Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 834: Small scale chopper

Zong Yuan and Qing Lian walked away, because there was a group of filial piety gathered there. They were not very old, the youngest were five or six years old, and the older ones were only years old, but everyone's cultivation was very profound. These dutiful sons are yellow-skinned, white-skinned, and brown-skinned, of all colors. Among them, white-skinned ones are mostly filial.

These filial sons are clearly divided into several camps, even if they are filial whites, they do not stand together. Dutiful sons love to play. Zongyuan and Qinglian didn't think so much. They saw a group of dutiful sons with yellow skin together and walked over quickly.

There are six filial sons in this group, all of them are not tall. Although they are about the same age as Zong Yuan, they are obviously shorter. When Zong Yuan came, the six Xiaozhengs were speaking in a low voice, feeling someone approaching, and twelve cold eyes shot over.

It was only a few steps before he walked into the circle of the opponent's station, but this hostile gaze made Zong Yuan startled, couldn't help slowing down, and finally stopped five steps away. He frowned, thinking about the origins of these little kids, why are they so unfriendly?

Qinglian also frowned slightly, and whispered, "Brother Zongyuan, let's go back."

Zong Yuan nodded: "Okay, there is someone I know over there, let's go say hello."

The two were about to leave. Among the six filial piety, one was the tallest, and Xiao Xiao, who looked like the core figure, sneered: "The Chinese man is so rude, since he is here, why should he leave?"

Zong Yuan was taken aback. From the other's blunt words, he heard that the other party might be a monk from Japan. But then his little face was pulled down, and Zhang Jun taught him from a young age, this is shameful for practitioners.

When Qinglian saw Zongyuan's expression, she knew that he was going to be mad, and quickly pulled his sleeve, and whispered: "Brother Zongyuan, ignore them. If you hurt someone, Master will punish you again."

Zong Yuan grinned and said to Qinglian: "My wife, don't worry, even if I kill this person, my dad won't punish me. Instead, he will compliment me." After that, the other person walked towards the other person with a face on his face. With chills.

The provocative Xiao Xiao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Zong Yuan really dared to come over. He raised his eyebrows and said sharply, "Boy, are you here to apologize?"

Zong Yuan walked to the other side and stopped and said coldly: "Listen to your tone, should it be from Little Japan?"

"Baga! How dare you blaspheme my country of Japan!" Xiao was furious and grabbed to Zongyuan. Although he is young, his cultivation has reached the 9th level of true power. When he shoots, his true power is agitated, and he obviously used all his strength.

"It's so vicious at a young age, do you know if you do this?" Zong Yuan shook his head, gently backed away, and avoided Xiao's attack.

After a single blow failed, Japanese Takashi was a little surprised, and then he blushed and sternly said: "Boy, my name is Minglei, a member of the Japanese royal family! It is your honor to lose to me today!"

Zong Yuan saw an idiot expression on his face, and said: "I lost to you? Give me my honor? Have I lost? Besides, the Japanese royal family counts wool, where can I be honored?"


Minglei shouted, and suddenly kicked under his feet, and people rushed towards Zongyuan like lightning. In the true force field he sent out, a fierce aura locked Zong Yuan, and it was really murderous.

Since childhood, Zong Yuan has always bullied others. He has not been bullied before. Seeing that someone dared to beat him, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, shook his small fist, and said, "I'll hit you in the stomach!" Then he moved. , If you don't move, you're already there, and if you move, you'll lose power.


Minglei's fist hadn't been hit yet, Zong Yuan's fist had already reached his stomach. His small fist is full of power. Although he has not displayed magical powers, his physique at the level of his magical powers is far beyond Yuanjue Realm. Cold sweat is flowing.

The remaining six people were shocked for six years, and all rushed towards Zong Yuan with a roar. Not only was Zong Yuan not afraid, but his eyes flashed with excitement. He let out a weird cry, threw himself into the enemy group like a little lion, pointed and fought, and soon put the other five filial piety on the ground. He struck very hard, the bones and bones were light after a punch, and two of them were beaten into a coma.

This is the difference between half-step magical power and Yuanjue, and the six people combined are not his enemy. Clapping his hands, Zong Yuan said with a disdainful expression: "Just this three-legged cat kung fu dare to do things with people casually? Are you Japanese monks so impetuous and uncultivated?"

The first downed thunder roared and stood up from the ground forcibly. His eyes were red, and he pointed to Zong Yuan, and said sharply: "Five ghost kings, kill!"

In an instant, the wind and wind roared, and there was a dark figure surrounded by black aura behind Minglei. He made strange and strange syllables, and five ghosts appeared and rushed towards Zongyuan. This person's supernatural power is obviously to drive away ghosts, and the momentum is amazing.

Zhang Jun was not far away. He didn't move when he saw half a move with magical powers. Because of this kind of supernatural power, Zong Yuan is not at all troubled. Zong Yuan's powerful supernatural power is quite against the sky, and he is least afraid of this kind of partial supernatural power. Sure enough, there was a hint of mockery on Zong Yuan's small face.When the five ghosts approached, he suddenly shouted, and his divine power spewed out, and his magical power was emitted.This kind of vision imitated the other party's magical power and is powerful. Strong three points.

