Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1151: Yuanshi Bang

Gu Yexiu grinned, and said, "The Feihong is a princess in the South China Sea, and she must be very temperamental. I don't want to invite such a grandma to Tianxianglou. Have you let me do business?"

After hearing this, the fifth prince laughed and said to Zhang Jun: "Zhanghou, it seems that this Gu Yexiu is not worthy of Princess Feihong, why don't you try? Maybe Princess Feihong will like you."

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "I already have a wife here, so I won't join in the fun."

"Huh? You actually already have a wife?" The fifth prince was very surprised. "Can you ask your wife and brother out to have a drink with me?"

This kind of request seemed a bit presumptuous to Zhang Jun. However, in Daxia, it is normal for men to drink with their wives and concubines. However, he would not let the women show up in any way, so he smiled lightly and declined: "The family members are busy cultivating and can't get away. In the future, they will have the opportunity to meet the fifth prince and brother Guye."

The fifth prince didn't say more, he talked about this Yuanshi Trading Conference. Said: "My four-square star map is only two spiritual objects short of it, and I hope that I can gain something from this yuan stone trading conference. If the prince can refine the star map, he can extend his life to 800 years! At that time, the future I belong to Emperor Xia!"

Speaking of this, his whole body exudes a powerful imperial power, after all, he is the prince of Daxia, an ambitious person. Gu Yexiu said disapprovingly: "If you want to find the essential stones you need at the trading conference, I am afraid it will be very difficult and the chances are very small. Instead, you can choose a few stones and try your luck."

Speaking of this, he asked again: "I heard that there will be a lot of famous Yuanshi on display this time, is there such a thing?"

The fifth prince nodded and said triumphantly: "Yes, it is said that a large part of the top 100 yuan stones in the yuan stone rankings will be auctioned at the fair. Otherwise, how do you think the fair can attract so much? More buyers are coming?"

Zhang Jun had never heard of any Yuanshi rankings, so he asked the two of them. Na Gu Yexiu explained: "In the Great Xia Kingdom, all the Yuanshi with great potential, seen by countless masters and long-standing reputation, are listed and ranked according to their value. The ranking is the Yuanshi ranking, also known as Yuan. Shibang."

"The prices of the primordial gems on the ranking list of primordial gems are amazing, such as the one hundredth primordial gem. It's called Tianwai Feixianshi, a primordial gem that flew from outside the sky and was obtained by a prince. It is the size of a calf, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the surface naturally forms human-shaped lightning and lightning weapons. The attack power is very strong. All the masters of the original stone have seen this stone, and they all think that the opportunity of the original stone to solve the spiritual thing is very good Big, over 50%. So the value of this elemental stone is very high, selling for 1.5 billion Lingjing."

Hearing this, Zhang Jun was taken aback: "The 100th-ranked spirit crystals are worth 1.5 billion yuan. Isn't the first-ranked one at a sky-high price?"

Seeing his surprised expression, the fifth prince laughed and said: "This is still ranked the 100th. If the Yuanshi ranked higher, the value is ridiculously higher. For example, the 56th ranked one. A yuan stone, as far as I know, its value is as high as 5.8 billion spiritual crystals, and no one has bought it yet."

Zhang Jun's heart jumped wildly, and with 5.8 billion spirit crystals, he could buy a very good spiritual thing. I don't know if he can take advantage of this trade fair based on his experience in calcite stone and the magical effect of the Buddha's eyes. As long as he has some certainty, he will make a move.

The fifth prince said at this time: "Speaking of spiritual things, I know that there are a few original stones in the original stone list that are very special. They do not come from the lower realm, but were discovered in the wasteland."

Zhang Jun was taken aback when he heard this, there are still Yuanshi in the wasteland? How come I have never encountered it before?

Gu Yexiu's eyes also lit up, saying: "The elemental stone does exist in the wasteland, and the probability that the elemental stone from the wasteland can dissolve a spiritual thing is much higher than that of the lower realm."

Regarding this statement, the five princes nodded in agreement, saying: "As far as I know, every five hundred yuan of the lower realm can solve a spiritual thing on average. And an average of two hundred yuan can be solved for the waste realm. Out a spiritual thing."

Zhang Jun asked immediately: "His Royal Highness, Brother Guye, is there any difference between the spiritual creatures of the wasteland and the spiritual creatures of the lower realm?"

Gu Yexiu smiled "hehe" and took out a black ring on the spot. The ring did not look regular, it was the size of a longan, with natural lines on it, and an inexplicable breath, which seemed to represent the will of God, released from above. That breath made Zhang Jun feel an inexplicable impulse, wanting to take it as his own. We must know that there are more than 20 spiritual things on his body, and he has accumulated a strong and strong providence. The more Providence he blesses, the more it wants to plunder. This is a natural and uncontrolled trend.

The fifth prince said: "It turns out that you also have a wasteland spiritual object. What is the magical effect of this object, please talk about it."

Gu Yexiu triumphantly said: "The name of this object is'Ghost Ring'. It can seal the spirits of creatures and turn them into ghost warriors. The strength of ghost warriors is three points stronger than the state before death."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhang Jun and said, "Do you now know the special features of the wasteland spirits? The wasteland spirits, most of which are related to the spiritual will of the living beings. The lower realm and the lower realm correspond to the body and spirit respectively. ,that is it."

Zhang Jun nodded. He was very interested in the ghost ring. Thoughts flashed in his mind. Then he took out the purple arrow and lightning feather that had been solved, and said: "Please take a look at these two spiritual objects. ?"

The fifth prince took the lightning feather, and Gu Yexiu took the arrow, all carefully observing.

