Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 372: Nanyang Guo

Old Depp paused for a while and replied: No problem, but you must provide me with an additional amount of funds, after all, our funds are also limited. In addition, I want to warn you that this operation is also risky.

Zhang Jun: The risk is okay. Money is not a problem, how much do you want.

Old Depp: 10 billion U.S. dollars. After success, I will pay you back with profits.

Zhang Jun: OK, I will transfer the money tonight. In addition, Old Depu, Tianxing Investment Company, due to development needs, must redeem your 10% of the shares. "

Old Depp: I understand, Ge Xiaoxian has negotiated with me, and Tianxing Investment is integrating with national capital. I don't feel very relieved about your country, and I plan to withdraw shares. Zhang, how much are you going to give me?

Zhang Jun: Haha, your offer is good.

Old Depp: Our good brothers will settle accounts. The total capital of Tianxing Investment is about 300 billion US dollars. Excluding your additional investment later, I can get about 15 billion US dollars.

"No problem, including the previous 10 billion, totaling 25 billion U.S. dollars, and I will put it on your account. Old Depp, thank you for your long-term support."

"Zhang, you are too polite, don't forget that we are friends. Whenever you need it, you can find me old Depp."

After talking with Old Depp, Zhang Jun posted a task on the platform. The task is to get detailed information about the four families of Hong, Liu, Lu, and Song, what industries they have, and what contacts they have.

Soon after the mission was released, the "black hand" who had cooperated with him on the Shenling platform appeared. He replied: Friend, I know all these four families and can give you detailed information. But the quotation of 500 contributions is too low.

Zhang Jun: No bargaining.

Hei Shou: Well, I hope that next time you buy news, you can directly contact me. My price is lower and the news is more accurate.

Zhang Jun: No problem.

Half an hour later, all information about the four families was sent.

The four families of Hong, Liu, Lu, and Song had very large forces on the mainland. After Zhang Jun saw the information, he gave up the opportunity to destroy the four because it was impossible.

So he decided to start from the economic field. Money can move God, he can bring down several big families in the economic field. Without money, these big families will naturally wither slowly.

The materials indicate that these four companies have jointly established three group companies. The first is Xianghua's automobile company, which has been acquired by Zhang Jun. The second is a mining group company with 183 large and small coal mines across the country.

The annual mining volume of these coal mines exceeds 100 million tons, the underground storage volume exceeds 10 billion tons, and the annual profit is nearly 10 billion. However, due to the downturn in the coal industry in recent years, coal mines in various places can only maintain their capital and make little money.

The third place is an investment company called Yuan Gu Investment. This investment company has a very strong economic strength, with a working capital of over 100 billion. It has invested in a number of real estate companies and online companies with impressive results.

Zhang Jun made a slight estimate and concluded that the total assets of the four families exceeded one trillion! This is a huge interest group, and there are not only four members in this group.

If he strikes on the four families, it will affect the whole body, which will bring many unpredictable consequences, which makes him hesitate. But he also understands that if he swallows his breath this time, Tianxing Investment may become fat in the eyes of others, and everyone wants to take a bite.

After thinking twice, he realized that Tianxing Investment needs a strong alliance. Some characters flashed in his mind, such as Lao Li, Lao Xu, Deng Baichuan, and the big man he met in Hong Kong.

"The greater the interest, the more forces are willing to cooperate. But this kind of cooperation must be cautious. If it is not good, it will be broken. It seems that it can only be done." He secretly said.

The next day, Zhang Jun dialed a Malaysian phone number. When he rescued Ge Xiaoxian, he rescued a group of young people who were besieged by pirates. The elders of those young people are all members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and they left a phone number for Zhang Jun.

ASEAN Association, full name ASEAN Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The largest merchant alliance in Southeast Asia has a huge influence on the countries of Southeast Asia. It can be said that the 100 richest Chinese in Nanyang are all members of the ASEAN Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

However, the organization of the ASEAN Association is relatively loose, their economic cooperation is not close, and their business activities tend to do their own things, so their international influence is not large.

It was Guo Chen who answered the phone. He was the leader of the group of young people, and he was more prestigious in the crowd. Zhang Jun investigated the background of this person. His grandfather is Malaysia’s richest man Guo Shounian, with personal assets of more than US$20 billion.

The Canada Group under the Guo family has business in the mainland and Hong Kong. Taking the mainland as an example, Canada's grain and oil accounted for more than 40% of the market share, with annual sales of more than 30 billion yuan.

In addition, Guo Shounian has done business in Thailand and Indonesia, and has close relations with Malaysian and Singaporean politicians and mainland state-owned capital. He even expanded his business to the European region and it developed smoothly.

In fact, this Guo Shounian was still a good friend of Huabuyi. When he was a teacher, the Nanyang Guo family, the Indonesian Lin family, the Wanwan Island Rong family, and the North American Situ family all came to congratulate him.

Guo Chen learned that Zhang Jun was the one who rescued him in the first place. He was very happy, and quickly asked his location and said he rushed over immediately.

At noon, a Bentley stopped in front of the hotel. Guo's hotel business is all over Nanyang, and this one is one of them. After Guo Chen showed his identity, the hotel manager was surprised and delighted, and humbly took him to the guest room.

