Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1243: Hou Gift and the Three Legions

The prince finally understood Zhang Jun's position in the hearts of the princes on the Western Front at this moment, and it seemed that Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou were singing and making peace with him. ≤top≤point≤small≤say, in fact, how did he know that Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou just didn't want to show the limelight, Zhang Jun and them were both Tianhou, and the interests of the three parties were the same. Since Zhang Jun is willing to stand up and offend people at this moment, they naturally have a good time. Undoubtedly, the decisions made by Zhang Jun were in the interests of the three families, so they were so unanimous that the three princes were at a loss.

Although he was so frustrated and wanted to kill Zhang Jun in one bite, the eldest prince still had to take care of the overall situation, otherwise he would just go back like this. What face would he have to confess to Emperor Xia?

He took a deep breath and said loudly, "Jun Tianhou, please stay!"

Zhang Jun stopped, tilted his head slightly, and said, "Oh? What else can the prince have? Benhou is really sleepy and wants to rest."

The eldest prince resisted the urge to kill, forced a smile on his liver-colored face, and said: "When the three of our brothers are leaving, Emperor Xia let me wait for the reward Jun Tianhou deserves."

As soon as he heard that there was a reward, Zhang Jun was not easy to leave. He turned around and smiled: "So there is a reward. The Emperor Xia really loves this lord!"

The prince felt tired for a while, but he had to continue with a smile on his face: "Jun Tianhou, you are loyal to Daxia, brave and extraordinary. The day before yesterday, you led a group of princes to break the demon puppet tribe, and killed 500 million demon soldiers. This news came out, The ruling and the people were cheering, and some people even proposed to bestow a king."

The soldiers who were scattered also stopped. They had heard the news that Zhang Jun led his troops to kill 500 million demon soldiers. It was shocked at first, but then calmed down. It’s normal to think about it. If a demon army can kill a demon tribe in two battles and two victories, what is it?

Undoubtedly, everyone admires Zhang Jun's soldier or not. The ability of the soldiers present today to cooperate with Zhang Jun's words and deeds is a proof. At this time, hearing that the eldest prince had a reward, they all put their ears up to know what rewards could be obtained by killing 500 million demon soldiers.

The prince reluctantly took out the imperial decree. He had read the imperial decree long ago, and he was jealous of the rewards on it. But the reward was for Zhang Jun after all, even if he was jealous, he wouldn't dare to move. He said in his heart: "Huh! Good, you Juntianhou, let you be arrogant today for the time being! When the Japanese prince comes to the military power, you will suffer!"

With ruthlessness in his heart, the eldest prince read: "Xiahuang imperial edict, Juntianhou Zhang Jun slaughtered the demon puppet clan and made a great feat! I am very relieved! After discussing with the court, I decided to give Qitian class a battleship. , The Yuanshi list ranks fifth in the Yuanshi list, one million taels of talisman gold, two trillion spirit crystals, five million gold-equipped national scholars, five million silver-equipped national scholars, and five million bronze-equipped national scholars..."

The imperial edict is very long because there are too many rewards. When the eldest prince finished reading the imperial edict, Zhang Jun was stunned. This Emperor Xia is really generous, isn't he in pain? Ling Tianhou's eyebrows jumped straight, and Anger Tianhou simply closed his eyes, but the eyeballs under his eyelids still beat a few times.

"God! This reward is too rich, isn't it? Sky-class battleship! In addition to the royal family, Daxia only has a few of the town kings!"

"There is also the fifth-ranked Yuanshi. What earth-shattering things will it solve?"

"If one million two talismans are used to build a demon's chariot, at least five thousand can be built, right?"

"Reward two trillion spirit crystals, two trillion! How much is the military expenditure on the Western Front in a year? It seems that there is no two trillion, right?"

Some of the princes at the scene were directly stupid, staring at the prince and muttering to themselves, as if they wanted to rush on and grab the reward.

And some of the soldiers below didn't know what a golden armored national soldier was, so they curiously asked the people around them: "Guys, golden armored national soldier, are you wearing golden armor?"

His companion glanced at him with contemptuous eyes and said, "You know what a fart! The so-called golden champion is a national champion with a complete set of top-grade equipment! Those top-grade equipment are generally made of rune gold, not gold. What is gold? Things, a piece of spirit crystal can be exchanged for a big piece of gold!"

"What do you have for the best equipment?" The former was quite curious and asked immediately.

"Bows, crossbows, daggers, treasure bags, various high-level runes, armors, magical weapons, poisons, etc., in short, they have them you have seen, and they have those you have not seen before, and they are all top quality! What do you know? Is it the best? It means that after a national soldier possesses such a set of equipment, his strength is at least twice as high!"

The soldier said with envy, "That's so amazing, if only I had one too."

"You just die. If you say that the gold outfit is the second silver outfit and the lower bronze outfit, it is not something we can get, because we are not a national soldier. Even if we become a national soldier, we may not have a chance. , Because there are too many national soldiers, but not so many equipment. For example, the golden outfit, Daxia can only produce one or two million sets a year!"


The audience suddenly exploded the pot, and suddenly the princes screamed. Zhang Jun listened carefully and laughed.

