Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 383: Prison Five

The hacker has a high reputation in the hacker circle. He was able to make the ATM dispense money within three minutes, and he also used a simple computer modified by a radio to invade the prison network.

However, when he was still in the preparation stage, Xiaoqiang had successfully invaded, and it took only three seconds. Both parties immediately uploaded the invasion process to the forum, which shocked the hacker circle.

After Xiaoqiang invaded, he immediately returned, because it found that experts at the Pentagon in the United States were fully tracking its location. However, its invasion was carried out continuously through more than a dozen springboards, and there were several hidden methods, and the opponent could not find it.

The hacker admired Xiaoqiang very much and expressed the hope to meet him once and let everyone communicate face to face. However, Xiaoqiang did not agree. It told Zhang Jun about the matter.

Zhang Jun was busy with an investment. After hearing about it, he suddenly thought of something and said: "Xiaoqiang, you have been studying for a long time, and the computing speed has also evolved to 100 billion operations per second. Then I ask you, you Is it possible to program independently now?"

Xiaoqiang: "Of course, programming is as simple as a baby's breastfeeding for me, it is instinct."

Zhang Jun's eyes lit up: "Well, tomorrow I will register and set up a software development company. You can get me some software."

"What software does the boss need?" Xiaoqiang asked excitedly.

"Start simple." Zhang Jun said, "This way you can gradually establish a complete and comprehensive DNA sequence, which will help you carry out grand projects in the future."

"For example, you can develop a music software, a video software, and a reading software, and then promote it appropriately and see the effect first." Zhang Jundao, "When you have experience and the company becomes famous, we will slowly expand our business. "

"Okay, no problem." Xiaoqiang happily promised that the more things to do, the more it can feel the value of its existence.

Zhang Jun's life is leisurely and interesting. In addition to inspecting investments occasionally, he cultivates his mind and cultivates Xiaoqiang, simple and regular.

However, his peaceful life was soon broken. He received a text message in his mailbox, and the sender was a person named "old man". Zhang Jun's heart jumped, he opened the condition and saw the above saying: "There have been many goblins infested recently, and I feel dangerous."

The "old man" is actually Zhang Guozhong, Zhang Jun's father. When Zhang Jun left, he left an email address and asked him to send messages to the mailbox in code words whenever something happened.

Zhang Jun was checking his mailbox, and Xiaoqiang suddenly said, "Boss, someone is tracking your location."

Zhang Jun's eyes were cold, and he said, "Check me the location of the other party, don't let him find us."

"Yes." Xiaoqiang did.

A few seconds later, Xiaoqiang said: "The location has been found."

Zhang Jun took the address and said, "Xiaoqiang, I will be away for a period of time. During this time, you should take a good rest and don't talk to strangers."

After the order, he flew directly from Kyoto to his hometown of Huanghai Province.

Ever since Zhang Jun left, Zhang Guozhong and Lu Hongmei felt that their hearts were empty, and their mood was not very good. They didn't even have much interest in running a small supermarket. At present, the small supermarket is taken care of by my little aunt.

Lu Hongmei made dinner, and the two of them ate while chatting. After a meal, I went to the community for a few laps. Walking on the road, Zhang Guozhong suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

"Dad, it's me. You go to the left now. There is a chair over there. You and mom are sitting there."

Zhang Guozhong was overjoyed in his heart. On the surface, he was calm and pulled Lu Hongmei and walked over. As soon as I sat down, I saw a person walking out of the shade of the tree, but he was not like Zhang Jun at all.

The man walked over, sat opposite, and said, "Dad, it's me, Xiao Jun, I changed my appearance."

Lu Hongmei was overjoyed and was about to get up, but was gently held by Zhang Guozhong. He winked and said to Zhang Jun: "Xiao Jun, are you okay during this period of time? Are you safe?"

"I'm safe, are you all okay with your parents? I heard that you don't operate a supermarket?" Zhang Jun asked.

"We opened a supermarket because we wanted to make money to marry you a wife. Now that you have money, what do we still make money to do? Just eat and drink." Lu Hongmei said, her eye circles were red, and she stared at Zhang Jun in a daze.

Zhang Jun felt warm in his heart. In this world, no one cared more about his children than his parents. Many times, people forget this kind of care, become numb and take it for granted.

He said: "I will be back soon, don't worry. It doesn't matter if you don't want to run a supermarket, you just go out on a trip and take a walk around the country."

Zhang Guozhong's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea. When I was young, I thought of walking around, but unfortunately I didn't have the conditions and time. Now I have time to realize this wish."

Lu Hongmei glared at her: "Go, where to go? What if Xiaojun comes back and can't see us?"

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "Don't worry, mom, no matter where you are, I will find it."

Zhang Guozhong glanced around nervously at this time, and said to Zhang Jun: "Xiao Jun, I always feel that someone is following me these days."

