Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1146: Golden Dzi

Zhang Jun was taken aback, the effect of this super holy medicine was really amazing!

"Okay, you immediately advance all the holy medicines."

The little emperor went to work in a hurry, and Zhang Jun thought: "It seems that the pill can't be made. I will first go to the shop that sells Yuanshi to see if I can gain anything."

He just left, and his deity returned to the first floor of Baohua Mountain in the next moment, and continued to buy what he needed with Zong Yuan. The Yuanshi shops on the ninth floor are limited and not very large. At this moment, Zhang Jun and Zong Yuan are both located in a Yuanshi shop. There were more than one hundred yuan stones in the shop, and Zhang Jun gave up after just a glance. Based on his experience, none of them could solve any spiritual objects. All were waste stones that were costly and useless.

Then there is the second shop and the third shop. As a result, he was greatly disappointed. The amount of precious stones sold in these shops were many and small, with a few dozen pieces and a few hundred pieces, but there was not even one that could solve a spiritual thing. It wasn't until he came to the twelfth, the largest Yuanshi shop, that he finally found something.

This shop is called "Tianshicheng", and its name is very impressive. However, there are only three or four hundred yuan stone in it. As soon as he entered the shop, the ‘Venus’ that Zhang Jun had refined was about to move, flickering and flickering, making his spirits unstable.

"Huh? Venus is moving, is there a five-element dzi bead here?" Thinking of this, his heart beat wildly, and immediately opened the Buddha's eyes and scanned. Sure enough, it was discovered that among the hundreds of Yuan Stones, there was a head-sized piece of white body, surrounded by a layer of Gengjin Qi, and the white light on the first floor shot into the sky. If it weren't for the Buddha's eyes, he wouldn't even be able to spot it, but only vaguely felt it.

He didn't look moving, and came to the stage where the original stones were displayed at will. The shopkeeper was an old man and a prince-level figure. He glanced at Zhang Jun lightly and asked, "Does the distinguished guest have a favorite elementary stone?"

Zhang Jun didn't look at the primordial stone, but picked up a smoky stone at will, and said lightly: "How do you sell these primordial stones?"

"One stone, one price." The old man said calmly, "If you buy enough, you can still get a discount."

Zhang Jun smiled: "How valuable is this piece in my hand?"

"This is a blue smoke stone, one of the common types of primordial stone. If there is a spiritual object in it, it must be a wood-attribute spiritual object, which is of great benefit to practice. Its price is 3.2 million spiritual crystals." Quote the price without seeing it.

"Okay, I want it." Zhang Jun smiled.

Next, he picked another one, and until the third one did he choose the original stone that made Venus feel sensitive. As soon as he picked up this primordial stone, the shopkeeper glanced at him and said: "The distinguished guest has good eyesight. This is a rare'sword light' stone. It is extremely hard and has a high probability of being able to solve weapon-like spiritual objects. So Its price is also high, 10 million Lingjing."

"Ten million." Zhang Jun frowned slightly, "Can it be cheaper?"

"Sorry, only the consumption of more than 100 million Lingjing can be discounted." The shopkeeper apologized, "The price for the distinguished customer is already the lowest."

"Okay, I bought it." Zhang Jun decisively paid the spirit crystal and took away the three spirit crystals.

Leaving the shop, Zhang Jun squeezed his eyes toward Zongyuan and said, "Go, go back and have a look."

Knowing that his father had picked up the big deal, Zong Yuan nodded his head excitedly, the father and son smiled at each other, and left the clones, and the deity returned to Juntian Small World. In the small world, Zhang Jun tossed the two randomly picked stones aside, and then picked up the stone that had a connection with Venus.

Twelve big stars of Tiangang knives emerged, and the twelve rays of knives gathered, slashing fiercely towards the white stone. There was only a sound of "ding", and a shallow trace appeared on the stone. Zhang Jun was not discouraged, and continuously beheaded with the sword light emitted by the Tiangang sword array, once, twice, and three times. After cutting it 30 times, the stone cracked with a "click", and a sharp and stern golden phoenix shot out from the inside.

As soon as the white breath came out, Zhang Jun showed numerous fine scratches on his fingers, but they did not bleed. He was unmoved, and looked at his palm quietly, where there was a white bead about the size of a fist. The beads are somewhat transparent. If you look closely, you can find that there seems to be a vast world inside, with countless scenes intertwined and interpreted, very wonderful.

"This is the golden dzi among the five elements dzi!" Zhang Jun murmured, his face full of joy.

As soon as the Five Elements Dzi Bead appeared, the "Venus" that had been refined for a long time shook, and he used it as a bridge to communicate with the Golden Dzi Bead. Jin Tianzhu released an obscure message. Although he couldn't fully understand it, he could understand it roughly. This means that he has already refined the golden dzi bead. This is the benefit of refining the stars, once you encounter the corresponding real object, you can refining it in minutes.

The information told him that there is an imperfect plane in the Golden Dzi Bead, which is called a secondary plane. Although it is only a secondary plane, the level far exceeds the big world. There are also creatures in the secondary planes, and even very powerful creatures. To fully utilize the power of the Golden Sky Bead, the refiner must possess the strength of the Da Luo-level. Zhang Jun is currently a quasi-Da Luo monk, barely able to exert one-tenth the power of the Golden Dzi Bead.

