one after another within a month of entering the first high school. This was not only a slander of an ordinary student, but a provocation to the school's discipline and rules.

There is no doubt about the decision-making ability and the majesty of speech of those who can sit in the position of the principal of a century-old school with a long history.

In just 20 minutes of speech, almost all the students who participated in the discussion of the post yesterday were dripping with cold sweat and felt ashamed of themselves.

Especially Chang Yingying, her whole body seemed to be filled with lead, heavy, confused, and her head was buzzing, because she posted the post, and every word the principal said meant that those who spread rumors behind the scenes would be severely punished. Be exemplary.

Although the post was posted anonymously, she was in a state of disarray at this time and felt uneasy for no apparent reason.

If the school wants to check,

It's impossible not to find her.

Chang Yingying set her eyes on Lu Xia, who was standing in front, and couldn't help pulling her sleeves with her hands.

At this time, Lu Xia was also very irritable in her heart, and when she noticed Chang Yingying's actions, she turned slightly to the side, and her face no longer had the usual warmth.

Chang Yingying was frightened by the principal's words, so she didn't notice Lu Xia's expression, "Xia Xia, what should I do? The principal said that the person who posted it will be held accountable."

Lu Xia squeezed her fingers and said indifferently, "Did you not consider the consequences before posting?"

"I, I just want to hold injustice for you." Chang Yingying whispered.

"Enough, don't always use me as an excuse, did I make you do this?" Lu Xia said impatiently.

Because of the post, she hadn't slept well last night, so she was afraid that the trouble would get worse. Sure enough, as soon as the school meeting started today, she knew that this time it would not be so easy. .

Chang Yingying bit her lip in disbelief. It was the first time she saw such an impatient Lu Xia.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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