Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1138: Super God Warrior

Xiao Qiangxi was overjoyed and immediately asked, "Has the boss found the gene source? What race is it? Where is it?"

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, you will see it soon. I want to ask, have you made another breakthrough in the study of the **** warriors?"

It turned out that after Zhang Jun abandoned the Shenshen base set up by Shengjiao in Antarctica, Xiaoqiang invaded the local computer and got all the research data. In addition, related scientific researchers were recruited by him to continue the research on the **** warriors. Xiaoqiang believes that Shengjiao's research direction on **** warriors is correct, so he does not hesitate to invest a lot of money and energy to study **** warriors in depth.

Xiaoqiang owns the technological civilization and cultivation civilization in the Secret Cube, and the **** warrior also involves two major areas. A large amount of investment coupled with Xiaoqiang's guidance, the research of the **** warrior was rapid, and it didn't take long to far exceed the research level of the holy religion of the year, and entered a broader and more mysterious field.

Shengjiao once created the fifteenth and sixteenth-level gods warriors, the former can be called the sage-jun level, the latter can be compared with the emperor. After Xiaoqiang took over the relevant technical and scientific research personnel, he once created the seventeenth, eighteenth, and even nineteenth-level **** warriors, corresponding to one-step legend, two-step legend, and three-step legendary emperor.

However, when Xiaoqiang wanted to continue to create the twentieth-level **** warrior, that is, the super **** warrior who could fight against Zhun Da Luo, he encountered difficulties. You know, even if a monk with extraordinary aptitude wants to enter the quasi-dala, it will be extremely difficult, and it is naturally difficult for the **** warrior to break through this bottleneck. After some research, Xiaoqiang and the researchers finally found the key to the problem.

It turns out that the **** warrior is constantly getting stronger by virtue of genetic evolution. But the researchers were surprised to find that if human genes only evolved naturally, they could only evolve to the nineteenth-level **** warrior, that is, the level of the three-step legendary emperor. This level of genes is already the limit that human genes can reach in their natural state.

If human genes in the extreme state want to be further improved, they can only rely on the blessing of God. Zhang Jun attacked Zhun Daluo at the beginning. Whether it is refining the will of heaven or refining the stars, the essence is to obtain the blessing of heaven. However, the **** warriors are not traditional monks, it is difficult for them to meet the above conditions like Zhang Jun.

Therefore, some scientific researchers proposed that if one can find a life form that is naturally blessed by the will of heaven, and implant its gene into the **** warrior's body, there will be a chance to train the 20th-level **** warrior. As far as Zhang Jun knows, throughout the ages, there should be only one kind of living entity that has such conditions, and that is the god.

The word "God" is familiar to ordinary people, and it means "God is clear." God will be strong tomorrow and cultivate fast. He has enslaved mankind for a long period of time in the ancient times, and no one can overthrow their rule. Even in the age of mythology, the human race resorted to external forces to finally behead the gods.

The ancestors of the golden blood are the golden goddess, which means that they have the genetic inheritance of the gods. The genes of the gods have a great chance to meet Xiaoqiang's requirements and help him create a twentieth-level super **** warrior.

When Zhang Jun found the gene source, Xiaoqiang was extremely excited, and said, "Don’t worry, the boss, we already have a large number of nineteenth-level **** warriors. As long as you find the gene source, it won’t take long to create a 20th-level **** warrior. That's the existence comparable to Zhun Da Luo!"

Zhang Jun nodded: "Okay, you start preparing, I will bring the gene source back soon."

On the other side, while Zhang Jun was talking about conditions with Jinba, he was also talking with Prince Zhi. This conversation gave him a deeper understanding of the entire Daxia State. For example, Daxia was essentially a slave society, and all the uppermost were powerful masters, such as the princes and ministers. Especially the supreme ruler of Daxia, his strength is even more terrifying.

After the great changes in the world, Daxia initially only harassed the surroundings tentatively. Later, the rulers of Daxia discovered that the surrounding forces were so vulnerable. Whether it was the Golden Empire, or a stronger force, it was not Daxia's opponent at all. So Daxia began to expand frantically, taking countless races into slaves, and the area of ​​the country doubled in a short time!

Daxia's strength is also manifested in its big world enough for me. Although Prince Zhi did not disclose the exact number of the Great World, Zhang Jun speculated that it would never be less. Although these big worlds don't have a master, they all have the will of the world inside them. There are countless creatures and masters like clouds in them. They are definitely not easy to provoke.

After a conversation, Prince Zhi became more and more satisfied with Zhang Jun and said: "Zhang Jun, go and do your business. If necessary, I will contact you through the Young Emperor. If you have time, you can also go. Take a trip to Daxia and get a glimpse of Daxia’s great power."

Zhang Jun put away the Young Emperor's order, and said: "If there are more opportunities, the subordinates still have things to deal with, so let's leave first."

