Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1135: Fiercely

When Zhang Jun's family gathered for a meal, his clone had already driven the Chaos Cauldron into the depths of hundreds of millions of mountains. This time, he only collected the more precious magic medicine or semi-holy medicine along the way. The so-called semi-holy medicine is similar to Zhun Daluo among the monks. It is still a thousand miles away from the holy medicine, but it is far more precious than the magic medicine.

With the depths, Zhang Jun actually collected tens of thousands of semi-holy medicines. As for the number of magical medicines, they are countless, and they are all magical medicines that have been growing over the years and are very powerful. Of course, he also encountered two cyan attacks during this period, but fortunately, he hid in the Chaos Cauldron in time and was not harmed by it.

"What is the origin of this blue light? It can almost sweep Zhun Da Luo, even if my deity comes here, there is no way to resist it. Even the real Da Luo monk may not be able to retreat under the power of the blue light. "He said in his heart, "This mountain is heavy and heavy. Others don't like me to have a chaos cauldron, so they don't dare to go deep."

The scope of the hundreds of millions of mountains is so large that Zhang Jun has been walking for more than a month, but still can't see the edge. Fortunately, according to clues, he is getting closer and closer to the Shennongmen Great World. This made him wonder, how could the great world of Shennongmen be located in the restricted zone of life? What happened that year?

When he finally walked to the core of the billion-dollar mountain, he found that it was a peak, reaching thousands of miles, majestic and majestic, straight into the sky, seeming to pierce a hole in the sky. Standing at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Jun suddenly felt a sense of horror, a great terror, and he subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"What's the matter?" He was taken aback, and immediately took out the Chaos Cauldron to avoid a dangerous incident.

Although his heart was terrifying, he still climbed up, step by step, never stopping. No matter how high the mountain is, it will eventually reach the top. On the top of the mountain, there is a platform with a radius of hundreds of miles, and there is no vitality on it. As soon as his person came up, the whole person was stunned. He saw that the center of the mountain top was completely a twisted spherical space, chaotic, like a bizarre crystal ball.

"What is this? A folded world?" He quickly observed with Buddha's eyes. It doesn't matter if I look at it, my face changed drastically.

It turned out that the Buddha's eyes penetrated layers of obstacles and finally saw the truth in the crystal ball. There are countless hundreds of masters sealed inside, and there are even many existences whose strength is not below him. They vaguely formed a big formation, seeming to want to break some kind of shackles.

He can clearly see that all those who exist are royal families among the hundred races, the Great Desolate Saint Body! What's more terrifying is that these tyrannical sacred bodies seem to have undergone a certain transformation, faintly revealing a spirit of god! Some of the Great Desolate Saints are extremely tall and earth-shattering. It is they who have formed a supreme killing array, constantly attacking the restraints.

Zhang Jun remained motionless for a whole day, until the killing array formed by the Great Desolate Saint Body broke out. "Boom", a wave of blue light emitted from the top of the mountain, sweeping everything, causing the spherical space to tremble.

After the shock, he slowly turned around and looked down at the billions of mountains. I saw that there were countless mountains stretching around the peaks, seemingly irregular, but in fact they formed an extremely complex and powerful array. It is the existence of this large formation that makes the spherical space on the main peak highly condensed, and the terrifying existence inside is tightly trapped.

Although those great sacred bodies kept emitting blue light, trying to destroy the great formation outside, they all failed.

"I understand!" Zhang Jun suddenly realized, "There is no Shennongmen big world at all. After that gateway, it is here!"

From the perspective of the Buddha's eyes, he could see a spiritual vein hidden deep in each mountain. Countless spiritual veins are like the strange array patterns that make up a large array, and they finally form a complex large array, trapping the Great Desolate Saint Body Clan at the core. This is why, the surface of the mountain is covered with herbs, only because the spiritual veins below nourish them.

"When were these great sacred bodies suppressed here? Who suppressed them? All life forbidden areas suppressed the powerful of a hundred races? The three sword lotus was placed here, is it the handwriting of the God of Haotian "Zhang Jun's heart is full of doubts, but unfortunately no one can answer him.

Above the main peak, Zhang Jun sat cross-legged for another day and night. He felt the crisis deeply, so the clone did not stay away, but continued to gather medicine in the hundreds of millions of mountains. These herbs are inspired by spiritual veins, and one crop will give birth to one crop, which is endless. With so many herbs, the pill that the human race takes has fallen.

It was said that Zhang Jun's deity was still with his family in the Juntian small world. Suddenly, the suppressed golden bully began to yell. At first Zhang Jun didn't pay attention to him, but then the other party said loudly: "Your Majesty, the Golden Empire has been invaded by an enemy, please let me go!"

Zhang Jun was taken aback. The Golden Empire is vast and has many people. What forces dare to attack it?