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "Dad, don't be suspicious. I have been observing for a long time and haven't followed you at all. Okay, I'm leaving now. Take care of your body."

After speaking, he got up and left. Zhang Guozhong and Lu Hongmei thought of getting up and calling him, but they both held back, sighing and wiping tears.

After leaving his parents, Zhang Jun's face became gloomy. He lied to Zhang Guozhong. There were indeed people following them, and more than one, who did it?

In the community where their parents live, in a house not far away, several young people are monitoring the words and deeds of Zhang Guozhong and his wife through monitoring devices.

A young man said: "We have been monitoring for so long, but nothing was found. It's really boring."

"Our work is boring, and the target of surveillance is two boring old things, so it will be even more boring." Another humanitarian.

While talking, the door suddenly opened, and several people fainted with a blur in front of their eyes.

The person who came in was Zhang Jun. He awoke one person and directly hypnotized him. The man was confused for a while, his mind became no longer fortified, and he must answer questions.

"Who sent you?" he asked.

"Hall Master." Youth Humanity.

"Who is your hall master and what organization does it belong to?"

"Jiang Fieli, the master of the Asian branch of the Message Church under Shengjiao."

"What is your purpose in monitoring this couple?"

"The hall master said that this couple should have a son. Let us look for clues and find their son."

Zhang Jun squinted his eyes, cold light flickering in his eyes. Has Shengjiao finally noticed himself? But, what prompted them to do this? So he continued to ask: "What else does the message hall know?"

"No, the news hall only suspected the couple's son. Our action was small, which shows that the above did not pay much attention to this clue." That humanitarian.

Zhang Jun nodded and exited quietly.

A few minutes later, several young people were awake. They didn't remember what happened. They just felt as if they were asleep. So they continued to monitor.

After leaving, Zhang Jun was very shocked. Shengjiao has already begun to pay attention to him. Although he is not the focus, he is worthy of vigilance.

"It seems that I must drive the power of the sacred religion out of the country so that I can develop in the country with peace of mind!"

He was thinking about countermeasures all night. He always feels that a person's power is limited after all, and it is difficult to make a difference without establishing an alliance.

"Time does not wait for me, it seems I need to find a helper!" he muttered to himself.

In a hotel in Kyoto, Zhang Jun asked x out.

X still looks like that, he stared at Zhang Jun: "Boy, what do you have to talk about?"

Zhang Jun sighed and said, "Boss, I need a master."

"Master?" x sneered, "Are you not a master?"

"I am too few alone." Zhang Jun said, "I need a lot of masters."

X said: "Last time your nine masters killed all the top killers in the world. Even I can't do this. It's useless for you to find me."

Zhang Jun "hehe" smiled: "Boss, don't refuse so quickly. Last time I helped you make more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, and the X team's funding for ten years is not that much, right?"

With short hands and soft mouths, X closed his mouth and said helplessly: "Let's talk, what do you want me to do."

Zhang Jundao: "I heard that in addition to the No. 4 prison, there is also a No. 5 prison. The people held there are all the most dangerous and difficult criminals. Is it true?"

x Squinted his eyes: "Boy, you'd better not hit those people's ideas. It is impossible to get them under your command. They are all imprisoned for life, and some have been sentenced to death, and I can't let them go."

Zhang Jun sighed: "Boss, I know the harm of the Holy Religion better than you do. I am alone and unable to fight against it. So I need manpower and your help."

"No." X still shook his head, but a sly color flashed in his eyes, "Unless you can promise me two things."

Zhang Jun's eyelids twitched, feeling that it was definitely not a good condition, so he asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"First, take your group of master friends and help me kill someone." x said coldly.

"Promise this first, what about the second one?" Zhang Jun said.

"Second, help me save another person."

Zhang Jun sighed again: "These two things, even you can't do it, must be very difficult, right?"

"Yes, the person I am going to kill is the Titan, the person in charge of the US's "Heaven Punishment", who belongs to the United States Intelligence Agency. This person has killed many of our brothers and is a great enemy. He is very powerful, a master of cloth, and a round heart. I feel that the Paladin is still stronger than your Shihua cloth." X said, "He has a lot of intelligence in his hands and has mastered many masters. If you kill him, the US Intelligence Agency will not be able to fight against Team X for three to five years."

"The person you want to save is called Zhao Zhi. He is a genetic expert in our country. He was kidnapped by the Americans three years ago and forced him to develop genetic potions. The basic potions he developed can comprehensively enhance the human body's strength, wisdom, etc. In this regard, it has extremely high strategic value."

"In the past few years, we have gone to save people time and time again, but ended in failure, with countless casualties. The person who looked after Zhao Zhi was the Titan. Therefore, if you want to save people, you must kill the Titan first!"

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