Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 853: Ayerai's first appearance

Qinglian also understood in her heart that now she is trapped in the sacred realm of Yaochi, here is the site of Little Kunlun, and they must be sure to catch one.Since they are destined to not escape, it is better to put this so-called sacred realm as brother Zongyuan said. Toss desperately. Thinking of this, she nodded and said: "Brother Zong Yuan, the lotus smells so good, I don't know how it tastes."

Zong Yuan grinned, he moved forward and fell into the water with a "plop". The pool doesn't look big, but the water inside is extremely deep, and the water is slightly cold, but it quickly feels comfortable throughout. Zong Yuan froze for a few moments, and then suddenly uttered a "噫". It turned out that he felt that the injury he had suffered before was quickly recovering under the immersion of the pool water, and the effect was not weaker than Qinglian's life magical power.

"Wife, come down and soak in the mandarin duck bath!" Zong Yuan yelled and winked at Qinglian.

Qinglian's face flushed red, and she tweeted: "Big Brother Zongyuan is the most serious, and he still has to talk and laugh at this time." Even though she said that, she was still shy and infinitely fell into the pool, and the two people looked at each other and soaked in it.

Zong Yuan looked at the charming face of his future wife, suddenly sighed, and said, "Wife, it would be a pity if you die like this, I haven't officially married you yet."

Qinglian looked at him tenderly, and said softly: "Brother Zongyuan, I have been your woman since the day the master decided our marriage. It's a pity that I am still young and cannot have children like a teacher."

Zong Yuan actually wants to say that she is a good girl, but in fact, you are not young, and you have grown up very early. But before he could say this, Qinglian peeked at her little hand and grabbed the huge lotus. When the lotus was touched, it suddenly brightened, and light thorns spewed out. What is strange is that these light thorns did not affect Qinglian at all, instead they were all wrapped around her wrist, like a brace.

Qinglian looked surprised and said, "Brother Zongyuan, this lotus is so strange, it seems to be close to me."

"Close to you?" Zong Yuan was taken aback, and reached out to touch it. But when he touched it, the light thorn suddenly trembled, and suddenly the needle-like pain, first the fingers, then the whole body was numb, and then the person sank to the bottom. Qinglian was taken aback, and hurriedly supported him, and asked anxiously, "Brother Zongyuan, are you okay?"

Zhang Zongyuan had a strange expression on his face, and said, "It's so strange, why is it so fierce to me?"

Qinglian thought for a while, and said, "I feel that this lotus has great wisdom."

"A lotus seed has wisdom?" Zong Yuan curled his lips, expressing his unbelief.

"It's true. When I touched it, I felt very comfortable. It seemed that the Eighth Consciousness, which had always been difficult to grasp, showed signs." Qinglian said very seriously.

Zong Yuan sniffed and said, "Whether it is wise or not, I think this lotus seed must be delicious, my wife, please pick one."

Qinglian smiled slightly, counted on the lotus head, and said, "There are only seven lotus seeds on it, and each lotus seed has a color. Which color do you eat, Brother Zong Yuan?"

Zong Yuan rubbed his nose: "Eat the red one. It looks like a big cherry. It might taste sour."

"Well, if someone eats a blue one, will it taste like blueberries?" Qing Lian pursed his mouth, picked it lightly with a small hand, and immediately picked two lotus seeds and threw the red one to Zong Yuan .

The lotus seeds are as big as longan, crystal clear and fragrant. Zong Yuan was a bit hungry at first, and didn't appreciate it much. He swallowed it in one bite. After chewing a few times, he only felt that his mouth was full of fragrance, and his whole body seemed to have all 8,000 pores scattered, and he was extremely comfortable. .

"Oh, it's delicious, one more one."

Qinglian also ate it, feeling even more even than Zong Yuan. She closed her eyes and whispered: "It feels so beautiful, I have never eaten something so delicious."

As soon as they finished speaking, both of them became hot and dry, and their mouths were dry. Zong Yuan pulled his whole body twice and shouted, "I'm going to be so hot!"

Qinglian also made a bitter face and said, "I'm hot too."