The five ghosts suddenly stagnated, and then flew back with a "whoop", rushing to the dark shadow. The dark shadow was taken aback, ignored other things, turned and retreated. But the speed of the ghost is so fast that it hits him with one pounce, and the five gloomy and cold will rush into his sea of ​​consciousness, which is difficult to resist. The black shadow yelled, and his whole body was tumbling. He didn't know what secret technique was used, and immediately restrained the ghost.

But he didn't dare to make another move towards Zongyuan, but retreated in a flash.

All of a sudden, Minglei was stunned, and even the five ghost kings who were the most powerful among the Ninja kings were defeated! They suddenly realized that Zong Yuan was already a master of half-step magical powers. So, in this genius conference, did the Japanese royal family have no chance this time?

The six Minglei left dejectedly, and Zong Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to them. However, what happened here still shocked many forces in the distance, and people cast strange eyes. One pair of eyes was particularly serious. It was the little boy who was fighting with Zong Yuan in the Xuanhuang Little World, Yiliya. He is now an angel of the Holy Spirit and possesses half-step magical power.

There are more than one filial piety in the position where Elijah is, and there are ten, two of which are angels of the Holy Spirit. In addition to Iliya, there is also a white eyelid filial piety who is also an angel of the Holy Spirit. The white man looked at Iliya's filial gaze, and his expression was a bit mocking: "I said Iliya, you are known as the number one young genius in Eastern Europe. Could it be that you were defeated by that idiot?"

Yiliya frowned slightly and said, "Good, don't underestimate anyone. This person is very powerful. His master is the Taoist monarch of the three religions, which is equivalent to our Eastern European angel of knowledge."

Xiao, named Goode, disagreed, and said: "I didn't underestimate him, but think that you are building up other people's ambitions and destroying your own prestige. That's good. That stupid pig from South Korea has also come, so let him try it. ."

Yiliya's heart moved and said, "If you have a way, I won't bother."

Goode smiled "hehe", turned and walked to the left. On the left side, there were eight Xiao Xiao, but they were divided into two groups, with four on each side. Four to four, they were facing each other, their eyes were full of hostility, and they wanted to kill each other.

The four filial pieties in the east are more fashionable; the four filial pieties in the west are very simple. Dressed in fashionable Xiaozhong, the leader of Xiaozhong stared at each other and said: "I have to remind you that the possession of North Korea's Jin family is exhausted. If you continue to persevere, what awaits you will be ruin!"

The leader of the opposite Xiao Xiao looked proud: "Don't think that your Li family controls the Southern Dynasty, so you can be arrogant in front of yourself, I can easily defeat you!"

The people nearby are not surprised at this kind of dispute. North Korea and South Korea have to participate in every genius meeting and confront each other every time they participate. They are natural enemies. The two sides are attacking each other with words. Goode walked over and he said contemptuously: "I said, the contradiction between the north and the south of you actually originated from the three religions. If the three religions were not for the trouble, the Korean peninsula would have been unified."

People on both sides fell silent. They had to admit that what Goode said was right. A divided peninsula is good for many.

Goode continued: "This time the Three Sects have also sent a person, and the other party seems very hopeful." After that, he pointed to Zongyuan in the distance, "I see, he is a Taoist monarch. Disciple, people are already half-step magical now."

A Jin surnamed Xiao proudly said: "What about Daojun's disciple? I have the noble Baitou Mountain lineage, and I can defeat him!"

"My Li family's blood is even more extraordinary. Even if I don't have half-step magical powers, I can still defeat him!" Li Xiaoxiao is even more proud.

"Very good, you can beat him now, so that the three sects' illusions of taking places will be disillusioned." Goode smiled, "rest assured, if you can't beat it, I will help you."

"We don't need help!" The two filial piety said in unison, then glared at each other again, and both walked towards Zong Yuan.

Zhang Jun in the distance had been observing what was happening around him. This scene naturally couldn't escape his eyes. He couldn't help but shook his head: "How can the two boys who have inherited little supernatural powers be Zongyuan opponents. But the one named Goode Xiao has some meaning, Zongyuan must be careful when that happens, he will be a strong enemy."

After Zongyuan taught several filial piety in Japan, he intentionally or unintentionally approached Iliya. In fact, he wanted to squat the opponent in advance, because Li Daojun said to him that if there is a chance, he must suppress the opponent. He will naturally not forget.

However, before he really got close, he found two little yellow-skinned guys approaching him, both with obvious hostility. Zong Yuan was depressed, and asked where did these two hammers come from? Why did they come up in a daze?

"Hello, are you from the Three Sects of China and Earth?" Jin Jiaxiao asked loudly.

"Looking at you, it should be a Taoist figure?" Li Jiaxiao also asked. He seemed very dissatisfied with Jin Jiaxiao's first question.

Zong Yuan hugged his arms and leaned the two of them and said, "Okay, don't you just want to fight, come on, let's play with you!"

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