Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1019: Pack Ninja

Thea was furious, she turned into a white light and rushed directly to Zhang Jun. As soon as she made her move, everyone's eyes flashed, and some people whispered: "Purification!"

The archangels of Western religion do not have their own avenues, and their power comes from the power of the heavenly world. Different archangels cannot get power. This kind of power bestowed by heaven is called divine art. Divine art is the same as supernatural power. There is a difference between superior and inferior. Among the divine art performed by Thea, the powerful "purification technique".

Purification technique sounds good, but it is actually a killing technique. One culling can erase the memory of the enemy, turning it into an idiot, and then let it be killed. Purification techniques can generally be performed only by high-ranking archangels. Once they are performed, their power is amazing.

Bai Guang arrived in an instant, and pounced on Zhang Jun. At the moment when the white light hit, Zhang Jun's body vibrated hundreds of millions of times in an instant, forming a storm of torrents, and squeezed it towards the opponent fiercely. Hearing the "crack" noise, the white light suddenly began to twist, and then bounced away like a ball.

After the white light flew out, she transformed into Thea's body again. She looked very embarrassed and her face was pale. Zhang Jun snorted coldly, and said contemptuously, "With your ability, you want to tear me up?"

Thea was frightened and angry. Just now her divine art came into contact with the opponent's power, and she was ruthlessly crushed. That's right, it was crushed, and was bounced off without the strength to fight back.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. They knew the tyranny of Thea, who was in a different place, and they definitely couldn't repel the opponents as easily as Zhang Jun.

The middle-aged Japanese man with the crown on his head suddenly smiled and said, "Isn't this the legendary innate Taoism? You are really powerful. If you can make your body into a puppet, you will definitely become a trump card. ."

Zhang Jun suddenly laughed and said: "Look at you, you look like a dog, you should be the Japanese Emperor Ninja? I heard that you have only one person in the history of the Emperor Ninja in Japan, possessing the strength of the emperor. At the beginning, Shen Tianjun killed Asomu, I am today Don't mind killing you."

"Cut me?" The middle-aged man laughed, "My name is Liu Qiandai, and my father is a master of puppet clan, so I also inherited the talent of puppet refining. Since you claim to kill me, then I will suppress you. Reason."

Zhang Jun laughed "hehe": "Well, it turned out to be a hundred tribes, then you quickly suppress me, I can't wait." Then, he hooked the other side with contempt.

"You are looking for death!" With a wave of the Ninja Emperor's big sleeves, the five-point black glow fell to the ground, and it rose as soon as he knew it, turning into five puppet soldiers. These puppet warriors are all thousands of meters high, and they are all refined with emperor-level figures. And anyone with a discerning eye can see that the five puppets should have been Middle-earth monks before they were alive.

The Middle-earth monks suddenly exploded: "Looking at the costumes of these puppets, they should be from before the Song Dynasty. Where did Shintoism come from?"

As soon as the five puppets appeared, they surrounded Zhang Jun and formed a killing formation. He is very familiar with this type of killing array, which belongs to the five element type killing array, which is extremely powerful. Standing in the killing formation, he stood still, sighed softly, and said, "Is this the skill of a generation of Ninja Emperor?"

The Emperor Ninja hummed heavily: "With him, the Emperor can kill you!"

"You should be using the Five Element Killing Array. I happen to know a set of anti-five element killing arrays, so I will play with you." He said in a relaxed tone, as if he didn't pay attention to the killing array.

Ninja Emperor Liu Qiandai was overjoyed and secretly said: "This man is really arrogant. He doesn't know how powerful my puppet formation is! Because puppets are dead, they can explode their potential regardless of the consequences. Their combat power is stronger than when they were alive. Double the amount! No matter how powerful a Taoist monarch is, it is impossible to escape from this killing battle!"

Thinking of this, he laughed and said: "Junior, die!"


