Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1326: Heavenly Son

The ancient hammer emperor found the key at once, and asked, "What treasure can you have in Xiaozhushan that a celestial master can come to fight for?"

The monk in white said: "Don't you see that the place we are in is a site of the mythical age. There are some places in the site that even the heads of Dazhushan and Xiaozhushan have not been in."

With a move in Zhang Jun's heart, he immediately used the eyes of Buddha and the sky to observe the entire site. It didn't matter if he looked at it, he was shocked to find that all the ruins were very large and seemed boundless, at least he could not observe the edge with the eyes of the sky. However, Xiaozhushan and Dazhushan occupy only a small part of this site, not even a small amount of cattle.

He immediately asked: "It seems that Dazhushan is also here. Have the monks on both sides of you ever been to places other than the ruins?"

"No." The white-clothed monk shook his head, "The ruins are so big that we can't even explore all the nearby places, so why go outside?"

Emperor Wu Lei looked at him: "You tell us about this, so you are not afraid that we will spread the news?"

"What's more?" The white-clothed monk was very calm, "Unless Tianjun is here, no one would ever want to truly explore the core of this site."

"Why did you say this?" Zhang Jun puzzled.

"This site once belonged to a divine emperor, and thousands of gods lived in it. I have been here for hundreds of years, and I have been cautious and extremely cautious. A small part. How much better are the people outside than the mountains?" said the monk in white.

Zhang Jun had to admit this fact. The mountains and mountains are not weak, and they can't go deep into them. What can the people outside do?

The barren boat crossed the barren river for a long time, and a few people chatted and became familiar. Zhang Jun learned that the monk in white is a three-generation disciple of Xiao Zhushan. Because he likes to wear white clothes, the road name is white clothes. He also has a certain understanding of Xiao Zhushan.

Xiaozhushan and Dazhushan belong to the same source. More than a thousand years ago, the Zen masters of the big and small mountains and the ancestors of the mountains entered this site by chance, and suddenly discovered that this place is extraordinary, so they recruited disciples and established sects. The mountains were established. In later generations, disputes occurred within the mountains and separated into two powers, Da Zhu Shan and Xiao Zhu Shan.

Dazhushan is good at alchemy and Xiaozhushan has the strongest medical skills. Both sides have their own advantages and compete fiercely with each other. The heads of the mountains, big and small, all wanted to merge each other, but no one had that kind of courage and means.

In Xiaozhushan, accepting disciples is very strict, and those who are admitted into Xiaozhushan are all people with extraordinary qualifications. But Dazhushan is different. In recent years, the recruitment of disciples has led to unevenness in the good and the bad. For example, in Xiaozhushan, three generations of disciples and masters and uncles together, there are only more than one hundred people. However, among these more than one hundred people, there are 13 emperors, two celestial masters, and 67 Taoists. The remaining people are basically quasi-Daluo-level figures, and most of them are Taoists.

Huang Chuan finally crossed the river and carried Zhang Jun and others to the other side. Before getting off the boat, Zhang Jun saw a group of people greeted in front of him, first with a white head and white beard, who was already very old, and said from a distance: "The King of the South China Sea is here, welcome!"

Zhang Jun also stood up and said, "Excuse me, is this the head of Xiao Zhushan?"

The old man smiled and said, "It's the old man."

Zhang Jun looked at each other, only to feel a frightening breath in the old man. He can conclude that even if he recovers his physical stamina, if the old man makes a move against him, he has no ability to resist. Unless you use that merit, you can beat the opponent.

Unexpectedly that the head of Xiao Zhushan was so polite, Zhang Jun was a little surprised, and said, "Does Xiao Zhushan trust me like this? Think I can definitely help you?"

"That is natural, otherwise Nanhai King would not cooperate with Dazhushan." The old man said.

"So you know." Zhang Jun didn't feel surprised. The mountains, large and small, were all here, and it was hard to hide what happened.

"The old man not only knows, but he once sent someone to contact the King of the South China Sea, but it was destroyed by the Da Zhushan." The old man said, and then introduced himself, "The old man is called Baoguang."

"Baoguang Tianshi is extraordinary, which makes people admire." Zhang Jun said.

"Thanks." Tianshi Baoguang said with a smile, "It shouldn't be too late. I will take Nanhaiwang to see the dragon egg, and hope you can save it."

Zhang Jun's heart was startled: "Xiao Zhushan is known for his medical skills, is there no other way?"

"If there is a way, it won't be delayed until today. We can only hang on the vitality of the dragon egg so that it will not die." Baoguang Tianshi sighed, "Everything has Laonan Sea King."

Zhang Jun stood still, and said, "I have an agreement with Da Zhushan. Does the heavenly master know its contents?"

"Naturally know. Xiao Zhushan is willing to agree with the same content, as long as Nanhai King can successfully hatch the dragon egg, Xiao Zhushan is willing to hand over the true dragon." Baoguang Tianshi said without hesitation.

When he said this, Zhang Jun felt uneasy, and said: "Don't you know that the Emperor Tong has taken control of Dazhushan that day? Even if I hatch the dragon egg, will the Emperor Tian Tong be willing to bet."

