Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1101: Holy brother

The image of Zhang Jun at this moment is quite different. He wears a white robe with a smile on his face, just like the Father and Mother in the mural, kind and solemn. Seeing Zhang Jun’s projection, the child was taken aback and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Holy Brother." Zhang Jun smiled and said, "I came to the mortal dust specially, and I call you."

"Brother Brother?" The child blinked his beautiful blue eyes, "I have heard of the Father and Son. How come there is a Brother in the world?"

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said: "The Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit are all incarnations of God. As for me, I am the brother of God, and naturally I am the brother of God."

The child was shocked and excited, and immediately bowed to the ground: "Great brother, see you for sinful people."

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and touched the top of it with his hand, and a divine thought was conveyed, telling the children that the "God" today is actually the evil demon Satan, the real "God" is about to appear, and everyone must believe in the real God. Instead of believing in the devil.

The child immediately raised his head and said decisively: "When I grow up, I will definitely become stronger and help'God' defeat the devil Satan!"

In this way, Zhang Jun first manifested the clone, and then projected the clone in front of every citizen in Russia to tell them the truth. The vast majority of people immediately believed what the "holy brother" said, and of course a very small number of people were skeptical.

At this time, Zhang Jun was about to come up with some means. Fortunately, this small number of people can fully cope with his clone.

The whole process lasted about three hours. After three hours, the atmosphere in Russia changed. In the dark, a vast force of faith rose into the sky, most of which was absorbed by Xiaolian. Everyone felt that Xiao Lian's strength was constantly improving, and she became more majestic and unfathomable.

There was also a small part of the power of faith that directly entered Zhang Jun's seal of the emperor, which added a layer of sacred glory to the seal of the emperor. In other words, if he officially has the status of "holy brother", he will have a place in Western religion in the future.

The addition of the power of different beliefs made the emperor's seal change a lot, gained more recognition from the will of heaven, and its energy to act on behalf of the sky became stronger, which Zhang Jun did not expect. At the same time, he also felt that he and Xiao~www.wuxiaspot.com~


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