Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1259: Hard work

Everyone is also very much looking forward to it, thinking about what the rewards of Emperor Xia are? Especially the soldiers on the Western Front, who are born to death, don't they ask for military merit and rewards? The heavier the rewards of Emperor Xia, the more they get. The more.

Immediately, the emperor smiled and announced the court's reward: \"The three princes are all my sons. Although they have an inch of merit, they do not need rewards. Wei Aiqing made an immortal contribution. I discussed with the ministers and decided to canonize Zhang as the King of the South China Sea, and the third generation will not pay tribute; I will designate Ling Tianhou as the king of the Great Zexi, and the world will guard Daze; I will make the angry Tianhou great. The king of Zedong, the world guards Daze; the king of the town is the son of the country, and the territory is bordered by the king of the town, the area is the same.\"

\"In addition, I gave 20 trillion yuan of spiritual crystals, 150 million yuan of charms, ten yuan stones, three sky-class battleships, and a picture of the world...\"

The reward from the Empress Xia is indeed very generous, but Zhang Jun and others have no smile on my face. King Daze? King Nanhai? All fools know that Daze is still occupied by the demons, and Nanhai no longer belongs to Daxia. Do people draw cakes? Fortunately, Emperor Xia didn't come home shamelessly, and finally gave some decent rewards.

After the edict left, Zhang Jun waited for a group of people to sit together. For a long time, no one spoke. In the end, Zhang Jundao: \"I suggest that all 200,000 spirit crystals be distributed to meritorious soldiers. What do you think?\"

\"Exactly.\" Ling Tianhou agreed,\"Without them, we would not be able to win. As for the remaining things, we will distribute according to the previous agreement, Guantianhou takes 40%, and I and Angry Tianhou take each 30%.\"

\"Where is this son?\" Zhenguo's son asked lightly.

Zhang Jun glanced at him, \"This Hou points you 10%.\"

Nutian Hou and Ling Tian Hou also said: \"This Hou divided you into half.\"

Ren Tianzun, the eldest son of the Zhen Kingdom, nodded, and seemed to be quite satisfied. He was satisfied, but the eldest prince and the second prince were dissatisfied, the eldest prince looked ugly, and said: "Emperor Xia didn't reward us, don't some of them express that ?\"

Ling Tianhou and the others pretended not to hear him, saying that Daxia belongs to your family, and you want Mao's reward! The eldest prince couldn't help but rose up and left angrily. Then the second and fifth princes also left. Although the three princes reported their military merits, it was a pity that they had no rewards, and the depression in their hearts can be imagined.

Zhang Jun continued at this moment: \"The Emperor Xia suddenly made us king. It seems that he wants to take over the western line.\"

Ling Tianhou sneered: \"To be precise, it is to let Guan Tianhou go to the South China Sea, but we will continue to guard Daze.\"

Zhang Jun thought for a while and said: \"As I expected, the royal army should arrive soon. The demons lost one third and their vitality was greatly injured. Emperor Xia should be sure of winning.\"

\"Regardless of him.\" Zhen Guo Shi Zi stared at the ten yuan stones in front of him, \"First divide things, and then what to do.\"

Zhang Jun's eyes are the most poisonous. These ten yuan stones are among the top 30 treasures of the yuan stone rankings. He glanced at one of them and was attracted by one of them. He immediately said: \"This lord has the greatest merit, I will choose first. \"

Others didn’t respond. After all, it depends on luck. The first choice may not take advantage. Zhang Jun first took the sensational yuan stone into his hands, and then selected two pieces with the help of Buddha's eyes, which are very extraordinary. Finally, he took it again. One hundred and fifty million Talismans were divided into 45 million taels, and a Tian-class battleship was taken away.

As for how they divided the remaining three battleships, Zhang Jun didn’t have to ask. The last one was divided into the spoils, millions of tanks, and a large number of talisman war tools, etc. Zhang Jun still took 30%, and the rest Split per capita.

After dividing the things, Zhang Jun approved the Dao and returned to the mansion. After the 20 trillion Lingjing rewards were given, the Demon Slayer Army was disbanded immediately, and the princes returned to various places. And Zhang Jun, after this battle, the one billion army previously collected, the current personnel have been It has increased to 2.5 billion, and these 2.5 billion soldiers will be his private soldier in the future.

Of course, compared to the little demon, the gains were even greater, and billions of puppets were added at once, and the combat power was very impressive.

In the camp, King Xie Tian and Bai Yu Jingjing looked indignant. Yuwen exclaimed and said: \"What the **** did Emperor Xia think? Why don't you let the Sang Demon Army directly destroy the Demon Clan, but instead send the Royal Army to do it? \"

Zhang Jun\"Hehe\" smiled:\"The effect of the Demon Swinging Army's destruction of the Demon Race and the royal family's destruction of the Demon Race is very different. Besides, I think Emperor Xia didn't want to continue to grant rewards, right? But it is a pity that Emperor Xia was wrong Up.\"

\"What's wrong with Emperor Xia?\" Xie Tianwang asked.

\"Emperor Xia took over the western line, it should be thought that after Daxia's winning streak, he has the qualification to bargain with the supreme demons. It is a pity that he does not understand the Hundred Clan, they are greedy, there will be the next move. You look good Now, the Great Xia Army will suffer a lot.\"

Bai Yujingdao: "Third brother, what are you going to do next?"

