Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 395: Slaughter

Zhang Jun also didn't expect that the black second generation was so cruel that he dared to seal the building directly, and then called hundreds of people to besiege the two women. However, he was also murdered because of this, and this ignorant black second generation has entered his death list.

To him, these local gangs are all chickens and dogs that can't get on the table. Their people are killed when they kill, which is similar to killing a dog.

Returning to the room, Zhang Jun's face had a murderous air, which made Xiaocao and Zhang Feier a little bit frightened. He said: "There is a big problem. A group of people blocked the hotel exit and sealed the hotel. It seemed that we were going to die."

"I'll make a call." Xiaocao said, and took out his cell phone.

Zhang Jun looked at her, "The distant water can't quench the near thirst. It's too late to find someone. Now I must rely on myself."

Xiaocao frowned slightly, and said, "The other party dared to close the building, indicating that there are many people and we have no chance of winning."

"A group of mobs, there is nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Jun said, "You will stay in the room for a while and leave the outside affairs to me."

Xiaocao shook his head: "No, that's too dangerous. One more person has more strength. I will go out with you."

Zhang Feier sighed: "Count me, and I will be kung fu."

When faced with danger, the relationship between people tends to be close. The two beauties walked up to Zhang Jun and stretched out their snow-white delicate hands. Three hands clasped in the air, Xiao Cao Jiao's body shook, as if thinking of something.

She moved closer to Zhang Jun and sniffed, with a strange expression on her face.

Zhang Junxin is horrible, his appearance can change, but his body smell can't change. He and Xiaocao used to act as a young couple and spent a period of time in a close relationship, so this smell can't fool her.

Thinking of the possibility of being seen through, he grinned at her, but the latter's big eyes were foggy, with complex expressions in them, which made him feel a little pain.

Zhang Feier saw the strangeness between the two and asked curiously: "Do you know each other?"

Xiaocao said: "Yes, he is my ex-husband."

Zhang Feier is stupid? Ex-husband?

Zhang Jun understood the meaning of Xiaocao's words. She was referring to the time when the two acted as husband and wife. He sighed and said, "Xiaocao, how are you?"

"Not good." Xiaocao said, "My sister asked me to marry, but I have not been able to find a man I like, so I became a personal bodyguard when I was bored."

Zhang Jun shrugged: "It's also good to be a bodyguard." With that, he walked out the door because the restaurant was closed at the moment, and a large number of people rushed to the second floor.

Xiaocao also followed and followed suit. The two talked while walking.

"When I heard the explosion, I thought you were killed by the missile." Xiaocao whispered, "Thank God, you are fine. Brother, I was really worried about you then."

Zhang Jun rubbed his nose: "Fortunately, my life is too big and I didn't die. Xiaocao, how is your sister?"

"She is still working in the X team, but she has already transferred to a civilian job. Now there is a major general chasing her, which seems to be more playful." Speaking of her sister, Xiaocao smiled.

Zhang Jun also smiled: "Major General, your sister is quite attractive."

Xiaocao sighed: "Even the old lady has a boyfriend, but I'm still alone."

Zhang Jun closed his mouth. The meaning of this sentence can be heard even if he is a fool, so he had better not answer.

Xiaocao continued: "Brother, you suddenly heard the news. What are you doing these years? Are you performing a secret mission?"

Zhang Jun nodded: "Yes, it is a very dangerous mission that will last a lifetime, so I once met you, but I didn't dare to recognize each other."

Xiaocao felt a pain in his heart: "Is it the mission of a lifetime of nine deaths?"

Zhang Jun said, "There are some things that someone must do." Then he stopped and stared coldly at the elevator.

When the indicator light stopped beating and the elevator door was about to open, he suddenly punched the elevator door. The dragon and tiger are so powerful that they smashed the elevator door directly with this blow, and the huge sound repeatedly oscillated in the small elevator room.

The 30-odd gang members inside were all knocked to the ground by the terrifying sound waves, their ears bleed, their eyes turned white, and most of them were shocked into dementia.

Seeing that the sturdy elevator door was dented into a large area by Zhang Jun and completely changed its shape, Xiaocao spit out his tongue: "Brother, your skill has improved again."

Zhang Jun said: "Go to the stairs."

At the top of the stairs, dozens of people climbed up hard. Zhang Jun stomped **** the wooden stairs, and his domineering force destroyed the joints of the stairs. The huge staircase collapsed in an instant, all the members of the gang fell to the ground, more than half of them fell to death, and the rest were injured.

Zhang Jun looked down coldly and said, "These little trash fish can't get up. A master will appear later, Xiaocao, you go to the room and wait."

Xiaocao nodded, she had always believed in Zhang Jun's judgment.

The hotel has been sealed, and there is no news when the Guan dozens of brothers went up, and the young man felt that his heart was hairy. He turned around and asked a middle-aged man with a deep temperament behind him: "Would you like to go up and see?"

The middle-aged man heard the sound of the stairs collapsing, his eyes bursting brightly, and said: "The other party is a master!" After speaking, he walked over.

Zhang Jun was standing in the aisle, and it didn't take long before he heard footsteps. Without perspective, just through the sound of footsteps, he concluded that the person here is a master of Huajin.

