Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 424: Fairy Club

The energy of the other party was very strong. Once he arrived in Xijiang, the position of acting governor of the three provinces of Chen was replaced. Instead, an unknown deputy governor suddenly rose up and became the governor. He is now the executive vice governor and his status has been greatly reduced. Some people who originally supported him immediately became blurred.

Moreover, Secretary Zhou also went to Kyoto, all of which was very unfavorable to him.

Chen Sanxing is thinking about countermeasures. He has been in the officialdom for so many years and has developed a very insightful ability. He can always make the right response at the right time, and this time is no exception.

The opponent's powerful energy and sharp methods did not frighten him. He has always acted cautiously, and he believes that he has no handle. On the contrary, he found an unusual opportunity from this incident, a chance to leap into the dragon.

In the past few years in Xijiang, he has made outstanding achievements, and Xijiang Natural Group is one of his achievements. At present, Xijiang is the country's largest production base for green agricultural products. It has also officially opened in supermarkets across the country, with considerable income.

Farmers' income has increased and labor intensity has decreased, and no one will miss his Chen Sansheng's good. He believed that his superiors must have paid attention to him, but this attention did not show up.

A wise politician can turn passivity into initiative, and turn disadvantages into advantages. Chen Sansheng is such a master, and he soon has a countermeasure in his mind.

On the other hand, Zhang Jun did not go to see Chen Sanxing immediately after coming to Xijiang, but secretly observed his reaction. He believes that in the face of an unfavorable situation, Chen Sansheng must have a way to deal with it. If even this problem cannot be solved, then he is not worthy of having the emperor's fate.

Sure enough, Chen Sansheng did not panic at all, he implemented his plan step by step.

The next day, Chen Sanshen suddenly submitted a resignation report to the provincial party committee. The reason for his resignation was: an official who did not gain the trust of the organization should not continue to stay at his job. He chose to retire to facilitate the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Forensic investigation.

The news surprised everyone, and those who were investigating him were extremely happy. They are still worried that Chen Sansheng's long-term stay in Xijiang is deeply rooted and difficult to clean up. Now he actually retreats on his own initiative. What a godsend opportunity!

Even Zhang Jun was surprised by Chen Sansheng's dangerous move, but after careful consideration, he guessed his intention.

The opponent’s investigation speed has accelerated, but the Fortune Group has a huge influence, and it is also a business under the Tianxing Group. This is a major event that will strike the sky and cannot be shaken by one or two.

However, some comments unfavorable to Chen Sanshi Fugui Group began to appear on the Internet. These remarks included Chen Sansheng accepting huge bribes, helping the Fugui Group to purchase state-owned enterprises, colluding with government and business, and embezzling state-owned assets; Xijiang Natural Group caused Xijiang farmers to lose their land, unable to eat, and social turmoil in Xijiang; Chen Sansheng secretly controlled the Fugui Gang, The latter is lawless, cruelly oppressing the people of Xijiang, and has a bad influence.

The Internet speech became more and more powerful. Finally, some local newspapers and influential websites also reported the matter. All of the people across the country knew the name of Chen Sanshen, and he became an Internet celebrity.

A member of the media suddenly stood up and publicly reported the corruption and bribery crimes of Chen Sanxing, Executive Vice Governor of Xijiang.

The situation became more and more violent, alarming the central government, so an investigation team was sent to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the incident.

With the passage of time, the impact of Chen Sansheng's resignation began to appear. When he was governor, he worked hard and slept no more than five hours a day. He is involved in all the big plans, big enterprises, and big investment promotion of Xijiang.

First of all, the Fortune Group suddenly stopped the operation of the Natural Group, the supermarket was closed, and the purchase of agricultural and sideline products was also stopped. At the same time, Bai Lingxue sent employees who knew the situation a long time ago to send leaflets to farmers.

The leaflet detailed the current situation of Chen Sanshen, as well as various rumors on the Internet and the media, and expressed concern that the Natural Group might be closed.

The farmers were shocked when they heard it, it was pretty good! Natural Group has more than doubled their income. Now their wages have risen almost every month, and various benefits are even more impressive. If Governor Chen steps down, who will they go with?

So I don't know who raised his arms and everyone gathered together and wrote a book with thousands of people. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to pick up Chen San.

Things are far from this. Tianxing Group, a partner of some large projects, suddenly unilaterally announced the suspension of all cooperation with Xijiang. For example, the country's largest bulk car base, the country's largest wholesale market for dry groceries and small goods, the country's main logistics center, and so on.

For those big projects, Xijiang Province invested tens of billions in the early stage. Once the cooperation is terminated, it will suffer heavy losses and involve countless interest entanglements.

At this time, a documentary film "Xijiang Xing", which introduced the development of Xijiang in recent years and the changes in people's lives, quietly spread on the Internet. No one knows who made the documentary, but the shooting method is very professional.

The documentary vividly introduced the changes that have taken place in Xijiang in recent years. The income of the people has increased, the quality of life has improved, and labor intensity has decreased. The highlight is the interviews with some factories and supermarkets, specific to everyone and everything.

