Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1333: origin

On the surface, it is extremely difficult or even impossible to compress an infinite space with limited power. However, in Zhang Jun's view, since he can compress the distance between any two points in space to the same value, this is an infinite ability in itself.

Zhang Jun compressed the space. At the beginning, he only compressed a limited range, but the next moment, the range he compressed has reached infinity. This was a strange state, and he suddenly felt that the space had become different. Especially under the observation of the eyes of Buddha and the eyes of heaven, he saw how time and space interact and influence each other.

As he expected, the infinite space countered the infinite time, and time returned to normal again. The road in front of him gradually became blurred until it disappeared. However, Zhang Jun still stood there, immersed in a state of comprehending the origin of everything.

The experience just now gave him a closer understanding of the origin of everything. The law comes from the avenue, but the avenue is the projection of the origin of everything. The information retained in the three secret cubes told him that before the current era, it was dynasty time, followed by the mythical era and the ancient time. Above the ancient era, it was chaotic time, and above the chaotic era, it was the origin. era.

In the era of origin, the will of heaven and earth has not yet been born, all matter and energy are compressed into a very small point, that point is called the origin. All the great laws of later generations, even the will of heaven, have evolved from their origins. In the source, there is no concept of time, and no concept of time.

A moment of comprehension, Zhang Jun accidentally caught a glimpse of another realm, which belonged to the realm of Tianzun Hunyuan! And to comprehend the origin is just a certain realm of Hunyuan, this level of Tianzun is called the origin Tianzun!

However, that level was too mysterious, Zhang Jun only saw scales and half claws, and then withdrew from that magical state. But even so, he still has a huge harvest, at least it is very inspiring for him now.

"Above the origin, what is it?" He muttered to himself, "Everything comes from the origin. If I understand the origin, I will be able to open up the world in one thought!"

Zhang Jun had just recovered, he was teleported out again, and after the light and shadow changed, he appeared in an open area. The ground was covered with blue masonry, so hard that he couldn't even crush it. He raised his eyes and looked around, surrounded by a similar environment, boundless, extending to infinity.

"What is this level? Do you trap me with infinite space?" he murmured.

However, as soon as the voice fell, a person appeared on the opposite side. This person was dressed in white, with a dusty temperament and a handsome appearance, so he was born exactly like him!

"Huh?" He was taken aback and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am you, and you are me." The other party replied, with the same voice as him.

Zhang Jun suddenly understood that the will of the main plane actually copied a character exactly like him!

"What do you want?" Zhang Jun asked in shock.

"Either defeat me or be eliminated." The other party answered with a smile, politely.

Zhang Jun sighed: "Since you are me, how can I beat me?"

"But if you are just you, how can you become the Supreme Son of Heaven? Do you know what the Supreme Son of Heaven is? The Supreme Son of Heaven is not only able to communicate with the will of heaven, but also the Lord Luo Tianjun determined by heaven." It must be suppressed by the will of heaven. But the heavenly emperor who has been accomplished by the Supreme Emperor is different. Not only will he not be suppressed by the will of heaven, but he will also be helped by it!"

Zhang Jun's surprise is not trivial. The Supreme Emperor is actually the default Da Luo Tianjun? For a long time, in his impression, the most difficult part of self-cultivation of Da Luo Tianjun was that his enlightenment of heaven was too much. Once he achieved Da Luo Tianjun in the future, I was afraid that the suppression of heaven would be more severe.

Da Luo Tianjun is actually a contradiction. On the one hand, the mighty power of Lord Luo Tianjun must be manifested by God's will, and he has the side of the Shuntian Lord; on the other hand, Lord Luo Tianjun needs freedom, freedom, and even travel to the different planes, and there is a rebellious side. Therefore, theoretically speaking, the combat power of a guard against the heavens is not more powerful than that of a Suncheon.

Sometimes, the strength of Daluo Tianjun, the King of Heaven Defying, is not as strong as that of King Shuntian, and even becomes very weak at certain specific moments. The power of the great Luo Tianjun is that they can break away from the shackles of the plane, enter other planes to obtain opportunities, and even become the great Luo Tianjun of other planes.

However, even if he entered the alien plane, Da Luo Tianjun had to be careful. For example, last time, the Alien Heavenly Sovereign entered the main plane to kill Zhang Jun, but was injured by the will of the main plane. Therefore, the Daluo state is a very embarrassing state, and its most important role is to act as a springboard for the Hunyuan state.

Brother Daluo said that strong is very strong, but weak and very weak. A quasi-Da Luo monk, his strength may be close to Da Luo infinitely. Of course, Daluo monks also have their advantages. General Daluo figures often start sects, become leaders of one party, teach numerous masters, and are powerful.

A Daluo leader may not be as strong as a quasi-Daluo monk, who only has the power of a few million Beijing. However, under his command, he can have a large number of super masters, such as Lord Against Heaven, Heavenly Master, Heavenly Son, etc. This kind of power is not comparable to that of ordinary quasi-Da Luo monks.

Even so, every monk very much hopes to become a Da Luo. There is no other reason. After becoming Daluo, he can live to be 480 years old. Moreover, this 480 years old is just the life span within the main plane. If he can enter other planes and also get the big Luo fruit status of that different plane, then his lifespan will be increased again by 480 years, becoming 960 years old.

Of course, this kind of Da Luo Tianjun with double big Luo fruit status is generally very rare, because it is not easy to become a big Luo Tianjun with a different plane. The difficulty will increase geometrically, and the success rate is less than ten.

Compared with the embarrassment of Da Luo Tianjun, if Zhang Jun can achieve the status of Da Luo with the realm of the supreme emperor, he will have a greater advantage than others, and truly become a generation of supreme supreme heavenly monarchs, the main plane of mega! --4111+697276-->

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