Although he has seen a lot of Huajin characters, he can even shoot Huajin characters to death with one palm. But people at this level of energy are still very scarce. Among millions of people, there may not be such a person, which shows how rare it is.

The middle-aged man came to the aisle. What he saw was Zhang Jun's back. He stopped at the aisle and said coldly, "Friend, report your name."

Zhang Jun turned around, his eyes gleaming strangely. The middle-aged man was startled at first, and then slowly became unconscious, and was hypnotized by Zhang Jun.

"Who is above you?" he asked.

"Tianheng Shengzi." The other party replied.

"What is the purpose of Yang Tian Heng coming to Hong Kong?"

"Tianheng Shengzi and Tianji Shengzi are twins. The two bet that whoever unifies the global Hongmen first will be the elder brother." He said.

"Unify Hongmen? What a big ambition, what step has Yang Tianheng done now?"

"Tian Heng Shengzi is very intelligent. He has basically subdued Hong Kong's underground power by using the thunderbolt method. He will use the Hongmen competition competition a year later to become the first Hongmen club, and then take the opportunity to unify the Asian Hongmen. Finally, the world will be unified."

Zhang Jun: "Where is Yang Tianji?"

"The Son of Heaven is in the United States. It is said that he has basically controlled the North American Hongmen, and he has made great achievements." He said.

Zhang Jun nodded: "Go down and kill the young man who asked you to come up."


The young black second generation was waiting anxiously, when he saw the middle-aged man come down, he quickly asked, "How is it?"

The middle-aged man slapped him over, but he was a master of Huajin, and his palm was so strong that he slapped the young man's head in one fell swoop, making him breathless on the spot. Then the middle-aged man committed suicide by beating his head.

The siege ended in this way. When the police arrived, the bodies of the hotel were cleared away, leaving only a messy scene. Zhang Jun and the three also changed a hotel, otherwise they might be questioned by the police.

In another hotel, Zhang Feier and Xiaocao lived in the room next to Zhang Jun. In the evening, Zhang Jun heard a knock on the door, he sighed, opened the door and Xiaocao walked in.

"Big Brother." Xiaocao greeted with a smile in his nightgown.

Zhang Jun said: "Come in, still awake late at night?"

Xiaocao said: "Can't sleep, I want to come over and chat with Big Brother."

Zhang Jun poured her a glass of water and asked, "Xiaocao, are all the brothers in the team okay?"

"Basically, they have all changed jobs and engaged in different jobs in various fields. For example, I became a bodyguard." Xiaocao said with emotion, "Time flies so fast, I'm already a thirty-year-old girl."

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "Thirty years old is not old."

Xiaocao suddenly hugged Zhang Jun tightly, and whispered, "Big Brother, hold me tight."

Zhang Jun froze. When he and Xiaocao played husband and wife, he even molested her. But now the situation is reversed, he was actually molested by this chick.

After struggling for a while, he slowly held the chick in his arms. After a while, he smiled and said, "Xiaocao, something will happen if you hold it down. I'm very lustful."

But Xiaocao didn't let go, raised his head and took the initiative to send the scented lips, secreting cool and soft. Zhang Jun sighed, at this moment, what else can he do? Go!

In the early hours of the morning, Xiaocao left. Zhang Jun has been awake, but he did not stay. And he knew that Zhang Feier and Xiaocao left the hotel before dawn and went straight to the airport.

Seeing the falling red on the bed sheet, Zhang Jun smiled bitterly for a long time. He murmured: "It seems that concentration is still not enough!"

When delivering breakfast, the hotel waiter brought a newspaper, and Zhang Jun read it casually while eating. There was a piece of news in the newspaper, and a photo was also published. He was so familiar with that photo because she was Shen Rong, so why did she come to Hong Kong?

He read the report once. The report stated that the Hong Kong government and the mainland attach great importance to Hong Kong’s public security issues. Shen Rong arrived in Hong Kong this time and is mainly responsible for Hong Kong’s anti-drug work.

The government obviously made up its mind, so it set up a special anti-criminal and pornographic bureau, with Shen Rong as its team leader. She is the deputy director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and she is able to sit in these positions.

The newspaper wrote about Shen Rong's anti-drug achievements in southern Yunnan in large lengths of text, and predicted that this action would surely disturb the underground order in Hong Kong.

After reading the newspaper, Zhang Jun called Shen Rong's personal number.

The phone was connected and he said, "Director Shen, it's been a long time since I saw you, the villain missed it very much."

Shen Rong was sorting files in the office. As soon as she heard his voice, her shrewd and capable temperament disappeared without a trace, and she became a coquettish little woman.

"Asshole! I did when you disappeared. It took me so long to call me. Is the phone bill that expensive?" She exasperated, like a tigress.

Zhang Jun smiled "hehe": "I'm not calling you now."

Shen Rong: "Where are you now?"

"A hotel in Hong Kong." Zhang Jun said, "Come over and deal with something. I just learned about your arrival in Hong Kong from the newspaper, so I called to ask."

Shen Rong's heart jumped, her face flushed, and said, "Then let's talk about it."

"I'll wait for you." Zhang Jun let out an ambiguous smile, and then hung up the phone.

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