All the five puppets moved, quickly spinning around Zhang Jun, five thick black rays of light rose up into the sky, and then formed a pitch-black fist, blasting down heavily.

As soon as the puppet moved, Zhang Jun also moved. His body instantly turned into five. The five clones were all thousands of meters high, rotating in the opposite direction, and then transformed into a golden light giant palm, which he pushed up fiercely. The black fist collided with the golden palm, the ground shook the mountain, the star and the moon trembled, and the sound like thunder continued for a long time.

The violent air current blows away all nearby masters. The five puppets were shaken open with a punch, and the Five Elements Killing Array was broken. At the same time, Zhang Jun's five avatars merged into one, taking advantage of Ninhuang's astonishment, a flicker came across from him, and shot like lightning.

The Ninja Emperor was shocked and flashed ninety-nine-eighty times at an incredible speed. It was the most excellent escape technique in ninjutsu, called the nine-nine teleport supernatural power. Then, Zhang Jun was faster than him, followed him with flashes eighty times, and finally lifted him up.

A generation of Ninja Emperor, strong and powerful, was held in this way, everyone was shocked. The Japanese Shinto master who had ridiculed Zhang Jun before roared: "Bold! Put down His Majesty Ninja!"

Zhang Jun glanced at the man and asked, "Are you ordering me?"

The man was startled, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and said solemnly: "Friends, if you have something to say, please let them go first."

"It's okay to let people go." Zhang Jun smiled, showing white teeth, "but you can't let me let go, right?"

At this time, someone in the crowd used divine thoughts to transmit: "Uncle, the Japanese Shintoism hides three drops of God of War blood, that is a good thing."

Zhang Jun is stunned, uncle? When did he have a nephew? He glanced at the scene, but could not find the person who passed on the thoughts. After thinking about it, he "hehe" smiled: "I heard that your Shinto religion has three drops of the blood of the **** of war. I just want to make a pot of medicine. I wonder if I can cut my love? "

The Ninja Emperor was held by Zhang Jun, and he suddenly struggled violently after hearing the words: "Bastard! That is the treasure of my Shinto religion, how can I give it to you?"

"No?" Zhang Jun held him with his left hand, and grabbed him directly with his right hand. His congenital Dao, physical and physical, are coexistent, and he directly penetrates into the other's spiritual realm and seizes his avenue. The Emperor Ninja suddenly screamed, trembling all over, and his face turned pale.

Zhang Jun pulled out with a car, and he pulled out a hundred-foot-long, brilliant road law. This Dao law has gradually condensed into a physical law chain. Once the chain is formed, he can become a legendary emperor.

"Good thing." He ignored the screams of the Emperor Ninja, and kept rubbing the rules of the Dao. "This Dao is relatively pure and can be used to refine the'Great Dao Sheng Pill'. This pill is infinitely useful, and one pill can make people manifest. ."

The people around were all moved when they heard the words, and the divine thought came again: "Uncle, your old man is really powerful. Even the legendary pill such as the Daosheng Pill is dared to practice. My nephew admires it."

Zhang Jun couldn't hold back anymore, and asked with divine thought: "Who are you?"

"My nephew's name is Liu Laoshi, and Zong Yuan is a brother to worship." The other party replied.

Zhang Jun immediately remembered. A few years ago, Zong Yuan suddenly took the Tian Cong Yun Sword home. Upon asking, he realized that it was given by a man named Liu Honest, and that man had become a brother with Zong Yuan.

"It turned out to be honest." He nodded and said no more, after all, it is not the time to chat.

However, when Emperor Ninja heard that Zhang Jun was going to use his Dao law to refine alchemy, he almost didn't scare the urine out, which was as vicious as the deity who killed him. With an electric thought in his mind, he shouted: "Okay, give you the blood of the **** of war!"

Zhang Jun was about to speak, and Liu Laoshi passed on three times: "Uncle, don't be cheap, he has a funny thing on his body, so I will take it together."

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