The Golden Ba anxiously said: "Your Majesty does not know. In the south of the Golden Empire, there is a very huge country that is thousands of times stronger than our Golden Empire. Since the emergence of this country, our Golden Empire has been restless and has repeatedly paid tribute to the envoys. Treasure. It’s a pity that that behemoth has been shot, and our golden empire is afraid to perish!"

"Oh? What race is in that country?" Zhang Jun asked.

Golden Bull looked at Zhang Jun: "Human Race!"

"What?" Zhang Jun was taken aback, "Human race?"

He couldn't help thinking, could it be Lingbao and Maitreya? No, the kingdoms they built are not near here. And he clearly remembered that there was no so-called human settlement in the south of the Golden Empire. When he confided these doubts, Jinba sighed and said: "The space where this kingdom is located only appeared not long ago, and it appeared later than the Federation where your Majesty is located."

When he said this, Zhang Jun understood, and he muttered: "In this case, I will accompany you to the Golden Empire for a tour."

This news is not trivial, and it is surprising that a human race can build such a powerful empire. He had also encountered the space where the human race was before, such as Lost World, which was later divided by Buddhism and Taoism.

The deity Zhang Jun drove away from the light, tore the void across the sky, and soon reached the sky above the Golden Empire. However, as soon as he appeared, dozens of terrifying auras locked him in, and a cold thought was conveyed: "Come down!"

Zhang Jun didn't panic, and slowly fell to the ground. He is now in front of a huge palace, and this palace is where the Golden Bull lives. The golden wall of the palace is magnificent and magnificent. At this moment, the gate of its palace was wide open, and a general in silver armor led a group of black armored soldiers to come over. Obviously, it was this silver armor general who had just spoken from the divine mind.

General Yinjia was two meters tall, with a long face and sword eyebrows, and a murderous aura came out of him. His eyes were cold, he glanced at Zhang Jun, and asked, "You are not a soldier, how come you are here?"

The other party's language is very old, and Zhang Jun has never heard a word. But studying the pronunciation of the other party, this language is very close to Chinese characters. However, for his great ability, language is not an obstacle at all. After a little calculation, he can immediately communicate in the language of the other party: "It is true that I am not a soldier in Xia. I pass by here occasionally and don't want to meet a general."

General Yinjia squinted his eyes and suddenly blasted Zhang Jun with a punch. As soon as the two met, Zhang Jun knew that the other party was a master of the three-step legend. People of this level were not enough to threaten him. So he didn't move, and an invisible wall of air suddenly appeared in front of him. General Yinjia's fist hit the air wall, making a muffled sound, and returning with a vigorous backlash, he retreated three steps in a row.


The soldiers roared, their gleaming spears pointed towards Zhang Jun. The latter smiled and said, "I said, I just passed by and didn't intend to conflict with the general."

The astonishment in the silver armor general’s eyes flashed, he rubbed his fists, and suddenly smiled: "Unexpectedly, there are still human races outside of Daxia. Very good, you and me Go and see the marshal."

Summer! Zhang Jun's heart beats wildly. He had received some information about the Great Xia Dynasty from the mouth of the corpse demon. Later, during his exchanges with Lingbao Taoist and Maitreya, he had a better understanding of the Daxia Dynasty. Daxia is an era that connects the past and the future. It spans millions of years. In the early stage, it inherited the glory of the mythical era, and in the later it opened the dynasty era. Dayu, Houyi, Kuafu, etc. were all great figures of that era.

However, in the late period of Great Xia, about four thousand years ago, the big roulette appeared, the space collapsed, and humans became weaker and smaller. This made Zhang Jun think that this so-called Daxia Dynasty, could it be the Daxia people who were folded into a certain space in that era? This explanation is obviously very reasonable, and ten ** is correct.

Thinking of this, he agreed to the other party's invitation and nodded to follow General Yinjia to the barracks. On the way, General Yinjia said: "I can't see through your cultivation. A master like you really deserves to serve in the army."

Zhang Jun smiled, did not speak, just asked: "Has Daxia already occupied the Golden Empire?"

General Silver Armor nodded: "This country is vulnerable to a single blow. We captured it in only three days. Those who are not my race must have different hearts. These alien races must be suppressed." He said, "My name is Windbreaker, how do you call it?"

"Zhang Jun." Zhang Jun said, "General Feng is a master of the three-step legend, presumably the marshal must be Zhun Da Luo's mighty power?"

"Three-step legend?" Feng Shoujia was taken aback, then laughed, and said, "Your statement is very appropriate. I did take the third step towards the realm of legend. However, our Great Xia country will take me The level of cultivation is called the'national scholar'."

"Oh?" Zhang Jun asked for the details, and the Windbreaker explained to him one by one.


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