Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 818: Wudaomen

The two masters and apprentices put their palms on one end of the big bluestone. Below the big bluestone, there is a magical artifact connected to it. This magic weapon is very wonderful. Only two people can simultaneously use the nine powers of the medical path and punch the strength into the magic weapon to activate it and open the Shennongmen cave. The two masters and apprentices have a sharp heart, and the power they played is generally the same and extremely precise.

The nine strengths of the medical path are divided into nine types of strength: breaking strength, adhesion strength, disintegration strength, harmony strength, shifting strength, shock strength, air suction strength, spiral strength, and cattle hair strength. Human skill three powers. When Huabuyi had just been apprentice, Mr. Yang Ling told him about the "password" information passed down from generation to generation. In this cipher, the nine kinds of strength are regarded as nine numbers, plus a kind of strength of living human skills.

This is undoubtedly a special way of ciphering. The possibility of ten kinds of random permutation and combination is as many as one billion, and it is impossible for outsiders to crack it. At this time, Zhang Jun and Huabuyi played adhesion strength, spiral strength, shock strength, hehe strength, disintegration strength, breaking strength, first strength in living surgery, cow hair strength, empty suction strength, and shape shifting strength in sequence. The time difference between the strength of strength is one second, no more and no less.

When the final shape-shifting force was shot, the large bluestone emitted a white brilliance, producing a certain shock force. Each shock was six consecutive times, and it was continuously shocked sixteen times. Thanks to Zhang Jun and Huabuyi's amazing memory, they can write down the strength and sequence of each shock. When the shock disappeared, Huabuyi immediately took out an old thread-bound book and flipped through it quickly.

This book is exactly the secret book for the cultivation of the Qingdi Mind Law, Zhang Jun has also seen it, but he did not expect that another function of this book is actually a code book! Before the big bluestone oscillated, each oscillating six times, each one represents a kind of strength. Among them, the vitality technique represents zero, the breaking force represents one, the adhesion force represents two, the disintegrating force represents the third grade, and so on. In this way, they get a series of four-digit combinations.

The first number is one, two, eight, and one four, which represents the forty-fourth character on the twenty-eighth line on the twelfth page of the Qingdi Heart Law. This character is "mountain". After Huabuyi found the first character, Zhang Jun immediately wrote it down, and then continued to search for the second and third characters. In the end Zhang Jun put these words together to form a passage.

"In the shadow of the mountain, after Guteng, it is thirty-three feet from the ground and enters from the entrance of the cave." Zhang Junnian said.

Hua Buyi nodded: "That's right, this is showing us how to really enter the cave and go!"

The Yin of the Mountain means the north of the mountain. The scope of this search is very wide. Fortunately, Zhang Yufo targeted the ancient vine. There is only such an ancient vine on this section of the cliff. The vine body is very thick. It roots in the valley below the cliff. It has lush branches and leaves. It has lived for thousands of years, but it is still full of vitality.

Everyone climbed along the ancient vines, and as expected they found a very hidden hole at about thirty-three feet. The entrance of the cave is about two meters in diameter, and there is a protruding stone platform at the bottom of the cave, which makes it impossible to see the entrance from below. You can only find it by climbing to this position. Everyone stepped on the stone platform, Zhang Jun and Hua Buyi respectively pressed a protruding stone on the left and right sides of the cave entrance, and once again played the nine strengths of the medicine.

With a bang, the stone door in the cave opened, revealing a deep passage.

Huabuyi's eyes lit up, unable to hide the excitement in his tone, and said: "You can go in!"

After a group of people stepped on the stone gate, the stone gate closed automatically, and the light suddenly dimmed. Everyone walked along the passage for three full minutes, and then encountered a stone gate. This stone gate is square, three meters high and three meters wide. The door is carved with allusions of Shennong whip and grass. Seeing this, Hua Buyi and Zhang Junna of course respected, arranged their clothes one after another, and then bowed to the gate three times.

Immediately after the worship, the stone gate opened "rumbled", but inside was a large hall. Entering it, you can see that the hall is covered with bluestone slabs. Twelve huge bluestone pillars support the hall, which is very majestic. In the front of the hall are five small single-leaf stone gates, on which there is a protruding stone ball.

Seeing these five doors, Huabuyi's eyes lit up and said: "Your too master is right. There are five doors in Shennongmen Dongfu. Different levels of cultivation can only open the corresponding door."

Zhang Jun first walked to the first Shimen from the left, stretched out his hand to press on the Shimen, and urged the Jiu Jin of the Medical Path to tremble, but Shimen did not respond.

Hua Buyi said, "That door is for the master of Yuanjue Realm." After finishing speaking, he walked to the second stone door from the left, stretched out his hand and pressed it, and heard a sound of "Kalonglong", and the stone door opened. , Revealing a passage paved with masonry.

Zhang Jun didn't go in immediately and asked, "Master, the second door from the left represents half-step magical powers. Does the third door represent the realm of return?"

Huabuyi nodded: "Yes, the third door from the left represents the realm of return, the fourth door represents the manifestation of the holy realm, and the fifth door represents the great Luojing."

Everyone was taken aback, and the little dragon girl said: "So, in the history of Shennongmen, there have been figures from the Great Luojing?"

Hua Buyi was not sure, and said: "If there is, it should be the first ancestor." After saying that, he said to Xiaolongnv and others, "This is a great place for Shennongmen, outsiders are not allowed to enter, you wait outside."

Little Dragon Girl didn't care, nodded, and stayed outside with Fabin. Only Hua Buyi and Zhang Jun and his apprentice walked into the passage. The passage is only a dozen meters long. At the end, turn left and it is a large hall with an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters. There are jade shelves in the hall, all kinds of jade tables, pillars, and cupboards made of yellow rosewood, making the hall full.

