Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1160: Consecutive shots

His purpose in doing this is to use the mouth of those who bought the pill to promote the magical effect of this set of pill for him. In addition, he named this set of pills, "Da Luo Tian Fang", which means that it can help people break through to the realm of Zhun Da Luo.

It must not be long before the people of the world will know the magical effect of Daluo Tianfang and rush to buy it. By then, he is confident that the price will remain above 400 million. Later, when sales stabilize, he can open his own pill shop.

Zhang Jun's main energy is still on the Yuanshi auction. At this time, the Yuanshi auction has been conducted for fifteen rounds, and he only photographed the walking lion stone.

For the rest of the primordial stones, either he thinks that they cannot be solved, or even if they are solved, their value is equivalent to the bid price, and it is not worth buying.

It wasn't until the sixteenth round of auctions started that he regained his interest. This is a spherical elementary stone with a smooth surface and beautiful lines. It releases a gentle and calm breath, which makes people want to approach it very much.

However, this primordial stone is obviously unknown on the list and its performance is mediocre, so the response from everyone is not strong, and the price is only 3 billion.

The bidding began, this time he did not let the nine puppet princes appear, but made the shot himself. As he expected, not many people wanted this elemental stone, and he finally won it at the price of five billion spiritual crystals.

The next round, the seventeenth round of auctions will begin immediately. The yuan stone auctioned this time is an eye-like thing, the size of a fist. As soon as this original stone appeared, everyone opened their eyes and showed a surprised expression.

It is rare to find an elementary stone like this kind of eyeball, and most people have never heard of it. And they all felt a clear breath from the original stone, as if nothing could be hidden from it.

Zhang Jun is also very interested. He can achieve today's results only with the help of Buddha's eye relics. For quite a few years, when he got the Buddha eye, he also regarded it as an eyeball-like stone. So, he couldn't help but glance at the eyeball-shaped elementary stone.

But when he saw through the eyes of the Buddha, he saw a purple light hitting his face, causing pain in his left eye, making him unable to see through. This surprised him suddenly, what kind of situation was inside, he couldn't even see through the relics of Buddha's eyes.

Although he didn't understand what kind of spiritual object was inside, Zhang Jun was 100% sure that there must be something remarkable inside. So he did not hesitate to make an order and ordered the nine princes to participate in the bidding.

The name of this primordial stone is "Eye of Heaven", and it ranks sixty on the primordial stone list. Its quotation is not low, and its starting price is 18 billion spiritual crystals. But under the chasing price of everyone, the price soared all the way, reaching 30 billion.

The nine princes had a stupid posture of money and many people, and finally won it at a sky-high price of 35 billion. For auctioneers like him, others are unwilling to bid with them. One is afraid of not being able to compete. Even if you can compete, you will have to pay a huge price. The gain is not worth the loss.

The seventeenth round, the eighteenth round, and finally the thirty-third round of auctions, during which Zhang Jun had competition, but all of them gave up halfway because of the price. It wasn't until the thirty-third round that he regained his spirit and paid attention to it.

The yuan stone in this auction is ranked 55th on the yuan stone list and is named "General Stone". The General Stone is an irregularly shaped primordial stone with a phantom image of a general on it. The sword flies at once, with a magnificent aura, bursts of domineering and murderous auras, which is shocking.

He observed with Buddha's eyes and found that there was no spiritual object in the original stone and was about to give up. But when he observed it carefully again, he found that there was a very subtle point in the elemental stone.

According to his speculation, that little spot actually hides another secret, and there is probably a tiny folding space inside. In other words, the real secret of this primordial stone lies in the small space within that spot.

This type of primordial stone is generally difficult to solve, and it is difficult for ordinary people to solve it. It is called "strange stone" by experts, which means strange stone, which is difficult to understand.

However, after all, it is ranked fifty-five yuan stone, ranking very high, starting price as high as 18 billion. Moreover, the people below are fiercely competitive and will not give way to each other.

It wasn't until the price reached 20 billion that the nine puppet princes did not make a move. He stood up and said loudly, "I want to solve the stone!"

The so-called calcite is a special regulation at the Yuanshi auction. Bidders can ask for calcite when the price of yuan stone reaches a certain value.

Once the bidder puts forward a request for the solution of the stone, he must buy the solution for the magical object at full price. However, this may cost more spirit crystals. Moreover, if the spiritual object cannot be solved, then the person who asks to lay the stone has to buy it at double the price.

In other words, the puppet nine princes will either buy the spiritual objects in them with actual value, or buy a pile of scraps at the price of 40 billion spiritual crystals, which is very risky.

However, forcibly calcite also has an advantage, that is, it cuts off the way for others to bid. Once asked to lay the stone, the rest of the buyers have no right to bid, and can only watch the excitement.

Naturally, once the puppet nine princes called for Jie Shi, the others could no longer bid. Countless surprised and angry eyes were cast on the nine princes. The latter was expressionless and stepped onto the high platform.

