Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 326: Yundong Base


The car shook suddenly, causing all passengers to slam forward. Someone broke his nose.

Zhang Jun looked forward while eating the bacon, and saw three big men with hideous appearances, one with a gun and two with knives, blocking the door of the car, shouting loudly at the passengers.

"Take out all the money from you! You guys will rob you of your wealth and your life, but if anyone dares not to cooperate, I'm sorry, you guys have to rob your life together!"

The passengers were frightened, but the driver calmly hugged his head and squatted on the ground. The driver's companion, the middle-aged woman responsible for collecting the fare, wanted to hide her purse, but was kicked to the ground by one of the gangsters and snatched her purse, which was filled with change.

"Now come out one by one, you can get out of the car if you pay, and you will die in the car if you don't pay!" the gunman said viciously.

Everyone was trembling. Even in the border areas, there were not many such carjackings, and the passengers were very scared. In particular, a few pretty female passengers kept trying to retract their bodies into their seats for fear of being indecent by the robbers.

Zhang Jun cried out unlucky, he stood up and smiled: "Brothers, how can I get the money alone?"

The man immediately pointed the gun at Zhang Jun and shouted, "Keep down!"

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "I'm really rich." Then he stretched his hand in the air and pinched a heart mark.

Suddenly, the three culprits and even the passengers in the car felt a trance. At this moment, he jumped over everyone's heads and fell beside the gunman.


He stretched out his hand to catch, the wrist of the gunman broke off and the gun was transferred to his hand. The other two reacted to the screams and pierced viciously with their daggers.

He snorted coldly, separated a little bit, the "wave" made two soft sounds, and then cut off the movement of the blood of the two with the pulse cutting technique. The two felt tight in their chests and fell limply to the ground.

Suddenly subduing the three of them, Zhang Jun asked coldly: "Want to die and want to live?"

The man with his broken wrist knew he had met a ruthless person, and gritted his teeth: "Friend! We had no choice but to come out to get some money. Please raise your hand and thank you very much in the future."

"Heavy gold? Are there ten tons of gold?" Zhang Jun asked.

The man turned pale and could not speak.

Zhang Jun said: "You tell me the ins and outs clearly, and see if the people in the car let you go. If they say let it go, I will let it go; if they don't let it go, I will break your bones and throw it into the wilderness. To feed the wolves."

The three of them shuddered, looked at each other, and could only explain everything. It turns out that these three people were ordered to buy a piece of top-quality jade from a public market in Myanmar. But these three people had no experience. When they got there, they actually bought a rough stone at a sky-high price under the agitation of a "stone gambler," and spent 8.1 million euros.

The money they brought to buy jade was only 8 million euros, and the remaining 100,000 euros were collected by themselves. After collecting the money, I cut it and found that the gambling was broken, and there was a gray and white piece inside, and it was lost.

After spending all the money, these people didn't even have the travel expenses to go back, so they started the idea of ​​blocking the road and robbed them, and happened to meet Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun asked: "Who asked you to buy jade? Where is the person?"

"It's Young Master, Yundong Province." One person said.

"Yundong? What's your young master's name?" He asked more when he was about to return to Yundong.

"Our young master is called Wang Sheng, a great figure in Yundong." The man said proudly.

Zhang Jun was stunned, thinking what a coincidence, he actually met Wang Sheng's person here! As soon as he thought about it, he borrowed a digital video camera from a passenger. When he saw the brand, it was made by Twelve Brothers Electronics.

Twelve Brothers currently has the initial strength to compete with Japanese electronics companies, occupying 20% ​​of the domestic DV market, and even grabbing more than 30% of the dc market. The results are very dazzling.

Zhang Jun casually asked the owner of the camera, a young man, and asked, "Man, how does this brand of goods work?"

The young man admired Zhang Jun’s bravery, and was happy to answer, with a smile: “The quality is on the same level as Japanese products, but the price is cheap. With the same configuration, my model costs about three thousand eight hundred yuan, while the Japanese one costs about five thousand yuan.”

Zhang Jun nodded, turned on the camera and pointed at the three robbers, and asked, "Wang Sheng sent you? Who is Wang Sheng? Tell me clearly."

So a few people told me about Wang Sheng's name, address, identity, etc.

Then Zhang Jun said, "Since Wang Sheng sent you out, is this also his instigation for this robbery?"

The three wanted to say no, but they were shocked when they saw the fierce light flashing in Zhang Jun's eyes. They didn't know that Zhang Jun had secretly used hypnotism to control their minds.

"Yes, yes, it was Wang Sheng who let us rob, and we were supported by others!" Several people said quickly.

Zhang Jun nodded: "Wang Sheng sent you out to rob, it's not something!" Then he pointed the camera at other people, letting everyone prove that these three were robbers and were instigated by Wang Sheng.

Several passengers also spoke very enthusiastically in front of the camera, repeating the robbery process, and speaking more brilliantly than the real situation.