\"Go to the South China Sea.\" Zhang Jun said lightly, \"The water in Daxia is too muddy, and it is not suitable for me at the moment. This time, I am afraid that it is the result of the internal fighting between the mixed blood faction and the pure blood faction. Regardless of them, I will go The South China Sea operates a bit. The area of ​​the South China Sea is larger than that of Daxia, and there are countless sea people. It is a good place for us to settle down. After the South China Sea is stabilized, we can just connect with the Central Federation through the'China Sea' to prevent it from becoming an enclave.\ "

\"In addition, there is the fief in the south of Daxia, and we must also manage it well. The more people there are, the more I am the emperor. \" Zhang Jundao, \" As for the West Front, I won't interfere.\"

Bai Yujing nodded and said: "The third brother's idea is very right. You don't have to think about anything next, you don't have to ask anything, just improve your realm and strengthen your strength."

As expected by Zhang Jun, the Daxia Royal Army arrived on the second day, with a magnificent momentum. Fifteen Tian-class battleships, five million chariots, ten million ballistas, and one hundred thousand ancient mythical artillery. Eighty billion soldiers. Strong lineup, great momentum, ghosts. [,! ] Divine Pi Yi.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Zhang Jun. He knows that the previous non-sending and current sendings are the result of royal internal fighting, and everything has nothing to do with him. He is too lazy to bother. After taking Wang Yin and the appointment document, the national map , Zhang Jun went to the South China Sea, and in the future, the entire South China Sea will be his territory.

Zhang Jun left Daze. He did not go directly to the South China Sea, but first arrived at his fief. This fief has now been renamed Nanhai Kingdom, and he will be included in the South China Sea in the future. The first thing he did when he returned to the fief was Order the 2.5 billion private soldiers to return to their homes and take all their relatives and family members to the South China Sea. The enthusiasm of the soldiers is very high. Zhang Jun stipulated that for every family member, one hundred spirit crystals will be rewarded! Moreover, the state also provides resettlement housing and arable land.

In this way, after these 2.5 billion soldiers returned home, they not only brought in their families, but their neighbors, relatives and friends, front house and backyard, all were moved by their persuasion. The living standard is higher, and people are more free and equal, which is not available in their hometown.

So in the next three months, more than 20 billion people from various places in Daxia have moved into the South China Sea one after another, causing the number of residents of the South China Sea to skyrocket. That's not to mention it, as the reputation of the South China Sea is growing, A large number of residents from neighboring countries began to request to join. In this regard, Zhang Dong further attracted people from other countries to join, and after careful consideration, he promulgated the "national treatment standard".

The national treatment standard stipulates that all South China Sea nationals can obtain an average of one-tenth of the income of the South China Sea every year. Assuming that the total income of the South China Sea last year was 10 billion Lingjing, then the distribution standard is one-tenth of 10 billion. That is one billion. If there are one billion residents in the South China Sea, then each resident can get one spiritual crystal that year.

Of course, the income of the South China Sea will definitely be much higher than the 10 billion Lingjing, and the income of the residents will also far exceed this. Therefore, as soon as this policy came out, almost all people in the surrounding countries ran away, and they moved to the South China Sea. For these newly-immigrants, Nanhai State will provide housing and farmland, pastures, mines, etc.

The most important thing is that Xiaoqiang's ability has greatly increased after he became the King of the Law, and he began to establish teaching systems in various parts of the South China Sea, so that every South China Sea citizen can obtain systematic exercises and enjoy the same rights as citizens of the Central Federation. And, For those who have good qualifications and are loyal to the South China Sea, Zhang Jun will also provide medicinal pills to help them improve.

For such a long period of time, Zhang Jun has taken a series of measures while training those 1,500 state scholars while practicing and improving. At the beginning, Emperor Xia rewarded him with 1,500 state scholars. Now he is his trump card. Properly rectify and further enhance combat power.

For these national soldiers, Xiaoqiang redesigned and built a kind of tank called Super Tank. Super tanks can continuously form a large battleship with each other, or they can fight independently. A tank can accommodate 10,000 national soldiers. As a result, it was slightly weaker than Zhang Jun's terrifying strength. However, the creation of this kind of chariot consumes a lot of gold and resources, and Xiaoqiang only plans to build 500 vehicles to provide the best golden national soldiers.

In addition, after seeing the importance of war tools in battle, Xiaoqiang decided to use the power of Tianshu to build a Tianshu space-time battle formation, the essence of which is similar to Zhang Jun's time-space transfer battle formation. However, the time-space transfer battle formation requires Zhang Jun was struggling to support it by himself, but this Tianshu space-time battle formation was different, and all the creatures in the Tianshu could provide it with energy for operation.

At the same time as the Tianshu battle formation, there are more eighth-generation light armors. At present, Xiaoqiang plans to build one hundred eighth-generation light armors in the near future, and then put them into the seven-killing furnace to transform them into the second-generation seven-generation light armors. A!

Everything is proceeding smoothly. Just as Zhang Jun was preparing to control the fourth core law, the Great Xia Army was defeated on the Western Front! The shocking news that lost 30 billion soldiers! Not only that, the demons already occupy the entire Daze, and the 30 billion army is approaching the border of Daxia!

Soon after the news came, Emperor Xia came down with an imperial decree and ordered Zhang Jun to go to the Western Front with King Jing to resist the demon army! --4111+585012--&

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