"I Gu Yuehou, I am willing to follow Jun Tianhou, beg Grandpa Jun Tianhou to take in!"

"Feng Yonghou vowed to follow Jun Tianhou, please accept it!"

"Guoganhou admires Jun Tianhou and is willing to do his best for Tianhou!"

The prince's face was slightly distorted, and he knew that this reward made the people below go crazy. They will definitely think, if you follow Jun Tianhou, will the rewards be less in the future? Two trillion spirit crystals, even if all soldiers on the Western Front were divided equally, that would be a great reward!

The second prince secretly transmitted voice at the moment: "Brother, bear with it for the time being. How can the Mozu be so aggressive? He is so open, then let him fight every time, I don't believe you can win to the end!"

The prince took a breath, and smiled insincerely: "Congratulations to Jun Tianhou, congratulations to Jun Tianhou. This prince suddenly felt that Jun Tianhou's previous proposal was very good. We will be divided into three legions, each joined by a prince. As for the later Zhenguo son, let him become the Fourth Army."

Having said this, he secretly spoke to the second prince: "Second, the first son of the town is the leader of the young generation of Daxia. He has nine treasures in one body. It is said that he has reached the level of Taoist priest!"

"What? The son broke through?" The second prince was taken aback, and there was obvious jealousy in his eyes.

"I heard that it was a breakthrough. Dao Zun, the second stop of Da Luo Road, he succeeded! With him, this Zhang Jun will not be arrogant for long. I even have a hunch that Zhang Jun will die in his hands, and It was a terrible death."

"I just don't understand, didn't the king of the town always refuse to let his son go out? How did he change his **** this time?" the second prince asked suspiciously.

"I think this may have something to do with Zhang Jun." The eldest prince smiled sinisterly, "Don't you think Zhang Jun is a good stepping stone for the world?"

The two had a secret conversation, and Zhang Jun had already accepted the imperial decree generously. For him, today's reward is so rich, he even feels a little grateful to Emperor Xia. Of course, he knew from the bottom of his heart that this was only Xia Huang's maneuver.

Zhang Jun respectfully put away the imperial decree, and then said with a smile: "Since the prince approves the arrangement of the prince, then we will form a legion. After the formation of the three legions, the three princes can discuss how to join, that is It's the three princes."

At the end of the speech, Zhang Jun waved his hand: "I am willing to join my Juntianhou, come and sign up!"

The princes had been prepared long ago, and he rushed to him with a roar. Ling Tianhou and Nu Tianhou couldn't stand either, and shouted hello.

"Brothers, listen carefully, Ling Tianhou Baodao is not old! Who wants to build immortality with me?" Ling Tianhou is very prestigious in the northwest, people are convinced that as long as he wants to make merit, the credit will be within reach. Therefore, a large number of people also joined Ling Tianhou's command.

Angry Tianhou acts low-key, but this does not mean that his strength is weak. On the contrary, those princes who have been on the western front for a long time, no one does not know how powerful he is. Naturally, the people who went to him were not good.

The princes had obviously thought about it a long time ago, so in less than half an hour, they all chose the backer they recognized. Among them, about 35% went to Zhang Jun, about 35% went to Ling Tianhou, and the remaining 30% went to Nu Tianhou.

In this way, legions headed by Zhang Jun, Nu Tianhou, and Ling Tianhou were established. The three princes were also prepared. The eldest prince went to Ling Tianhou, and the second prince found Nutianhou. There was no way. The fifth prince had to follow Juntianhou Zhang Jun.

In his heart, the fifth prince did not actually want to be with Zhang Jun, because he realized that Zhang Jun was no longer the original doorman, but a dignified man, and his power was not weaker than his prince. This change in status makes him somewhat unacceptable. Moreover, he also understands that Zhang Jun is definitely the most difficult to get along with among the three.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Jun shook the hand of the fifth prince and said: "His Royal Highness has the kindness of knowing and encountering Benhou, and Benhou remembers Wuli. No matter what your Royal Highness has in the future, just order it, and Benhou will do it."

The fifth prince was naturally not stupid enough to take Zhang Jun's words seriously. Da Xia had a good slang term: I would rather listen to a dog and cat farting than to believe in Junhou. There is a reason for this. The military lords have to take care of their subordinates and soldiers, and they often speak insincerely, so they should not be convinced. Zhang Jun is now a military prince, and his words will naturally become unreliable.

"Where and where." The fifth prince was also polite, "everything has the final say, this prince is just an aid."

Zhang Jun immediately said with gratitude: "His Royal Highness believes in this lord so much, I don't know what to say to thank him. Let's do this, your Royal Highness will hand over the 3 billion army to this lord, and this lord must work hard to earn military merits for your highness!"

The fifth prince was stunned, thinking that I was talking politely, OK? However, before he came, he had planned a long time ago, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, everything is subject to Tianhou's orders. Is this military merit, how about five to five points?"

Zhang Jun shook his head: "No, forty or six points. Your Highness is six, and this is four."

The fifth prince was taken aback, huh? How did you change sex?

This book was first published in reading book

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