After refining the golden sky beads, Zhang Jun gained a magical power out of thin air, called the golden killing technique. The golden killing technique is unpredictable and can be performed in various forms, and there is no fixed formula. It can even be used with Zhang Jun's other supernatural powers, posing a great threat to the enemy. If Zhang Jun can break through to the Da Luo level, when he casts the golden killing technique, he can directly summon the creatures in the golden sky beads, and his power will be even more terrifying.

The information also told him that if he could gather the Five Elements Dzi and refining the Golden Dzi, Wood Dzi, Water Dzi, Fire Dzi and Earth Dzi one by one, he could combine the five sub-planes into one and synthesize them. A real plane, the Five Elements plane. At that time, Zhang Jun was equal to refining a plane.

Of course, in order to synthesize the Five Elements plane, he himself must first become a plane-level powerhouse. But before that, he could synthesize the five-element dzi into a five-planet map, and its power was also terrifying. The five-planet map is extremely powerful, and it is very difficult for the quasi-Daluo to perform it, and only the strong of the Daluo-level can operate freely.

In any case, Zhang Jun felt very lucky to get the Golden Dzi Bead today. With this golden dzi, his combat power will be greatly improved, far surpassing before.

Zong Yuan was also happy, took the golden dzi bead to play with, and smiled: "Dad, there seems to be a world in this bead."

"That is the Golden Heaven Realm." Zhang Jun smiled, "a sub-plane."

"Second plane?" Zong Yuan gasped, "Can we go in?"

Zhang Jun shook his head: "My current realm is too low, I can only stimulate the surface power of the Golden Dzi Bead. When I reach the Da Luo fruit status, I can open the secondary plane and summon the strong one. I can feel that in the secondary plane There should be a big Luo-level powerhouse."

It didn't take much time to refine the golden dzi beads, and the father and son returned to Baohua Mountain soon to continue shopping. Zhang Jun's good luck seemed to be exhausted, and for a long time, he could not find any spiritual objects on the first floor. So the two went straight to the second floor.

The second floor of Baohua Mountain is purely for Yuanshi business, and it is much larger than the several Yuanshi shops on the first floor. Zhang Jun glanced around randomly and found that there were hundreds of Yuanshi in the shops, and thousands of them. There are a total of twelve shops here, and each shop sells and buys Yuanshi.

Entering the first shop, Zhang Jun observed with Buddha's eyes, and soon found a special one among more than 500 yuan stones. He has untied thousands of yuan stones. He has rich experience and the help of Buddha's eyes, so he rarely misses. The stone exudes a strong vitality, extremely strong.

"Could it be a spiritual treasure, otherwise, how could there be such a strong vitality?" he secretly said.

The shop assistant enthusiastically came forward to entertain Zong Yuan, and Zhang Jun said to Zong Yuan: "Boy, aren't you arguing for a yuan stone? Choose two of yourselves, but don't choose too expensive. I don't bring so many spirit crystals. ."

Zong Yuan understood, and immediately ran over. Under Zhang Jun's instruction, he grabbed the viable stone and grabbed another one, saying: "I'll pick these two."

The shopkeeper looked over and said with a smile: "These two primordial stones are of good quality, especially the green primordial stone.

Zong Yuan curled his lips: "What vitality, I think lifelessness is." Then he asked, "How much?"

"Both are available, ten million Lingjing." The shopkeeper said with a smile, "This is the reserve price, it can't be cheaper."

Zhang Jun threw out a pocket casually, then pulled Zong Yuan and left. After his people left, a guy walked over and smiled: "The shopkeeper, is he not afraid to solve the devil if he dares to buy the'Life Stone'?"

It turns out that anyone who has been engaged in yuan stone trading for a long time knows that once a vital yuan stone is unlocked, it is possible to solve unimaginable things. For example, a killing intent, a ray of resentment, a curse, etc., so the above things are all alive. These solved things are very terrible and often cause disastrous consequences.

The shopkeeper glared at the guy: "Talk more! Go to work!"

The guy shrank his head and walked away immediately. The shopkeeper muttered to himself thoughtfully: "Strange, after I sold that yuan stone, I always felt something was missing in my heart."

After getting the Yuanshi, Zhang Jun went directly to the second house. But as soon as he entered the door, the shopkeeper suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "The door is closed, no business today!"

Zhang Junxin called terrible. These bosses are all of the quasi-Daluo level and are spiritually sensitive. It must have been discovered that he and Zong Yuan were abnormal, so he was unwilling to receive it. In fact, at the level of Zhun Da Luo, there is a feeling in the dark, foreseeing.

Without saying anything, Zhang Jun turned his head and left, and said to Zong Yuan, "Go to the third floor." He actually gave up directly on the second floor.

The shops on the third floor are larger, but there are only five shops, all of which are large in scale, with tens of thousands of yuan stones sold. Zhang Jun is five, and he enters five shops to shop at the same time. This time he was much more straightforward. He found fifteen yuan stones from tens of thousands of yuan stones, and then directly asked for them.

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