"He will definitely." Who knows Baoguang Tianshi smiled, "The agreement was written on the'No Word Stone Wall.' The thing written on the wordless stone wall, even Tianjun cannot modify it."

"What wordless stone wall?" Zhang Jun was taken aback, there are still such strange things in the world?

"I'll talk about the stone wall later, let's look at the dragon egg first." After finishing speaking, the Tianshi Baoguang waved his sleeves, Zhang Jun felt that time and space had changed, and he appeared in a quaint hall a moment later. There was a mysterious atmosphere in this hall, which seemed not to belong to the mortal and human beings, and it was easy to awe.

But Zhang Jun didn't have time to pay attention to those, because on the stone platform in the center of the main hall, there was a dragon egg the size of a watermelon. He immediately observed with Buddha's eyes, and saw that there was already a real dragon in the dragon egg, but with a dying breath, not far from death.

"This dragon egg should have hatched a long time ago. It has lasted until now, and its life has almost passed." Zhang Jun said the reason.

In the main hall, there are only two, Baoguang Tianshi and Zhang Jun. The former nodded and said: "The South Sea King said that it will not hatch when it should be hatched before it will become what it is now." Then he asked Zhang Jun, "Can you Is there a way?"

Zhang Jun naturally has a way, he can use merit to let the dragon hatch out. However, he did not do this. As a descendant of Shennongmen, he has his own means of saving the dragon. After thinking about it, he called Qinglian out.

As soon as Qinglian appeared, Tianshi Baoguang praised: "What a seedling! Is this a disciple of the Nanhai King?"

Zhang Jun nodded and said with a smile: "It's my direct disciple." Then he said to Qinglian, "This is Baoguang Heavenly Master. You have come to meet him."

Qinglian gave a salute, and then asked her why she was called. When she learned that the dragon egg was going to be cured, she smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that I just broke through the seventh level of the Longevity Sutra before. The seventh longevity Sutra, It can help other life forms to transform."

Zhang Jun called out Qinglian because he knew the magical effect of the Longevity Sutra, and said: "Qinglian, the future inheritance of my Shennongmen is all on you. For a long time, there has been a lack of gatekeeper beasts in the door. This true dragon is the most suitable. However, you use the sixth longevity sutra to save it, and it will be yours from now on."

Qinglian smiled slightly: "This is not bad."

When Baoguang Tianshi heard that there were such magical techniques as the "Changshengjing" in the world, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "It's incredible, it seems that this real dragon is saved."

Qinglian immediately sat cross-legged on the stone platform, holding the dragon egg in front of her with both hands. Suddenly, the strands of life light wrapped her and the dragon egg, and soon formed a huge cocoon. Both Baoguang and Zhang Jun could feel that the life in the cocoon was undergoing a miraculous transformation.

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Thanks to this transformation, Qinglian will obtain the true dragon bloodline, and she will be regarded as a half dragon in the future."

Heavenly Master Baoguang smiled and said, "I'm afraid that Nanhai King did this. I'm afraid that he would have considered it long ago? I heard that you have long thought of the Eight Dragons."

Zhang Jun said: "You are not wrong to say that. After Qinglian became a dragon, not only did her strength and potential increase, she could also help me govern the South China Sea. If not, wouldn't I, the King of the South China Sea, have a name in vain?"

He was explaining that Heavenly Master Baoguang suddenly stopped speaking, and he did not know when he pressed his hand on Zhang Jun's back. In an instant, Zhang Jun felt a terrifying force locked him. Under this force, his thinking is fixed, and he can't even borrow the power of the day's merits!

The smile on Tianshi Baoguang’s face diminished, and he murmured, “How easy it is for the old man to kill you with a palm, but he has to live. No matter, I will stop you and give it to him.”

After speaking, Zhang Jun disappeared with a wave of his big sleeve. Then he looked at Qinglian who had turned into a cocoon, smiled again, and said, "This doll is really good. If she can extract her life potential, it will at least keep me alive for a hundred years."

However, Zhang Jun only felt that the sky was spinning, and it didn't take long before he fell into a huge cage. His thinking was almost stiff, so he didn't think, he just looked around numbly. Through the cage, he saw a young man.

The young man stood on the steps, like an emperor looking down on the common people. He stared at Zhang Jun and said coldly: "The emperor didn't expect you to enter that place and gain millions of merits. If I didn't design, I'm afraid it will be hard to capture you."

Zhang Jun couldn't answer at all at this time, he just looked ahead numbly.

If the ancient hammer is here, he must recognize that the young man is the emperor of heaven! Obviously, everything from Zhang Jun's troubles outside Dazhushan to his arrival at Xiaozhushan and even his rescue of Dragon Egg, everything was carefully designed by Tiantong.

Behind Tiantong, stood a group of people, all his protectors. One of them smiled and said: "The master kills this person, and he can obtain the merits of him, as well as his luck. We have inquired about this person, but this person is a figure of the great summer, and has achieved the Supreme Dao Zun."

Tiantong Dao Venerable snorted coldly, and said, "Such a stupid person can become the Supreme Dao Venerable. It is really unfair to God. But fortunately, everything about him will belong to me in the future!"

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