Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 830: True Warrior

In this way, Wudang Mountain can get 30 low-grade spirit pills and nine middle-grade spirit pills every month without paying a price. Don't underestimate these spirit pills. If you put them out for auction, the value provided every year Over 80 billion, this is definitely not a small number. And through this incident, the spiritual world can see that the Fei Family, Wuwangfu, and Shengjiao all bowed their heads to Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Jun let Hu Feng handle all diplomatic matters, and he himself successively took the disciples of Longhu Mountain and Shushan Jianmen to Wudang Mountain to practice. Longhushan has cultivated many disciples with good aptitudes in recent years, and now they can enter the small world to practice, and they have made rapid progress. Not to mention the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect, Zhang Jun sent a hundred spirit warriors there, and now it has greatly increased in strength, and is rising step by step under the guidance of Xiaolongnv.

Within a few days, the people in the Northwest Base, including Mei Susu, Yu Wenjing, Greed Monk, Lu Kongkong and others, all entered Wudang Mountain to practice. Zhang Jun turned Wudang Mountain into a link, united and integrated the forces under his name, thereby enhancing the strength.

Just having a small world is obviously not enough. Zhang Jun must provide these disciples with a sufficient amount of spirit pills, so it is time to attack the four cave mansions.

Zhang Jun had investigated the four cave houses of Medical Immortal Gate, Lingquan Villa, Bu Lao Shan, and Dan Ding Sect before, and made sufficient preparations. At this time, he acted twice with half the effort, and it was easy to succeed.

The cave house of the Medical Immortal Gate is very hidden, buried deep underground, the entrance can only be passed by one person, and it is guarded by masters. However, in the eyes of Zhang Jun and Xiaolongnv, these so-called masters were completely vulnerable, and the people of the rich and noble gang seemed to be in a state of no one. In just two hours, the whole cave was emptied, and the elixir, elixir, talisman, magical artifacts, and even the scum were left.

Even before leaving, Zhang Jun ordered people to dig away the spiritual soil in the cave. The spiritual soil of the medical immortal gate was gradually cultivated by the capable people of the past dynasties, which consumed huge resources and took more than five hundred years. Its preciousness is no less than that of the sage-level cave heaven. In order to transport these spiritual soil away, Zhang Jun mobilized ten large transport planes to transport all the thousands of tons of spiritual soil away.

Subsequently, the other three caves also had the same fate, things were moved, spiritual soil was excavated, leaving only ruins. The four major medical schools naturally got the news early in the morning, but they were unable to stop them. There was not even a half-step magical power in the door. How could they compete with Zhang Jun and Xiaolongnv? So, they could only watch things being transported by people. Go, everyone's heart is bleeding.

These people know that the school is over! Without Dongfu as the foundation, coupled with the fall of core figures such as the head, the foundation for maintaining the sect no longer exists. As Zhang Jun expected, in just half a year, these four once infinitely beautiful medical schools completely disappeared from the world. The disciples of the disciples went to different things, some became casual cultivators, and some went to other places. with.

The spiritual soil from the four caves were all transported to the northwest base. One month later, the area of ​​spiritual fields in the base expanded from a few acres to the current 25 acres, and all elixir was planted. With these elixir, Zhang Jun's master and apprentice can use the Shennong Herbal Whip to refine a large number of elixir to prepare for the next step.

After transplanting the elixir, Zhang Jun's people stayed at the base, because soon Zong Yuan will attend the genius meeting of various religions, and he will go to observe the ceremony with Li Daojun. During the period before the start of the genius conference, he devoted himself to cultivation, preparing to upgrade his cultivation to a higher level before the genius conference. After all, it is Zong Yuan's father, if his cultivation level cannot exceed his son, it would be too shameful.

With the motivation, coupled with his strong foundation, breakthrough is not difficult. Prior to this, he used Zhenwu Xuangong as the basis to condense the great real power of Xianwu and touch the magical powers. At this moment, he will cultivate Taiqing Great True Power on the basis of True Wu Great Immortal Power. Xianwu Great Real Power and Taiqing Great Real Power are two cultivation systems, and it is difficult to integrate the two. However, it is not difficult for Zhang Jun. He has had experience of several exercises as fellow practitioners before. In addition, Zhenwu Xuan Gong is very special, and it is natural to practice other exercises based on it.

In the exercise room, Zhang Jun sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, intently observing the real power of Xianwu in his body. Before reaching the half-step magical power, his Xianwu great real power was very powerful, it could condense the clothes, and the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform, one of the five great achievements, appeared, which can be said to be amazing. Now that he has achieved half a step of magical powers, Xianwu's great true power is even more incredible, even if he does not use magical powers, he is qualified to resist the magical powers of others.