The fifth prince looked for a moment and said: "This is a feather left by the ancient **** bird. I can conclude that it is very useful and can refine the **** weapon. Even if it is not refined, its power is not weaker than the Da Luo magic weapon. "

Gu Yexiu also pointed to the arrow and said: "This thing is part of a bow and arrow, and it should be a piece of a certain set of spiritual objects. If you can find that bow, it would be perfect!"

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "I would like to use these two things to exchange the ghost ring in the hands of Brother Guye, is Brother Guye willing?"

Gu Yexiu was taken aback, he did not expect that Zhang Jun would exchange two lower world spirit objects for his wasteland spirit objects. Although the wasteland spirit items are relatively scarce, if one exchanges two items, he still earns it. Besides, the two spiritual objects Zhang Jun took out were extraordinary, and their value was not much lower than his ghost ring. Facing such temptation, he hesitated for a moment and then laughed: "Brother Zhang is so bold, how can he be stingy for his brother. Okay, I'll change with you."

Zhang Jun didn't feel a disadvantage, he handed the arrow and feather to the other party, and then took the ghost ring. The reason why he wants to get this ghost ring is because the function of this thing is to refine the soul. The dragon soul fighters in Juntian small world are all in the state of divine soul. If they can be refined with the ghost ring, not only can they increase their combat power, but it can also make the dragon soul fighters more mobile, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

In addition, there is another reason why he wants to get the wasteland spiritual objects. The world has yin and yang, and so does the human body. If he has only the lower realm spirits on his body, the Yin and Yang will be out of balance. But if he has a few wasteland spiritual objects on his body, yin and yang can be balanced, at least not too unbalanced. Of course, he couldn't perceive this balance of yin and yang, it was just a premonition in the dark. This kind of premonition is the ability of prophecy possessed by the quasi-Daluo monk. It is very mysterious and extremely accurate.

After the two parties exchanged the spiritual objects, Zhang Jun asked about the way of selling the spiritual objects. The yuan stone trading conference is about to begin, and he wants to sell the spiritual objects on hand as soon as possible, in exchange for a sufficient amount of spiritual crystals to buy the yuan stones. The Fifth Prince and Gu Yexiu are obviously Daxia's superiors, and they are very clear about all kinds of doorways. Hearing that Zhang Jun was about to sell the spiritual objects, he immediately said in unison: "If you have a spiritual object, sell it to me, and keep it 20% higher than the price given by the big merchants."

Zhang Jun was surprised and asked, "His Royal Highness, Brother Guye, why do you want to buy spiritual things so much?"

His Royal Highness "Haha" smiled and said: "I have three thousand people, most of whom have no spiritual objects. If I give a spiritual object to one of them with potential, it is a great gift, and that person will also Effective loyal to me."

Gu Yexiu curled her lips disapprovingly and said: "This is just a small means to buy people's hearts, and I disdain it. I want to buy spiritual things to accumulate my luck."

Speaking of luck, his face became serious, and he said to Zhang Jun: "Brother Zhang knows how the heaven and earth spiritual things came from?"

Zhang Jun certainly knows what the heaven and earth spiritual things are, and said: "Heaven and earth spiritual things are conceived from heaven and earth spiritual energy, and represent part of the will of heaven and earth."

Gu Yexiu shook her head and said with a smile: "No. This statement is not accurate. The truth is that heaven and earth spiritual things are transformed from the avatar of the will of heaven and earth. In other words, if a person can transform the whole world All of his spiritual things are his own, then he is equivalent to completely controlling the will of heaven and earth, he is heaven!"

Zhang Jun was deeply shocked that the heaven and earth spirit creatures were actually clones of the will of heaven and earth. This was the first time he heard this statement. My heart felt more precious and extraordinary.

The fifth prince obviously knew about this, he said: "Heaven and earth spiritual things can increase luck, but too much luck, the more blessed by God, it is difficult to hit the Great Luojing. I heard about the last era. Seniors who have broken through to the Great Luo Realm do not even take spiritual objects for life, just to avoid interference from the will of heaven and earth."

Gu Yexiu disapproved, and sneered: "Is it so easy to break through in Da Luo Realm? How many vassals are there in Da Xia? There are not four thousand, there are three thousand? How many people will eventually break through to Da Luo Realm? Circumstances, if you want to make great aspirations, how many people can do that kind of defying things?

The fifth prince wanted to refute, but couldn't refute it, because what Gu Yexiu said was true. He had to sigh softly and said: "We practitioners know that the road ahead is slim, but we still have to go forward without hitting the south wall or turning our heads, not seeing the coffin or crying!" He said this on his face. There is a trace of sadness. But then, he laughed again, and asked Gu Ye, "If you don't have this perseverance and state of mind, how can you go further?"

Gu Yexiu's face changed, and their cultivating hearts were different. He heard the words of the five princes, and his mood was somewhat shaken. This is not a good thing, it may break his Dao Xin. But in an instant, he put on a smiling face again and said lazily: "I just want to be the king of the ranks of princes, you go to the realm of Da Luo."

Zhang Jun's mood also became heavier. He himself was the emperor, and he had gathered too much providence, and it would be extremely difficult for him to hit Da Luo. You know, there is a huge difference between quasi-Daluo and Daluo. The quasi-Daluo conforms to the will of heaven, refines the will of heaven, and strengthens himself by means of it. But Da Luo Jing is against the will of heaven, and it is against the sky. The two are basically one south and one north, and they completely break apart in the concept of practice.

If a person refines too much Providence and gets too many Providence blessings, how can he easily rebel against Providence and become a monk in the Great Luojing?

This thought flashed through his mind, and he didn't think much about it. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and he believes there will be a way to deal with it.


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