Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1653: monster

Holding a Tiangang knife in his hand, Zhang Jun walked forward with strange steps under his feet. Not far behind him, the Slaughter Tianshi and others looked at him with incredible eyes, is he crazy? Encountered such a terrible monster, how dare to approach? What does he want to do? Kill the monster? What a foolish dream! Even a blind man can see that this monster is simply impossible to defeat, even a figure of the Suncheon Monarch level!

"This person is crazy, let's get back!" Nishang's face was ugly, she spread out her palm, and a cyan bead was spinning in her palm. As soon as the beads turned, the strength she and Qimei had received disappeared, and they immediately quietly retreated.

Slaughter Tianshi and the rest of the people looked ugly, and the two women wanted to leave them behind and escape by themselves. Heavenly Slaughter Master said in a deep voice, "Two friends, why not take us away together?"

Nishang smiled slightly and said, "If we leave together, it will definitely attract the monster's attention. It is better for us to retreat."

"Bitch! There is nothing to lose if you take us away, why is your heart so vicious?" Someone immediately yelled angrily. From their point of view, the two girls had no loss in taking them away, so why not do it?

However, the second woman just sneered, seemingly too lazy to talk to the dead. They quickly withdrew to a safe distance, retreating further and further, and finally stood silently outside the safe distance, observing the scene coldly.

At this time, Zhang Jun was already holding the sword for 2 days and approaching the monster within a hundred miles. With the eyes of the sky, he finally saw the appearance of the monster. The strange appearance of the monster made his eyes widened and his face was full of incredible expressions.

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