Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 816: Ancient corpse

Master Wudu thought to me: "Shennong Baicao whip is of great significance to me, and we must get it! Since they came to the door by themselves, they just used their power to deal with Zhang Jun. However, Zhang Jun's killer mace makes me jealous, so we must be careful. It would be better to hurt both of them!"

Thinking of this, he said loudly: "Okay! Let's join forces to deal with Zhang Jun and win the Shennongmen Dongfu!"

Yang Tianxuan smiled "hehe" and said, "There is a master of five poisons and Mr. Ba, Zhang Jun must not be an opponent!"

On the other side, Zhang Jun speeded up and walked over mountains on the way. During the period, they have been very vigilant, Zhang Jun used Jiang Mochu to observe the surrounding situation from time to time. When entering a misty virgin forest, he suddenly sneered and said: "The Five Poison Masters really did not give up, this time even the people of the Holy Sect are here!"

Huabuyi asked about the situation and learned that there were three returning masters, his face was a little ugly, and he resolutely said: "Temporarily give up the trip to the cave!"

Zhang Jun also thinks this way. The strength of the person here is too strong. If you try hard, it will hurt both sides and it is not worth it. If you continue to open the cave, it will inevitably expose the position of the cave and bury endless hidden dangers in the future. But at this time, he was not worried at all, with a smile on his face, and said: "Master, there is a cave with many restrictions over a hundred miles southwest. The restrictions are very strong and absolutely safe. Let's go there."

Hua Buyi was surprised. He and Zhang Jun had been to this place before, and they did not find this cave. But when I think about it, I understand that Zhang Jun didn't have half-step magical powers at that time, and the perspective ability of Buddha's eyes was limited. If he has half-step magical powers, he can naturally see many things that he couldn't see before, such as some cave houses with bans.

Everyone agreed, so they changed their directions and headed towards the forbidden cave. On the way, Huabuyi asked, "What is the origin of this cave? What's inside?"

Zhang Jun smiled "hehe": "As early as at the Sword Gate of Shu Mountain, I discovered this cave mansion, and I planned to have time to explore it later. Since those people are catching up all the time, I will take them to the cave mansion. There are killing prohibitions everywhere in this cave, and I don’t know what thoughts the owner of the cave has put in to design it as a dead place."

"There is no treasure in it?" Everyone was surprised and asked.

Zhang Jun said with a strange expression: "No, there is only one corpse, the corpse of a woman in ancient costumes."

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, Huabuyi seemed to have thought of something, his face changed slightly, and said: "Ancient corpse? Tell me the condition of the corpse!"

Zhang Jun looked remotely with the eyes of the Buddha, carefully observed and said: "The corpse is stored in a huge copper coffin, and the outside is suppressed by thirty-six runes. On the coffin, there are also runes, which seem to be able to communicate with the cave. Prohibition of killing."

Hua Buyi's expression was solemn, and said, "That's right, this is a corpse of God, which is extremely dangerous. Otherwise, the predecessors would not use large formations and magic runes to suppress it."

Zhang Jun was bluffed and asked hurriedly, "Master, what is a corpse of a god? Is it the small world that produces the self-consciousness and is formed on the corpse?"

He once met a demon king who occupied Yuanyuan, which is now the sea of ​​consciousness of Qinglian. The predecessor of the demon king was a majestic power, and later fell into the demon way, the spiritual platform turned into a demon domain, and swallowed the memories of the previous holders, thus forming a preliminary self consciousness. If it weren't for Li Daojun's means to kill him, Qinglian would inevitably become a demon king's body, a monster with incorruptible flesh and eternal spirit.

Hua Buyi nodded: "After the death of the great power who opened up the spiritual realm, the spiritual realm will not disappear immediately. Some have been passed on by others, and some have been extinguished in history. There is also a very small part of the spiritual realm because of various opportunities. Coincidentally, they have the self-consciousness. Part of the spiritual realm that has consciousness is extremely blood-eating and evil. They will look for corpses as a boarding house, walk around the world, continue to devour the souls of strangers, and strengthen themselves."

Zhang Jun frowned: "The spiritual realm in this state will really last forever?"

"That's not necessarily." Hua Buyi said, "For example, this ancient corpse, he was suppressed by more powerful characters here. If I guessed correctly, the thirty-six runes and the killing array are all black. To destroy the role of the spiritual realm."

Xiaolongnv looked at Zhang Jun and asked, "Do you want them to mistakenly think that the cave that suppressed the ancient corpse is the treasure of Shennongmen?"

Zhang Jun nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, the killing array inside is infinitely powerful. As long as they dare to break through, they will definitely be able to kill them. If they don't break through, we will pass through the cave and leave from another exit and let them play by themselves. go with."

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing the arrangement of the predecessors and accidentally releasing the ancient corpse?" Xiaolongnv asked again, "In that case, we can't control the situation."

Zhang Jun smiled "hehe": "I have explored the ancient corpse just now, that the ancient corpse has no aura of life. In other words, the spiritual realm pinned on the ancient corpse has long been wiped out. I also read the text on the copper coffin, that It is an ancient writing before the Shang Dynasty. This ancient corpse may have been suppressed for more than four thousand years and should have been obliterated long ago."

Hua Buyi was obviously relieved and said: "This way I can rest assured! If the ancient corpse is not destroyed, once we let it break out, we will cause a terrible disaster. Today, I am afraid that only the super master can suppress it. , And have to pay a huge price."

