Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1089: Zerg Call

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Although the Great Puppet Technique is powerful, the Insect King is after all a powerhouse in the three-step legend, able to comprehend the will of God. Coupled with the defensive power, it shouldn't have been taken away so easily. However, Zhang Jun, as the emperor of the human race, was blessed by the will of heaven and earth, and the power of the puppet technique was increased countless times. He instantly broke the opponent's state of heaven, wiped out the opponent's soul, and made him a puppet.

The big puppet technique is one of the three most powerful methods left by the old man of heaven. The reason why it is called powerful is that the creatures controlled by the big puppet technique will join the battle by burning vitality, and the strength can be better than normal. Increase two to three times.

Of course, this way of burning vitality also has drawbacks, that is, the puppet can live for a limited time, and can live up to three days. If you experience more intense battles, you can only survive for a few hours.

The mighty insect king was instantly made into a puppet by Zhang Jun, the emperor. It immediately whistled and turned back to kill the insect monster behind it. The three-step legendary powerhouse can control the will of heaven, and it is constantly burning its life potential, and its strength has exploded nearly twice, which is equivalent to three three-step legendary powerhouse shooting at the same time, killing a large number of insects in an instant.

The worms were beaten all at once, how could the powerful king attack them? However, before they could understand, it was turned into fly ash. At the same time, the three-step legendary insect king used the zerg secret technique, and a negative black energy halo appeared on all the worms.

Under the influence of the black halo, the worms' movement speed slowed down and their physical strength increased by about 20%, greatly weakening their combat effectiveness.

Zhang Jun was very satisfied with such an effect the first time he cast the big puppet technique. It's a pity that this technique consumes a lot of money, and the second cast will take an interval of one and a half hours, and it cannot be cast continuously. But this still greatly affected the morale of the worms.

Zhang Jun was not satisfied with such a result. He knew that the Zerg was very powerful and the powerful methods were still to come. He had to gain an advantage as soon as possible to pave the way for the subsequent fight. So while directing the battle, he successively canonized the masters around him with the seal of the Emperor.

The sword emperor Ouyang defeated the sky and was canonized as the Sword Hou; the five thunder emperors were canonized as the five thunder princes; the chaotic emperor was canonized as the Dangmohou; Bai Yujing was canonized as the Ping Yaohou; Xie Tianwang was canonized as the Jingbian Hou; Zhang Wu was canonized as Tian Ji Hou; Hei Ba was canonized as Tian Ji Hou.

In addition, Zhang Jun also canonized his personal guard of the emperor, the highest leader is the prince Zongyuan, who is the commander of the emperor. Under the general command, the ten generals, and the generals command the guards. Most of the canonized guards have emperor-level cultivation bases, and a few of them are legendary emperor-level masters.

The ten generals are the disciples of the three most reliable ultimate awakeners, namely Bai Yujing, Zhang Wu, Xie Tianwang, Hei Ba, Yang Feifan, Bai Xuan, Hadi, and Jun Tianmen.

The guards consist of outstanding members of Juntian warriors and Juntianmen disciples. The total number of ultimate awakeners exceeds three hundred, and the number of advanced awakeners exceeds three thousand. The total of more than 3,000 soldiers formed a powerful force that Zhang Jun could command.

After the soldiers are canonized, they can also get help from the providence. In addition, it is easier to receive the positive blessing of the Emperor's Seal. The Human Emperor Seal can not only gather the power of aspiration and gather the will of heaven, but also transform it into a blessing or curse.

The "blessing" of the Human Emperor Seal is extremely effective for the soldiers, which is several times that of ordinary people. However, it is a pity that Zhang Jun is currently only the next emperor, and there are only so many soldiers he can canonize. When he reaches the middle emperor, he can have up to 100,000 soldiers; the upper emperor has hundreds of millions of soldiers!

Seeing that Zhang Jun possessed more and more power, the Zerg army gradually lost its support. But at this moment, there was a strange and powerful wave in the space crack. Just beside the space crack, another blood-red crack opened, and countless ants rushed out from it.

These ants are smaller than normal ants and can hardly be seen with the naked eye. However, the moving speed of this kind of ant was amazing, and it immediately surrounded a large number of light armor on the front line. The light armor carries a large number of metal weapons.

Seeing the metal, these ants are like starving ghosts when they encounter a good meal, they immediately pounced, swallowing a large amount of metal openings in an instant, and even threatened the safety of light armor.

Zhang Jun was taken aback and immediately ordered Guangjia to retreat. At the same time, he ordered all the fighters to retreat to avoid more casualties.

"What to do?" Zong Yuan clenched his fists, "These ants are so weird, they eat metal! I wonder if they can eat people?"

Zhang Jun opened the Buddha's eyes and looked into the distance, and said in a deep voice, "These ants belong to a weird little world and are called out."

"Summoning technique?" The Chaos Monarch muttered, "Isn't your Majesty also proficient in summoning technique?"

Zhang Jun shook his head: "It's easy to ask God to give it away. That kind of contract is conditional and should not be used lightly." After thinking about it, he sneered, "It's a pity that these ants are too weak. It's hard to resist."

Speaking of this, he released a yellow gourd. After attaining the emperor status, the power of the yellow-skin gourd increased greatly, and a yellow light fell, and the weird ants were sucked into it like a cloud.

The others also tried their best, smashing through many magical powers like hail, causing a large number of ants to die immediately. However, the Zerg's methods have just begun, and the ant's attack has not yet ended, and another wave has occurred, and another purple crack has appeared.

In the purple crack, a large number of huge purple transparent scorpions rushed out. They are as tall as a person and emit purple phosgene from their mouths. The purple light is extremely poisonous, and the air will burn when it encounters it, and the soil will be blackened.

The purple scorpions were also summoned. They merged with the ants and attacked humans. Scorpion's individual strength is relatively strong, and the overall strength is still higher than that of the skeleton warrior. Zhang Jun was caught off guard.

Before Zhang Jun came up with a way to deal with it, a harsh howling sounded from all directions, and for a while, all the worms charged forward like crazy. There was a white halo on their bodies. The moment Zhang Jun saw the halo, Zhang Jun's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Life Chain!"

"What is it?" everyone around asked.

"The defensive power and vitality of these worms are linked together! That is to say, unless we have the ability to kill all worms, they will no longer have any individual casualties!"

"How could this happen!" People were stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Insects are insects after all, it's really stupid!" Zhang Jun sneered, "We can just catch one of the nets!"

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