Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1279: Old but not dead monster

He kept walking until he reached the core of the forbidden area of ​​life. There, there was a black, like a hole formed by magma pouring, extending down sadly, with a smooth surface. It doesn't know how deep it goes, it looks so dark that even Buddha's eyes can't penetrate it.

Zhang Jun stood in front of the cave with an extremely ugly expression. He stared at the entrance of the cave, and said in secret: "The terrifying creatures here obviously want to detain me. What is he going to do?" Then he thought of the reason for the lack of masters of Daxia Medical Dao. As it is related to this place, I can't help but feel my scalp numb.

But no matter what he thought of, it was useless, so he simply turned his mind and followed that force and fell into the cave.

After entering the cave, there are a series of black stairs below your feet, steep and narrow. He climbed down the steps, going deeper and deeper. This walk is one day and one night, seemingly endless. I didn't know how far I had gone before I saw a little blue light appeared in front of him. Under the light, there was a skinny old man lying on the ground. The faint blue light resembled a bead, emitting blue fluorescence, covering the old man's body.

Under the blue light, the old man's skin looked weird and shriveled, his eyes closed tightly, and he seemed to have died. Zhang Jun suddenly became vigilant. Knowing that this old man must be extraordinary, he cautiously arched his hands and said, "Junior Zhang Jun, I'm disturbing senior Qingxiu."

The old man's eyelids opened slowly, and when he opened his eyes, his entire facial expression suddenly became vivid, as if he had changed from a dead body to a living person. His face has also become extremely kind and kind, even if the treacherous and evil people see him, they will feel warm and willing to be close to him.

"Children, where are you from? But Daxia people?" The old man asked with a smile, his voice very gentle.

Zhang Jun nodded: "Next is Daxia's South Sea King." The old man's attitude relaxed his vigilance a lot, and he answered politely.

The old man chuckled, he looked at Zhang Jun, the more he looked at the smile on his face, the deeper he said, "You are a very good child, and his physique is very good. The Ninth-Order Dharma King is amazing. Daxia has produced many Taoist priests, but none of them. It’s a rare step to get to the Ninth-Order Law King."

"Senior praised." Zhang Junqian said modestly. "The younger generation disturbs the senior and feels uneasy, so I will leave."

After speaking, he turned and left, but felt his shoulders sink, and a dry blue palm pressed him. When the other party pressed this, his bones "chuckled", almost torn apart, his face was pale immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "Senior what is this?"

The old man "hehe" smiled and said: "You child, the old man is very lonely here. It's rare for a living person to come in. If you don't accompany me well, you will leave immediately. It's really rude. Sit down."

With a "plop", Zhang Jun was pressed to sit on the ground, facing the old man face to face. Under the faint blue light, the old man's face was like a zombie. Although he still looked gentle and kind, it made him feel chilly in his heart and his hairs were standing upright.

The old man sighed and said, "My child, I heard someone say, are you proficient in medicine?"

Zhang Jun's heart sank, and he said, here comes! His expression remained unchanged, and said: "Yes, junior medical skills are ranked second in Daxia, and no one dares to be the first. Even after Daxia, few people can match it." He was not worried. After being killed and concealing it, he shook out his foundation, to see what the old man was going to do!

A trace of joy flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said in a pleasant and pleasant tone: "Well, what a good boy. You can show the old man quickly, can my disease be cured?"

Zhang Jun's heart moved, and he immediately took out the appearance of a healer, and said lightly: "Naturally, I will get your pulse first." After speaking, he grabbed the old man's hand and touched his pulse.

The old man's hands were as dry as chicken feet, and as cold as iron stones, and a gloomy cold air flowed from above. Zhang Jun probed for a long time, but he couldn't detect his pulse, his face was ugly, and the other party was a dead person! His medical skills are superb, and the difference between the dead and the living can still be distinguished.

He slowly let go of his hand, and said: "Can I check the movement of senior's blood?"

The old man nodded: "Yes, you can watch it as you like, as long as my illness is cured."

Zhang Jun immediately put a ray of spiritual thought into the opponent's body, but as soon as his spiritual thought entered, he was lost. He felt that the old man's body was basically a vast and endless space, and his spiritual thoughts could not sense anything in it.

"How can such a weird situation happen to a dead person?" Zhang Jun looked serious. He slowly retracted his hand and asked in a deep voice, "Senior, how long have you been here?"

The old man's eyes rolled, and he muttered, "Five hundred years? Or six hundred years? In short, it's very long."

Zhang Jun's face is even more ugly, even if he enters the Great Luo Kingdom, his life span is only 480 years! And this old man has been here for five to six hundred years!

"Child, can the old man's disease be cured?" The old man stared at Zhang Jun with a look of expectation.

Zhang Jun looked up at the other party. He knew that as long as he said he could not be cured, he would be killed by the monster on the other side. At the same time, he also knew that the so-called forbidden area of ​​life must be related to this monster. So he immediately said: "Of course it can be cured, but it is a little troublesome. It requires a lot of herbs and a lot of resources. The younger generation does not have so many things on hand."

The old man "haha" laughed wildly and said, "Okay! Whatever you want, the old man will definitely satisfy you!"

Zhang Jun thought for a while, and said, "Has the predecessor heard of the secret crystal and the holy medicine of chaos?"

The old man nodded again and again: "Naturally I know, I have some secret crystals, but the chaos secret medicine grows in the wasteland where there is chaos gas, and where chaos grows, there must be secret crystals. Secret crystals can only Improve a person's strength, but the secret medicine can make a person fundamentally improved, the latter is more precious."

Zhang Jun nodded again and again: "Senior is right, so I need secret medicine to change Senior's physique, and secret crystal is needed to attract medicine."

The old man flicked his nail on his right hand and suddenly smiled and said, "My boy, once the old man finds medicine, but you still can't cure the old man's disease, the old man will be angry."

Zhang Jun's gaze fell to the left, and he had noticed it a long time ago, where thousands of human skeletons were neatly stacked. Obviously, those skeletons were all healers during their lifetime, but they were killed because they couldn't cure the old man's "disease".

"Senior don't worry, juniors have full confidence." Zhang Jun said lightly.

The old man was overjoyed, he immediately roared: "Babies, come in for me!"

Before long, a group of people came in from the stairs. Some of these people actually knew Zhang Jun, they were all people who participated in the birthday of King Fu, and even King Fu was among them. But they didn't see Zhang Jun, instead they knelt in front of the old man respectfully and said loudly, "See the Great Sage!"

This article comes from the novel by the book king

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