Zhang Jun felt hairy, but since the ancient corpse had lost consciousness, there was nothing to worry about.

The group said and walked, and it didn't take long to rush to the cave where the ancient corpse was killed. The entrance to the cave was sealed with a mixture of shells and clay, which is stronger than concrete, and the surface is no different from rock. Had it not been for Zhang Jun to be able to see through, he would not have found it at all. From the outside, the entrance is located in the middle of a sharp low mountain. This mountain is very special. The mountain is bare and there is no grass growing, showing a sense of solemnity.

Zhang Jun came to a mottled stone wall, used his social power, and slapped it heavily. Just hearing the "boom" there was a loud noise, smoke and dust rose, and the stone wall suddenly cracked, revealing a cave that was as high as two people and enough for six people to enter side by side. The inside was gloomy and indistinguishable.

Fabin asked worriedly: "Master, the killing array inside is as dangerous to us, right?"

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "It's okay, follow me." With the help of the Buddha's eyes, he is sure to enter the cave without touching the big formation. This is an advantage that the opponent does not have.

A few minutes after Zhang Jun and his group entered the cave, Yang Tianxuan and his party arrived. Standing at the entrance of the cave, and sensing the divine power fluctuations coming out of the cave, Mr. Ba's eyes lit up: "Yes! This must be the Shennongmen cave. I can sense the restraining power of the sage-level!"

Master Wudu has a solemn expression: "We may not be able to break through the restrictions of the Manifestation of Saint Level!"

"Prohibition is dead, people are alive, it is not difficult to break it!" Yang Tianxuan's eyes flashed, "We can set up a killing array!"

Hearing what he said, Master Five Poisons suddenly remembered something and said: "I almost forgot, your Yang Family's'Zhou Tian Leading Thunder Array' specifically broke the ban. Could it be that the Heavenly Profound Son brought all the formation flags? "

"Natural!" Yang Tianxuan glanced at the tenth-level god. The latter took out the package behind him and took out the twelve-sided triangular bronze medals, each of which was more than 30 centimeters high, and the lower one was for inserting. The tip of the ground.

Mr. Ba smiled and said: "Thunder can be used to induce a large array of thunders every day. The power of the thunder can be used. It is not difficult to break the prohibition. It is a pity that there has been no wind and rain in the past few days, and the power of the large array of lightning is limited."

Yang Tianxuan said indifferently: "Their people have already entered. We can wait outside slowly. One day can't do two days, two days can't do ten days. If there is a thunderstorm in the meantime, we can set up a large thunder-inducing array and destroy it in one fell swoop. Prohibition. If they come out early, then we will do it directly."

The others felt that this method was very safe and agreed to it. So, several people crouched outside the cave, waiting for Zhang Jun and his party to come out, or the arrival of thunderstorm.

A few minutes ago, Zhang Jun led the crowd to a wall inside the cave. He stared at the wall and said: "This wall is the periphery of the restriction, and there are three levels of restriction inside, and one layer is more dangerous."

"Are we going to break in?" Fabin asked worriedly. This prohibition put him under great pressure.

"Of course not." Zhang Jun said, "This killing array has flaws. As long as we find it, we can easily pass all the way."

"Where is the flaw?" Huabuyi couldn't help asking.

Zhang Jun stretched out his hand and pointed to the left. There was a stone gate there. The stone gate was two meters high and three meters wide. It revealed a strong murderous intent. Even if the saints face this stone gate, they will be afraid, not to mention the weaker cultivation base. People. When everyone heard that this was a flaw, they all felt incredible.

Xiaolongnv said: "I feel that this door should be the strongest point in the outer ban, and it is not easy to break through. If the entire banned killing array is a sword, then this place is the tip of the sword, and the lethality is the most terrifying."

Zhang Jun nodded: "Yes, this place is indeed dangerous. But you only saw its strength, not its weakness." After speaking, he stomped his foot on the ground, and a wave of shock spread. This was a physical level shock, which directly triggered the organ behind Shimen. With only a "click", Shimen fell back with a "bang" and hit the ground, exposing the space behind.

Everyone looked at each other, and Hua Buyi asked unexpectedly: "Is it possible to pass this way?"

Zhang Jun nodded: "From my observation, the predecessors who designed the prohibition at the time only designed one trigger form, that is, destroying the stone gate or stone wall. No matter whether people inside go out or people outside go in, they must pass through this stone gate. Or break through the entire wall. Either way, the prohibition will be triggered and the hail will be prohibited. However, the predecessor also left Shimen with a mechanism. If he has the know-how, he can enter safely."

"Don't the senior be afraid of the ancient corpse's escape with this method?" Fabin asked strangely.

"Of course not." Zhang Jun said, "The ancient corpse was suppressed by thirty-six runes and a copper coffin, and it was difficult to move a finger. If it can break free from the suppression and appear behind Shimen, then there is absolutely no way to restrain it, so This killing array has only two functions. One is to prevent unrelated people from entering to avoid breaking the restrictions here; the other is to cooperate with the copper coffin to obliterate the original consciousness of the ancient corpse."

"Don't that person think about our situation, because we come in easily?" Fabin said.

"We can come in, it doesn't mean that others can also come in." Zhang Jun said lightly, "not everyone has Buddha's eye relics."

Everyone now understands that apart from Zhang Jun, there is probably no other person in this world who can discover the secret of Shimen. On the contrary, not only would they not pass through the stone gate, but they would also bypass it and attack the restriction directly from the position of the wall.

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