At this moment, Xianwu Great Zhenli kept spinning in his dantian position, and soon formed a fist-sized vortex. At the center of the vortex, a fingernail-sized silver rune was initially formed. With Zhang Jun's knowledge, he knew that this rune was his "God Forbidden". The reason why magical artifacts can emit magical powers is because of the forbidden. Similarly, human beings possess supernatural powers, which are also related to divine forbidden.

The silver divine forbidden is obviously not mature yet, but it can continuously release silver power. This kind of silver power is Zhang Jun's physical supernatural power, and this silver supernatural power is the source of supernatural power. What he has to do right now is to continuously improve this divine forbidden and enhance the power of supernatural powers. Other half-step magical powers generally only have one magic forbidden, and will use all the time of the half-step magical power period to perfect it.

Zhang Jun is obviously not like this. His supernatural powers are inclusive of all laws. It is impossible to cultivate one supernatural power, but to practice several supernatural powers at the same time. So while perfecting the silver **** forbidden, he was also controlling the real martial power of the immortal to prepare for the brewing of the second **** forbidden. Zhenli is the foundation of supernatural power, no matter when, this will not change. Therefore, if you want to cultivate the second supernatural power, you still have to find a way on the real power of Xianwu.

While looking at oneself through the eyes of the Buddha, while studying the real power of Xianwu, this state has continued for several days. Finally, on the third day, he suddenly had an idea, and the vortex formed by the great real power of Zhenwu suddenly stopped, and fell silent like a heavy lead, like a black pond, quiet. At this moment, he had a thought, and as soon as this thought came out, the "pond" that Xianwu Great True Power had turned into suddenly rolled over.

After a while, there was a thunder and explosion, and that thought turned into a supreme seed, which took root and sprouted under the nourishment of Xianwu great real power. In an instant, it broke through the soil, pierced the real power of Xianwu, and grew a lotus leaf. In fact, the seeds and leaves are all deliberately visualized. The reason why the lotus leaves came out instead of others was purely his personal preference. If he is happy, what might grow out of the soil of Xianwu Dazhenli could be a daffodil or a dog's tail grass.

The first lotus leaf came out, and suddenly there was a second and third one. After a little time, the whole "pond" was occupied by lotus leaves for one third, and it grew vigorously. This lotus pond was actually derived from Zhang Jun's cultivation of Zhenwu Quan. Since he stepped into the half-step magical power, it is no longer appropriate to call it "zhenwuquan furnace", it should be called "zhenwushen furnace".

As soon as the True Martial God Furnace came out, Zhang Jun's heart was determined. He knew that he could use this as a basis for the next step, and he would cultivate too much real power. Once he has cultivated Taiqing Great True Power, he can condense the second divine ban and possess the second supernatural power. The True Martial God Furnace is a fusion of the strengths of hundreds of families, and he has done this a long time ago, so everything went quite smoothly. In just half a day, Zhang Jun's aura has changed. Based on Zhenwu Xuangong, he has evolved the power of Taiqing Great True Power.

Taiqing had great real power and the first combat power, so when the real power was 10%, he felt that the fighting power had soared by at least 20%. At the same time, under the urging of this kind of power, a flower bone rose quickly in the lotus pond formed by the Zhenwu God furnace. He knew that the day the flower bloomed was when he achieved the second magical power.

At this moment, he said in his heart: "I got ten divine writings in Shushan some time ago. That kind of writing seems to contain the truth of heaven and earth. I wonder if I can incorporate it into the True Martial God Furnace? Even into the magical power? Here, he decided to give it a try.

Cultivation continued, his mind moved, ten floating divine texts shook together in the sea of ​​knowledge, and one of the divine texts fell like a meteor and fell into the "pond". In an instant, the "pond" produced a change, a kind of idealistic mood of reversal was released, which made the stiffness of the real Wushen furnace when it was running, and it became natural and perfect. The real power of Xianwu quickly dissociated, and then reconnected in a magical rune form, undergoing a qualitative change.

It turns out that Zhang Jun cited this divine text because it contains a kind of artistic conception of perfect harmony. He knew that his True Martial God Furnace was not perfect, so he wanted to use the divine text to supplement it. He didn't expect the effect to be so obvious, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Okay! I wonder if I can remember the divine text on the magical powers?" Thinking of this, the silver **** forbidden was wrapped in the sacred furnace, and then the pond rolled for a while, and a flower bone rose quickly from it, and it bloomed quickly. When the flowers bloom, a silver light shoots out from it. This is his physical supernatural power.

Zhang Jun cautiously introduced the divine text that represents "the true meaning of riots" into his dantian, and moved in the direction of divine forbidden. When the two approached, he felt his soul tremble, as if a sky thunder exploded, a violent force accumulated in his body, and he could barely control it to release it. Fortunately, he had used the power of this divine text, and he had been psychologically prepared for a while, only to suppress the power of this riot after a while.

The silver lotus is bright, and each of its lotus petals is carved with a small divine text, which releases a kind of riot power, which makes his physical magical powers much stronger.

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