As soon as the door opened, Guo Chen bowed deeply and said, "Let you wait a long time!"

Zhang Jun nodded secretly, this Guo Yun is not bad, knows etiquette and respect, not arrogant or arrogant, it seems that the Guo family has more background. He invited Guo Chen into the room, but the manager did not dare to bother, so he bowed back.

Guo Chen said: "Mr. left in a hurry last time, I haven't asked your name yet."

Zhang Jun smiled slightly: "My last name is Zhang, Zhang Fugui."

Guo Chen said, "It turned out to be Big Brother Zhang. Big Brother is coming to Malaysia this time, what's the matter?"

Zhang Jun said: "Walk around. When I was in Hong Kong, I met Lin Mingfeng and Cao Jingling. Hearing them mentioned that the scenery here is good, so I stopped by."

Guo Chen was taken aback. Cao Jingling is the king of Southeast Asia ships, and Lin Mingfeng is the richest man in Indonesia. The status and wealth of the two are not under the Guo family. He actually knows both!

Then he suddenly felt that the name "Zhang Fugui" sounded familiar. There was a flash of light in my mind, and I thought of a person and shouted: "Are you Mr. Big?"

Mr. Da, is the honorary title given to Zhang Jun by the Chinese circle. This title is much bolder than "Master". There are countless masters in the world, but there is only one "Mr. Big".

Zhang Jun smiled slightly: "Do you know me too?"

Guo Chen was overjoyed and said: "Mr. Da, I didn't expect to meet you! Family ancestor and father are inspecting the family property nearby. I believe they must very much hope to meet you and listen to your advice!"

Zhang Jun: "I have no purpose here. If your family is convenient, you can see it at first sight."

Guo Chen was overjoyed. After a few words, he invited Zhang Jun into his Bentley and drove to the hotel where Guo Shounian was. In the car, Guo Chen talked with his father Guo Jiande on the phone and raised the matter of Mr. Da's arrival in Malaysia.

Guo Jiande didn't care much about the "master", but Guo Shounian was very concerned. After he learned about it, he asked Guo Chen to invite people to the hotel where he was staying, and turned away from the business, preparing to host a banquet to entertain him.

The hotel where the Kuoks and his sons are located is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Kuala Lumpur, and this hotel is also one of the symbolic properties of the Kuoks.

Guo Chen invited Zhang Jun to the sixth floor and entered a hall. The lobby was originally the place where the hotel group's senior executives held meetings. Due to a sudden incident, Guo Shounian was going to receive Zhang Jun here.

Entering the hall, Zhang Jun saw an elderly man standing at the door, beside him was a middle-aged man in his fifties. The old man is very old, and he seems to be ten years old.

The old man was Guo Shounian, a wealthy man in Nanyang. He smiled a few steps forward and said, "Mr. Da is here, and you are welcome."

Zhang Jun smiled slightly and said: "Old Guo is a Nanyang business tycoon. He has always admired him very much. It is a great honor to see him today."

After a few words of greeting, the two went to sit down in the hall, and Guo Jiande and Guo Chen stood respectfully behind Guo Shounian.

"I have heard the name of Mr. Da for a long time, and I heard that Mr. Da's metaphysics is the world's best. I admire him very much. When I met Mr. Da today, I would like to ask Mr. Da for some advice." Guo Shounian was straightforward and expressed his hope for advice.

Zhang Jun used the Buddha's eye to see through his physique and found that this old age is already high, and he still has a life span of three to five years at most. Looking at it again with the technique of looking at the air, he saw that his heavenly spirit was covered with brilliance and dim, which indicated that he was about to encounter upsets.

After a moment of pondering, Zhang Jun said, "Old Guo is in good health, but after all, he is very old and has not much time in the world."

Guo Chen suddenly became nervous and asked quickly, "Mr. Da, can you extend my grandfather's life?"

Zhang Jun shook his head: "Human life is limited, and destiny is hard to violate and cannot be extended."

Guo Shounian didn't care, and smiled: "People are always going to die. I am 90 years old now, and I will earn one year after living a year." Then he asked, "Mr. Da, I don't know how my Guo family's career is?"

Zhang Jun said bluntly: "I am afraid that Guo's industry will suffer a blow in the near future, and it will probably collapse."

Guo Jiande's expression changed and he said, "How did Mr. Da see it?"

Zhang Jun smiled slightly: "I can look at the air for a little bit, I can look at the luck of people at the bottom, the luck of the country at the middle, and the way of nature at the top."

Guo Jiande was very disapproving, but he did not show a different color, just nodded faintly. Guo Shounian was a little worried. He frowned slightly and said, "I won't live for a few years. I don't want the Guo family to decline after my death. Does Mr. Da have any good suggestions?"

Zhang Jun: "Shrink funds and seek stability. If possible, it is best to transfer the industry to Hong Kong and the mainland, as Nanyang is not a long-standing place."

Guo Jiande raised his eyebrows, feeling that Zhang Jun was talking nonsense, and said loudly: "Mr. Da's suggestion is so unreasonable! Southeast Asia is the foundation of my Guo family. Without the foundation, how can the Guo family develop?"

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