Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 839: Eleventh-level gods

"There are so many tenth-level gods entering the holy land, how many tenth-level gods are there in Shengjiao? Not long ago, there were only one or two tenth-level gods, and now there are so many?" His expression is a bit ugly, which shows Shengjiao is already referring to the earth to make gods.

Hei Ba sighed: "Science and technology have developed to a certain degree, and they are definitely not lost in practice. Therefore, I never underestimate the gods warriors of the holy religion. According to my estimation, the strength of the tenth-level gods warriors is roughly equivalent to that of the monks in the early days of returning to truth. This level of strength should not be difficult for you."

Zhang Jun smiled faintly. He had a clear understanding of his own strength. Even if he faced the Little Dragon Girl in the Returning Realm, he would not be stage fright. If he faced a tenth-level god, he would definitely be sure to kill the opponent. After all, the **** warriors are not masters who open up the spiritual realm and return to the true realm. The spiritual cultivation is relatively weak, and the melee ability is very strong. And close combat is precisely his advantage, the body of real martial arts coupled with the great real power of Taiqing, it is not the tenth-level gods that can resist.

The two people talked secretly below, and the big figures above were also discussing the procedures for holding this genius conference. Through Hei Ba's introduction, he knew that although dozens of forces participated in the genius conference, there were only twelve forces that actually presided over the conference, with a total of twelve sage-level powers. Other forces are attached to the above twelve powers, such as North Korea attached to Xuanhuang Small World, South Korea attached to Japanese Shintoism, Sikhism attached to Hinduism and so on.

Of course, this kind of attachment is conditional, and the small forces must pay sufficient benefits to the big forces. The reason why the small forces have to depend on the big forces is either lacking the sage-level powers, or they do not have the precious materials needed to build the big formation. The above two points are the necessary conditions to become the twelve host of the genius conference. For this reason, they must do so if they want their disciples to participate in the genius conference.

However, even if the small forces can send people to participate, it is extremely difficult to capture the last ten places, and ten places are generally occupied by the forces represented by the twelve phantasmal powers. Only occasionally, when a small force suddenly gives birth to a talent with amazing aptitude, it is possible to stand out in the fierce competition, but the probability is very small. This situation has not happened for three consecutive years.

No one knows how the twelve Manifestations and Powers negotiated. After about half an hour, a tall white man wearing a white robe spoke. The old white man looked very old, his skin was like old tree bark, and he was an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years. This person has a very lofty status, is the first blazing angel of the Roman Catholic Church, and his strength has reached the level of the pinnacle of manifestation.

With such a great man sitting in town, even if Little Kunlun is the host, he still has no qualifications to preside over the conference, but took the initiative to hand over the presiding qualifications to this old man. The old man spoke slowly, his voice was very vicissitudes of life, and at the same time it sounded very harmonious, like the sound of nature, quiet and far-reaching.

"This time the genius conference will have many guardians participating. In addition to meeting the regular conditions, the guardians participating in the conference have to pass the assessment of the joint council." The old man said that his words cannot be questioned or disobeyed. No one dared to raise objections.

The old man continued: "Before the guardian accepts the assessment, as usual, we must first select the quota. Only those who have obtained the quota will the guardian be eligible to accept the assessment. Okay, time is rich, we will start now."

The genius conference has been held for an unknown number of times, and the various forces have already figured out the general procedures, so they have long been prepared. As soon as the old man's voice fell, the filial piety of various forces came forward consciously. These filial pieties are mostly white, with more than 60% of the number, and less than 40% of the rest of the skin color. In the end, hundreds of filial piety stood in the middle, Zong Yuan and Qing Lian were both inside, and the little girl named Xuan Qing brought by Xuan Hong stood beside Zong Yuan.

Zhang Jun has already understood the process of selection. Simply put, the selection process is divided into two major stages. The first stage is screening, from which more than twelve candidates are selected, and then the second stage of the round is entered. The screening is divided into three stages. All participating filial piety must go through separately. Only filial piety who has passed all three passes are eligible to enter the second round of the round.

The rounds are much more intense than screening, and there are usually more than ten filial piety participating. These filial pieties have to fight against all other filial pieties, and then according to the number of points ranked, the final ten places are determined. During the rounds, one point is awarded for a win, zero for a tie, and one point for a loss. The top ten players get the place to enter the ancient sacred place.

Zhang Jun stared at the scene, his heart was not so nervous. He knew that Zong Yuan's strength was not as good as him, but among these dutiful sons, he was definitely the overlord and could abuse other people. This result is also normal. Zong Yuan is a genius with innate pill after all, and with the careful cultivation of Li Daojun and him, it is not surprising that he has such strength. He was a little worried about Qinglian. Qinglian is a girl with a good heart. Let her participate in this cruel competition. I wonder if she can adapt.