So not long after, another voice began to appear on the Internet, and finally someone began to support Chen Sansheng.

At this time, Bai Lingxue, President of Fortune Group, held a press conference to strongly condemn those irresponsible remarks and said that he had reported the case to the public security organs. On the day of the press conference, the public security agency suddenly received a report letter that specified the address of the person who posted the rumor on the Internet and detailed personal information.

On the same day, the public relations agency uncovered a premeditated and organized online rumor-making case. More than 200 people were arrested, which shocked the whole country. After the news was exposed, it directly caused the public opinion to fall to the side of Chen Sansheng.

Zhang Jun kept waiting, during which he did a few small things secretly, such as asking Xiaoqiang to find the person who made the rumors and instructing Bai Lingxue to stop business.

When things got to this point, he felt it was time to fight back. That night, he infiltrated the house of any dragon, the minister of the organization, and hypnotized him. What was expected was that this person was protected by a master of Huajin, but unfortunately they couldn't stop Zhang Jun and was knocked unconscious with one move.

Any dragon was sleeping and suddenly felt a pain in his eyebrows, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

After successful hypnosis, he asked: "What is your name and who is your boss?"

"I am Yilong, and my boss is Ren Tiandu." Yilong replied mechanically.

"Who is Ren Tiandu?"

"He is the president of the Fairy Club."

"Shenxianhui?" Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows. "You can tell me the situation of this organization carefully."

So any dragon knows everything under Zhang Jun’s inquiry, and Zhang Jun fully understands his situation behind the scenes.

Ren Tiandu's boss is Ren Tiandu, the president of the Fairy Club. Shenxianhui is a mysterious organization. Its members are all members of the Shenling Platform. These people unite to form a great power.

Since Ren Tiandu is the guild leader, his energy is naturally strong, so it's no wonder that he can put any dragon on top in a short time and also suppress Chen Sansheng so much.

After inquiring in detail, Zhang Jun sneered and said: "Okay, you take me to see Ren Tiandu. But before you leave, you have to do a few things."

The next day, the Minister of Xijiang Organization was arrested on suspicion of prostitution. After being arrested, he was very arrogant, assaulted the police officers, smashed the police station, and arrogantly said: "I am a provincial official, who dares to arrest me?"

The video was posted on the Internet and reprinted in large numbers, and the impact was very bad.

The superior was furious and prepared to apprehend. But then any dragon suddenly disappeared. He took Zhang Jun to Kyoto and found Ren Tiandu. Ren Tiandu's identity is Ren Tiandu's nephew, and the two sides are closely related, and Ren Tian does not hide his whereabouts from him.

This is a courtyard house, small but antique, with very particular architecture. Any dragon knocked on the door alone, walked in, and soon saw Ren Tiandu.

Ren Tian is reading the newspaper. He is a middle-aged man in his fifties with bright eyes, a calm temperament, and a suit and leather shoes. Seeing any dragon, he pointed at him angrily and asked, "Why do you want to do this? Did you get water in your head?"

"It's not that my head got water, but I was hypnotized." Zhang Jun walked out from behind at this moment, with a sneer on his face.

Ren Tian's expression changed. Who is this person? How did he get in? His thoughts turned sharply, and he calmed down and asked in a dark voice, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am, and you don't need to yell. All of your people were knocked unconscious by me." After saying that he urged his heart and began to hypnotize Ren Tiandu.

Unexpectedly, the opponent shook his head to resist hypnosis, and then his body "hum" so that a layer of qi was lifted up, and he was actually a cloth gang master.

Zhang Jun coldly snorted: "Although Bu Gang is rare, you are too weak!" With a dragon and tiger seal suppressed, the wind and thunder were violent, and the force was like a landslide. The Consummation Level Dragon Tiger True Gang can kill Xian Gang, not to mention his introspective level figures.

Ren Tian was suddenly struck by lightning, feeling a tyrannical force rushing into his body, his qi collapsed immediately, losing the ability to counterattack, and he was frustrated.

Once the body couldn't resist it, the human spirit would relax. After struggling for a while, he was quickly hypnotized by Zhang Jun, with a puzzled expression in his eyes.

After questioning, he learned that Ren Tian was a secret messenger under Zuo Tian Wang, and his existence was only known to Zuo Tian Wang. The immortal club he controls, including members such as the East China Sea God of Wealth, Kyoto Buddha, Northwest Wolf, Northeast Tigers, etc., as well as business giants, officialdom tycoons, the total number of up to 33 people, huge energy.

The main reason that Ren Tian let any dragon come to power was that he had wooed Chen Sansheng to join the Fairy Society, because he saw that Chen Sansheng had great potential. In this incident, he actually wanted to beat and beat Chen Sanshen, and then took the opportunity to draw in and make him his sect.

It was just that he never expected that Chen Sansheng was so courageous that he would resign directly, leading to a series of uncontrollable follow-up changes. He didn't even expect that Zhang Jun, the evil dragon, would come directly to the door.

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