The old man with black beard is also very surprised. After all, although the requirement of forced calcination can obtain the elemental stone, it is not cost-effective. If the first situation is to solve the elixir, then the stone eliminator will spend more spiritual crystals to purchase . For example, this general stone, its bidding price is about 40 billion to 60 billion.

However, if it can unravel a spiritual thing, its value may reach hundreds of billions of spiritual crystals.

If it is the second possibility, it will not be able to solve the spiritual thing, but a bunch of waste. Then I also have to pay 40 billion Lingjing. So no matter how you look at it, stone slayers suffer.

The old man with black beard saw that the nine princes were on stage, and he smiled and said, "His Royal Highness is really a masterpiece. Next, we have invited Master Xie Shi, in front of everyone, to untie this elementary stone."

When the words fell, an old man with a red beard and face came up. He walks swiftly and swiftly, is tall, and he is also a powerful prince. He came to the general stone, just glanced casually, and then took out a giant axe.

The axe was the size of a fan, and it was spread out in the hands of the old man, like a butterfly wearing a flower. This is obviously a spiritual thing, and it is very powerful. Scribe left and right engraved on the general stone, and the crushed stones fell one after another. In a short while, a thick layer of stone skin was polished away.

As time passed, the general stone was peeled off layer by layer and became smaller and smaller. The falling gravel also grew bigger and bigger. At first, it was only as big as sesame seeds, then as big as peanuts, and finally only a fist-sized piece of stone remained.

However, up to this point, no spiritual creature could be solved. Everyone suddenly sighed, and someone said: "It looks like it's a piece of waste. It's impossible to solve a spiritual thing. It's a pity that 40 billion spirit crystals were used in vain."

Someone also said: "Not necessarily, maybe the spiritual thing is small in size, it is wrapped in this small stone shell."

While talking, the old man with red beard slammed it down with a sharp axe, and only heard a "boom". The fist-big stones turned into countless pieces, scattered around, and there were no spiritual objects.

Seeing this, those who were still preparing to bid with all their strength before secretly took a breath. If the Nine Princes hadn't forced a buyout, they might eventually buy it. In that case, they would have suffered a great loss.

The Ninth Prince was expressionless, he glanced at the gravel, swung his sleeves to put it away, and then said lightly: "So, my Highness needs to pay 40 billion Lingjing?"

The old man with black beard apologized: "It cost the Nine His Royal Highnesses. However, this is the case for gambling on rocks. There are winners and losers, please don't mind."

"It's okay." The Ninth Prince said lightly, and after paying the spirit crystal, he retreated.

Zhang Jun has no time to check the peanut-sized stone, which contains the tiny folding space. He wants to observe the subsequent yuan stone auction.

The next yuan stone is ranked higher and higher on the yuan stone list, and some of them are clearly hidden, but he still can't make a shot, because the price is too high, and the shot will also lose money.

Until the fifty-second piece, the nine puppet princes did not make a move. By the 53rd round, a Noble Stone ranked 36th on the Noble Stone Ranking appeared.

This yuan stone is called "guillotine". The reason why it was named the Guillotine, the old man with black beard gave an allusion.

For hundreds of years, this yuan stone has been used as a stone platform for beheading prisoners, and it has gone through hundreds of years in Daxia. Due to the introverted aura of this primordial stone, no one has ever discovered its strangeness.

It wasn't until more than ten years ago that a beheading executioner suddenly discovered that all blood that was stained on the stone after beheading a person would disappear the next day. Later, he made special observations and found that the blood stains were absorbed by the original stone.

Later, this matter spread out and was learned by a master of stone smelting. The grandmaster went personally to study the spirituality of the guillotine.

After some observation, he determined that the guillotine belonged to the original stone, and the probability of solving the magical thing was very high. Also for this reason, this primordial stone is very famous, and almost no one knows it in Daxia.

So, when the guillotine appeared, everyone opened their eyes. The guillotine was rectangular and looked like a coffin, but it was even shorter. The top of it was blood red, as if there were no dried blood stains, bursts of **** murderous intent came out from above.

The reason why the predecessors failed to discover the peculiarities of this guillotine yuan stone was because the execution ground was a filthy place and few people were willing to go. After the executioners killed people, they didn't pay much attention to the scene, which caused the Pearl to be dusted for hundreds of years.

When the people of the day became familiar with its strangeness, the reputation of this stone was greatly enhanced. Perhaps because of its reputation, the starting price of this yuan stone is as high as 24 billion.

Even so, everyone still didn't feel that it was too much. They kept increasing prices, 25 billion, 26 billion, and hitting 36 billion. They still didn't mean to stop.

Zhang Jun sighed secretly when he saw the crazy bidding. He observed with Buddha's eyes and found that there was a blood-colored baby shadow in the primordial stone, ready to move, bursts of magic light radiating.

He almost dared to conclude that the spiritual object sealed in this original stone is definitely a monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The first book of the novel.


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