Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 179: Impulse is the devil

Peerless Perspective

Chapter 179 Impulse is the Devil

Zhang Jun was taken aback and asked hurriedly, "Uncle, what happened?"

Zhang Guoqiang gritted his teeth and said, "I want to avenge Han Xiao's parents!"

Zhang Junyi was stunned: "Vengeance? Who can I find revenge? How?"

Zhang Guoqiang lit a cigarette, took a few sips, and said, "I smashed out fifty thousand yuan a few days ago and bought a message from the road." He said coldly, "There is a car repair driver from Bi Xiaojian. He died a violent death the day before. After his death, his family found a diary under his bed with many things written on it."

"What content?" Zhang Jun asked.

"The diary clearly records the process of him being instructed to destroy the brake system of the Korean district governor's car, and the threat of the instigator. And that person is a deputy mayor in charge of construction in Donghai, named Yan Jingyan!"

Zhang Jun fell silent, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Guoqiang continued: "Xiaojun, that Bi Xiaojian is responsible for the safety of the district chief's car. He must have been forced to destroy the brake system. So I made a special investigation and found that this Bi Xiaojian had a bad gambling habit and was owed. He had a huge debt of millions. However, just a week before his accident, he paid off the debt in one fell swoop."

"Obviously, Yan Jingyan used money to buy out Bi Xiaojian, and then let him kill the Korean district chief and his wife, and then kill him again!" Zhang Guoqiang said coldly.

"Uncle, what you call revenge is not killing Yan Jingyan, right?" Zhang Jun asked curiously.

Zhang Guoqiang lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Xiaojun, you don't know, Han Xiao has committed suicide three times because of the death of his parents, and every time I pull her back from the ghost gate. I promised him that he must avenge the Korean mayor and his wife. !"

"But, Yan Jingyan is the deputy mayor! A deputy provincial-level official, and I am a member of the Personnel Bureau, how can I bring him down? The only way is to give a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye!" Zhang Guoqiang gritted his teeth.

"Stupid!" Zhang Jun jumped up with anger, and pointed to Zhang Guoqiang's nose, "Did your head get water? Think you are an ancient knight and help the weak?"

Zhang Guoqiang lowered his head when he was scolded. He gritted his teeth and said: "Xiaojun, I can't help it!"

"How can there be no way? Did I say that there is no way?" Zhang Jun coldly snorted, "Zhang Guoqiang, look at you for such a good job, you have to go to extremes at every turn, that's a brave approach!"

Zhang Guoqiang's eyes lit up, he stared at Zhang Jun and asked eagerly: "Xiao Jun, do you have a way?"

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes with anger and said, "Last time you and Han Xiao encountered a crisis, wasn't it all right afterwards?"

"Didn't you follow Mayor Zhuang's path?" Zhang Guoqiang asked.

"Of course not." Zhang Jun said indifferently, "You don't need to find a relationship to do such a thing. Uncle, the person who killed the mayor of Korea was not only Yan, but also the fourth master of the stable. To deal with these people, no. It can be done in a day or two."

At this time, Han Xiao, who had been silent, suddenly raised her head. She stared directly at Zhang Jun and asked: "Zhang Jun, can you really take revenge on me?"

Zhang Jun sighed and nodded: "Don't worry, even if it's not because of my uncle, I will help the head of the Korean district seek justice. He is a good official."


Han Xiao knelt in front of Zhang Jun: "Thank you!"

Zhang Jun quickly stepped away and smiled bitterly: "Han Xiao, you are my future aunt, don't you mean my longevity?"

Han Xiaosui said: "Who can avenge my parents, who is my benefactor Han Xiao's life!"

Zhang Jun asked Zhang Guoqiang to help Han Xiao up. He thought for a while and said, "I have heard about Yan Jingyan. He is rude and straightforward. He is despicable and vulgar. He doesn't offend anyone in the East China Sea. This person, even if we don't take action, he will sooner or later. Something will happen."

"I want him to suffer retribution now!" Han Xiao gritted his teeth.

Zhang Jun said: "Well, leave this to me, you two will do nothing and continue to work hard."

After sending away Zhang Guoqiang, Zhang Jun thought about it in the middle of the night. After all, he still did not use the contribution of the leader. If he is too dependent on the gods platform, it is not a good thing for him. Some things can be solved by themselves, so they can be solved by themselves.

Late at night Zhang Jun hadn't slept yet, Lin Xian saw him sitting at the window thinking in a daze. He got up and poured a glass of water for him, then put his arms around his neck from behind, and whispered: "Brother, why are you still not sleeping?"

"Sister Xian, the management of Tianxing Jewelry Store is completely delegated to Wu Qingying. You have more important things to do." He patted Lin Xian's hand and said.

"Is it about Tianxing Investment Company?" Lin Xian asked.

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