After the filming, Zhang Jun took off the memory card on it and smiled: "Man, I keep this card, how much is it?"

The young man clapped his hands quickly and said, "No money, no money, I'll give it to you."

Zhang Jun kicked off the three robbers and the long-distance bus continued. After getting off the train, he changed trains and planes all the way, and arrived in Yundong early the next morning.

After arriving in Yundong, he stayed in a hotel.

Because he arrived under a false identity, he didn't go to the Lin's house or visit Taigong Wen, or even notify Lin Xian for the time being. The first thing he did now was to find a place to stay in Yundong.

With a flash of inspiration, he suddenly thought of someone. When he came to Yundong last time, he taught a man named Yun Jiu and blackmailed him 100 million. Then Yun Jiu couldn't come up with that much money, and he still owed him more than 60 million.

After thinking about it, he dialed a number. The number was Yunjiu. I don't know if it will work.

Yun Jiu sat lazily in the store on the road in a certain community in Yundong, watching the traffic in front of the store, a little unbelievable. Since his hand was mutilated by that terrible person, he has been in a golden pot. I stopped washing my hands and started a serious business.

He still owes more than 60 million yuan to that person, for which he has a very headache and always feels that this is a problem. Therefore, he has started a land speculation business in recent years, hoping to make more money.

I have to say that Yunjiu is still more foresighted. The price of a suburban land bought some time ago has soared due to the construction of a development zone nearby. What was sold for a few million back then can now sell for one or two billion.

In order to circumvent the land transfer policy, he built a factory on the land. Of course it was just a factory with a public shell. There was nothing in it except the house. At this moment, the Yangtze River was filled with grass.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and Yun Jiu picked up the phone: "Hey, who are you?"

"Brother Nine, remember me?" Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

Yun Jiu's whole body was erected, he sat up straight, and said in a trembled voice: "Remember...remember, are you here to collect the remaining debt?"

Zhang Jun laughed for a while and said, "Smart! I wonder if your money is ready?"

Yun Jiu said with a bitter face: "All my money is invested in the land, and that land is worth one or two billion, but unfortunately there is no way to realize it now."

Zhang Jun's heart moved, so he asked about the land. When he heard that the land was more than 5,000 square meters in the suburbs, and many houses had been built, he smiled and said, "I want this land."

"Ah!" Yun Jiu was startled, "But..."

"Don't worry, I will refund you the difference. But there will still be places where you need your help in the future. Will Brother Nine fail to save face?" Zhang Jun said.

"I dare not dare, I'm happy to help." Yun Jiuchang breathed a sigh of relief, just not misusing his money.

That afternoon, Zhang Jun took a look at the location of the plot accompanied by Yun Jiu. This place is located in the outer suburbs, surrounded by a small town, and the environment is not bad.

A factory building has been built on the ground. It is a kind of internal steel structure, and the outside is a house of spliced ​​mixed panels. Zhang Jun asked, only to realize that the materials here are rented, and after a year and a half, they will be demolished and returned.

He was more satisfied with the place, and said to Yun Jiu: "I bought this place, you can make a price."

Yun Jiu shrank his head and laughed dryly: "The boss can say as much as I want, I will listen."

Zhang Jun glanced at him and found that Yun Jiu had changed quite a lot, and his hostility had disappeared a lot, and he actually looked like a businessman. He smiled and said, "Well, I will give you 200 million, minus the 60 million you owe, and I will give you another 140 million, how?"

Yun Jiuda was overjoyed. In fact, he was thankful that he could sell this piece of land for 150 million yuan. Zhang Jun's price was still high, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

Zhang Jun needs Yunjiu's help in the near future, so he deliberately winked, and waved to him: "Come here, I will help you heal your wrist injury."

Yun Jiu stepped back, with a frightened expression, and said with a trembling, "Boss, I... my injury has healed a long time ago."

Zhang Jun felt good, and suddenly he stepped closer and stretched out his hand to squeeze. The Jiu Jin of the Medical Path was used just right. Just hearing a "click", Yun Jiu's already grown broken bones were all broken.

Yun Jiu made a cry of pain, but couldn't move a single move, because Zhang Jun tapped a finger on his chest.

I heard a faint "click" in my ears, the pain gradually disappeared, and then I found a feeling of comfort on my wrist. He opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Jun in surprise.

Zhang Jun found a few pieces of iron and squeezed it into the shape of an arm guard, then put it on his wrist, and said lightly: "If you don't move for two days, you can fully recover by the third day."

Yun Jiu learned that Zhang Jun was really healing him, and quickly thanked him, "Thank you, boss!"

Zhang Jun said: "During the period of healing, you can find someone to decorate this place, and in some places you will have to expand the house."

Yun Jiu repeatedly said that he will do his best in the next two weeks to repair the factory in full accordance with Zhang Jun's requirements and complete the task well.

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