Zhang Jun took a glance and found that there are three things in the most. The first is the pill, of all kinds, of various levels, including spirit pill, **** pill, and even Zhang Jun can’t see the grade. Pills; the second type is books, all kinds of exercises, notes, etc., all-encompassing; the third type is talisman, many talisman have everything, half-step magic talisman, return to the true talisman, attack talisman, defense Talisman, demon talisman, etc.

In the end, he also discovered that all cabinets made of yellow rosewood contained the treasures of the heads of Shennongmen of past dynasties. On the jade table, all medical tools are placed on the table. For example, on one jade table are all books and tools related to the art of living human beings; on the other jade table, all are placed on the Taoism Cultivation methods, and materials required for making symbols, etc.

Twelve jade pillars are placed in the center of the hall. These jade pillars are very thick and require three or four people to hug them together. But they are not high, only five meters, they stand in the center of the hall, arranged in a circle. Zhang Jun came to the Yuzhu and found that many grids had been dug out on the Yuzhu, and the things placed in the grids were very precious. For example, return to the true magical instruments and runes, return to the true pill and magic medicine, and some rare objects like meteorite iron from the outside world, unknown substances, etc., each of which is worthless.

In the middle of the ten jade pillars is an open area with a futon placed in it, and a large number of jade slips are placed around them, one after another, piled up in a pile. Huabuyi stepped onto the futon and sat down, then picked up the jade slip and watched it very seriously. The words on these jade slips are all carved with a knife and pen, and they are jade quality, so they can be immortal for thousands of years and still look new.

Huabuyi held up a jade slip, read only one line, and knelt down respectfully, and bowed to the jade slip three times, full of admiration. Zhang Jun hurriedly walked up and followed him for three prayers, and then took a closer look and saw that the signature on the jade slip was the first generation of Shennongmen patriarch, Gongsun Changsheng!

The jade slip records the origin of Shennongmen and the original intention of establishing Shennongmen, which is a summary of his life. The rest of the jade slips contain the self-evaluations and life summaries of more than a dozen masters of the past, which are very detailed.

Huabuyi ignored the numerous treasures, sitting on the futon and reading the jade slips with a solemn expression. Zhang Jun is not the case, he is not the head now, and Yu Jian will slowly look better in the future. Instead, he checked the things on the Yuzhu first, and he found a lot of interesting things that he had never seen or heard in his life, and they all studied them one by one.

After reading the things on Yuzhu, he ran to the jade table to check. The mother talisman, magic needle, living technique, and alchemy that he learned from the doctor before are explained in more detail here. It's a pity that it's not the time to study, so I just watched it hastily, and then ran to the cupboard that provoked the rosewood.

The styles of these Otsukos are different, there are large ones, and small ones, and there are more than two dozen, all left by the head of the half-step supernatural power realm. He also discovered two famous historical figures, one is Huatuo from the Han Dynasty and the other is Sun Simiao from the Tang Dynasty. The things they left behind include lifelong medical notes, as well as a wedge, pill, talisman, etc.

After reading it roughly, Zhang Jun came to Huabuyi again and said, "Master, what can be hidden in the next door?"

Huabuyi put down the jade slip and said with a smile: "The jade slip said, the next door goes straight to the wild world!"

Zhang Jun was overjoyed: "Wasteland? We Shennongmen also have a place similar to the small world?"

Hua Buyi nodded: "Naturally, it is a place where reality and imaginary coexist. It was opened for the first generation of Shennongmen ancestors. It is located in the depths of the desolate ancient Taiyu. Only the people of Shennongmen know."

"The place where the reality and the void?" Zhang Jun was taken aback. The so-called place where the reality and the reality are born refers to the place where real objects can be stored in the wasteland. This kind of place is generally very dangerous, and only the powers of the Manifestation of Sage can dare to explore. I did not expect that Shennongmen would open up a spiritual world in this kind of place!

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility and asked in surprise: "Master, if the small world of Shennongmen is located in a place where reality and emptiness are born, can we put things in reality into the spiritual realm?"

Hua Buyi said: "I don't know if this is a teacher, even if it can be, it should be a means of manifesting the saints, and we can't do it at present."

The two masters and disciples stayed inside for more than three hours before coming out, with smiles on their faces. The collection of Shennongmen is unexpectedly rich. What's more, there are still three doors that have not been opened, and the treasures inside must be more precious.

Coming out of the second door, Hua Buyi said, "Zhang Jun, I decided to stay for the teacher to study the medical science for the time being. You take the time to send Qinglian over. Her medical qualifications are still above that of the teacher, so I can teach her well for a while. "

Zhang Jun nodded: "Okay! I hope that Master will open up the spiritual realm as soon as possible, and the outside matters will be handled by the apprentice." Then he said to Adam and Adolf, "You two stay and listen to my master's orders. Don't feel bored here. My master’s medical skills are unparalleled in the world, and maybe it can help you break through to the first-class duke, or even become a prince."

Adam and Adolf were overjoyed and respectfully said: "Yes!"

After a day of rest, Zhang Jun took Xiaolongnu and Fabin to leave the Dongfu, and returned to the Northwest Base at noon the next day. He didn't have anything important recently, so he helped the one hundred young **** warriors ascend while practicing, so as to lay the foundation for Zong Yuan's future. In addition, he also decided to turn on the furnace tripod found in the underwater cave and take the treasure in it, so as to help Zhang Zongyuan to attack the magical powers in half a step and deal with the genius meeting of all religions in half a year.

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