Yang Tianxuan didn't know when to stand beside him, and said coldly: "I don't know how many games that little beast can hold on."

Zhang Jun's eyes were cold, staring at Yang Tianxuan, "Yang Tianxuan, within ten years, I will cut off the old dog's head. Don't worry, I will kill you along the way."

Listening to the other party saying that the Holy Lord is an "old dog", Yang Tianxuan was furious, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Had it not been for fear of the presence of the Manifestation of God and dare not break the rules here, he would have let the tenth-level gods behind him take action.

"Don't be arrogant. From the day you fight against the Holy Cult, you are doomed to perish. Maybe you don't know it? The eleventh-level gods of the Holy Cult are about to be successfully cultivated, and their combat power can be better than the monks in the middle of the Meiguizhen period. I will surprise you!" He said in a dark voice.

"Idiot!" Zhang Jun looked at him contemptuously, "In the beginning, you invited Jiang Daojun from Little Kunlun, how can you help me? Back then, I was just a worldly little person, and you couldn't help me. Now I am half a step, you are more No hope! In addition, I want to tell you that in this genius conference, the sacred religion won't even get the root hair. If you come in, I will kill a few people!"

"Naive! I didn't get rid of you at the beginning because you were too weak. Now that you have enough weight, the holy religion will not let you live!" Yang Tianxuan said viciously, "Also, you want to be a guardian It's not that easy, I won't make you wish!"

"Really?" Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows, "Mrs. White Bone, Yang Tiangan, Yang Tianji, Yang Tianyi, and many important figures of the Shengjiao were all killed by me. I am curious, you have How many people gave me to kill? Will it be you next?"

Yang Tianxuan snorted heavily: "I said, you won't be arrogant for long!" He didn't want to talk to Zhang Junduo any more, turning to leave.

As soon as the opponent left, Hei Ba 郎 spread the voice: "There are eleventh-level gods, and the genetic research of Shengjiao is really amazing. I estimate that the eleventh-level **** warriors should have similar powers in the spiritual realm, otherwise they will not reach the middle stage of return. degree."

"It's okay." Zhang Jun said lightly, "Even if there are spirit warriors who open up the spiritual realm, I can still kill them! Killing is never difficult!"

He did not tell Black Eight that Xiaoqiang has already cracked more powerful technologies one after another, some of which can be used to deal with tenth-level gods or even eleventh-level gods. For example, the spider mech produced some time ago can kill tenth-level gods in one-to-one situations. And some time ago, Xiaoqiang upgraded the spider mech, and the second-generation spider can definitely fight the eleventh-level gods.

Therefore, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not afraid of Shengjiao. If he hadn't been absolutely sure, he would have commanded the army of mecha to defeat Shengjiao. The reason for not being sure is because he found that Shengjiao seems to be tied to the US government, and the two sides cooperate closely, so it is not appropriate for him to act rashly.

As the host, the organization and arrangement of this genius conference will naturally be carried out by Xiao Kunlun. Little Kunlun sent a group of Zenith-class monks to arrange the screening of the venue. In the first stage of screening, there are three items, the first item is strength.

Everyone has power, but it is difficult for ordinary people to make big breakthroughs. Being able to lift hundreds of catties is already very impressive. Even professional athletes can lift up to several hundred kilograms. There is a recordable highest record. The highest record of a human barbell squat is lifting 547 kilograms. This is already the limit of human beings. This kind of person is equivalent to the peak of Huajin and even half-step holding Dan.

The power of practitioners is much stronger, because they have many methods such as true power, second holy power, and divine power. A master holding pill, no matter how bad it is, he should be able to lift tons of heavy objects. The strong one can even lift several tons of weight. As for the half-step magicians, they are even more remarkable. They have magical powers in their bodies, and most of them can lift several tons of heavy objects.

The site of the power screening is a built-up platform with a height of one foot and a width of about 30 meters, which is enough for all the players to stand on it. On the high platform, a large iron lock with a height of one meter was placed there, with the two figures "five tons" inscribed on it. Seeing this big iron lock, most filial piety turned pale! For many of them, five tons is too heavy for them to do.

A young man from Little Kunlun stood on the stage. Zhang Jun knew this man because he was the Guangshao who invaded Wudang Mountain. Had it not been for Jiang Daojun to rescue him, he would have been dead. Guang Shao didn't seem to notice Zhang Jun. He calmly announced, "The first pass, lift the iron lock! This iron lock weighs five tons. As long as someone can lift it with bare hands without the help of external force, Even if you pass!"

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