"Okay, don't send it."

Zhang Jun said he would leave without staying for a moment. He was worried about the Central Federation and was about to rush back immediately. On the way, he kept breaking through the space, and if nothing else, he would soon reach the Central Federation. However, just as he was shuttled in the space, he suddenly felt a strong attack, and the not-stable space channel collapsed, and he was forced out.

As soon as the person came out, he found that he was still in the mountains, surrounded by three masters of the human race. These three people are undoubtedly all of the quasi-Daluo-level cultivation base, which is comparable to the strength of the six generals who had to deal with him before. It was they who forcibly broke Zhang Jun's shuttle channel and forced him out.

"Why do the three hinder my journey?" Zhang Jun asked them calmly without being surprised or angry.

Wearing a general uniform, the person on the other side shot a murderous intent in his eyes. He said: "Why do you need to tell you more, die!"

The three quasi-Daluo moved at the same time, and they formed a sharp killing array, wanting to kill Zhang Jun in one fell swoop. Zhang Jun was unmoved, and said indifferently: "Murders are often killed by people, you have to be careful."

Before he could make a move, nine figures suddenly appeared in all directions, and it was the nine Xiaolongnu who made the move. Nine sharp and unparalleled sword lights strangling each other, every sword light was very terrifying.

The three ambushers did not expect to be surrounded by others, and they were suddenly frightened and turned back to the enemy. On the top of the three of them, three big stars rushed out, and each big star shot a different light, trying to block the sharp sword light in all directions.

Zhang Jun shouted at this moment: "Definitely!"

Zhang Jun's influence on God's Will is so great that it can be compared to Luo. Although I can't do it in a word, it's not much worse. So as soon as he spoke, the will of heaven and earth descended, directly suppressing the light of the nine big stars, preventing them from spreading. On the contrary, the sword light emitted by the nine women was like a divine help, easily breaking through the obstacles and slashing on the three of them mercilessly.


With the sword light and body, the three quasi-Daluo were torn apart in an instant, they had only time to let out a scream, and died on the spot.

Putting away the sword light, Lin Xian said with emotion: "It seems that even if you reach the realm of Zhun Daluo, it is not safe. As long as the method is right, killing Zhun Daluo is not difficult."

"They are all the weakest quasi-Daluo cultivators." Zhang Jun walked over, "At the level of quasi-Daluo, the gap between different cultivators is too big. Some cultivators only refine an ordinary star, while others do. It is the gap that can refine hundreds of powerful stars."

Ge Xiaoxian nodded: "Yes, it's like the gap between people. Some people are billionaires, some are just like families; some have no power to restrain chickens, and some are masters of martial arts. , It’s just a big difference."

"So our road to practice is still early, so don't expect Da Luo, wait until you become the real powerhouse among the quasi Da Luo." Zhang Jundao.

"Why did these people shoot against Brother Jun? It looks like they are from Daxia." The conversation between Zhang Jun and Prince Zhi, the nine women were all clear and speculated in their hearts.

"It seems to be." Zhang Jun is so wise, he can see the cause and effect at a glance, "The fifth prince and the second prince have contradictions. Since I am a doorman of the fifth prince, I naturally have the consciousness of being dealt with by the second prince. Obviously that The second prince underestimated me, the next shot, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with."

"What are you afraid of? One kill one, two kill one pair." Nangong Zi said coldly. Even if she stepped into Zhundaluo, the killer character she cultivated in Africa remained unchanged.

Zhang Jun did not want to waste time on this matter. After playing on the battlefield, he continued to return to the Central Federation.

The strength of the Central Federation is already very strong now, but it is far from a behemoth like Daxia. It now needs time to grow. As long as there is sufficient time, Zhang Jun believes that the Central Federation will not be afraid of any forces.

Returning to the Central Federation, Zhang Jun immediately let the Golden Dominate all the current Golden Guards. The method of summoning was very simple. He solemnly took out an inconspicuous token from his body, and then activated it with magical secrets. After a while, a golden light lit up on the Ling Fu, and he said solemnly to Ling Fu, "Daxia is dead, come back quickly!"

After the message was sent, Zhang Jun still detained Jinba and asked Xiaoqiang to extract his genes for research. According to his speculation, the blood of the gold race can be purified by itself. This kind of golden blood should be the most innocent type, and their genes should be very close to the gold goddess.

While Zhang Jun was waiting for the Golden Guard, Emperor Yang and Blood Soul also appeared in the Golden Empire. They seemed to have received the news and went straight to the commander camp of Jiang Taiyuan. Someone intercepted on the way, and the two directly exposed the Great World portal, radiating terrifying power. Jiang Taiyuan was immediately alarmed and led all the experts to arrive.

When I saw two human monks each carrying a big world, I couldn't help being taken aback, and said loudly: "Two friends, Jiang has missed a long way! I don't know if the two are here, why are you doing it?"


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