At this moment, when the two heard footsteps from far to near, their expressions changed. Zong Yuan said bitterly, "It must be those **** who are chasing, Qinglian, let's hide and hide!" Then, motioned her to remove the remaining lotus seeds.

Qing Lian shook his hand and picked the remaining five lotus seeds. Then the two nodded, dived into the water suddenly, and disappeared.

After a dozen breaths, Jiang Ziguang approached the pool nervously. When he saw the lotus leaf in the middle of the pool, he showed an excited expression on his face and muttered: "The great master actually succeeded! This is an ancient lotus seed left over from the age of mythology. It is said that it was the sacred treasure that grew in the Jade Pool back then! "

But the excitement didn't last for a few seconds, and his face suddenly changed, because he saw that the lotus plant had no lotus seeds at all. Where did the lotus seeds go? Didn't they come out?

"How could this happen!" His heart sank fiercely, his face was earthy, "Is the lotus plant not bearing the lotus seeds, or was it picked up by the two filial piety? Probably not! This lotus plant is a sacred thing, and it is not a sacred thing. Picking. But if they didn't pick it, could it be the master? Why don't I know? If the master picks the lotus seeds, shouldn't it be consummated, shouldn't I know it long ago?"

His face changed and it was difficult to make judgments for a while, so he froze beside the lotus pond, motionless for a long time.

It was said that Zong Yuan and Qing Lian dived into the water, the deeper they dived, the lower the water temperature, and finally they almost condensed into ice, and the two of them fought with their teeth. Fortunately, when they were about to be unable to hold on, they found a mud hole nearby. The mud under this lotus pond is very special, crystal clear like an emerald. The two didn't think much, turned around and went into the mud hole. At least it was better than being caught by the person above.

The mud hole was very narrow at first and could only allow one person to pass through. But after swimming more than ten meters, it gradually widened, and then it slanted upward. The two kept going upstream, and after a few minutes they got out of the water and entered a dirt cave. The soil in the cave is red, like red crystal, very strong. And the volume of the earth cave is huge, like a big dome warehouse.

Zong Yuan looked around and found that there was a hole slanting upward on the cave wall, and he said to Qing Lian: "Qing Lian, your spiritual sense is stronger than mine, quickly check where that hole leads to."

Qinglian nodded, and the moment he stored the gods, his spiritual consciousness spread out and walked out of the cave. After a breath, she showed joy: "Brother Zongyuan, this hole can lead directly to the outside. But I still can't determine where the outside is, but we can get out of here anyway."

Zong Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good! No matter where you go, it is better than this ghost place." As he was speaking, he felt something under his feet smashed his feet, so he bent over, stretched out his hand and touched it. A little turtle the size of a matchbox. On the back of this little tortoise, there are naturally mysterious runes that contain Taoism.

"Hey, it's a little turtle. There are turtles in this place?" Zong Yuan was surprised.

The little tortoise was shrinking his head. Gradually, he poked out his snake-like head and looked at Zong Yuan curiously. The red mung bean eyes were very energetic. Its head also seems to have a rune-like pattern, which is extremely strange. After watching it for a long time, it actually feels dizzy.

"Wow, it's so cute!" Qinglian took the little tortoise and put it in her palm to play with it.

Zong Yuan realized that the heat in his body was getting worse again, and said: "Qinglian, I want to adjust my breath, you wait for me for a while."

Qinglian also had a similar feeling. After Zong Yuan adjusted her breath for a while, she also sat down and held the little turtle into concentration. When the two of them entered the concentration, one after another felt an incomprehensible power in the sea of ​​consciousness. This power seemed to open up the minds of the two. Before he knew it, Zong Yuan felt his true power was surging, and he seemed to be about to break through.

After only more than an hour, Zong Yuan felt the real strength of his whole body jump suddenly, and the depth became stronger. At the same time, the divine power in his body has also risen, and it has increased by at least 30% compared with the previous one. He has successfully increased the twelve levels of halal power.

Qinglian's cultivation level did not improve, but she clearly saw the eighth consciousness, Ayerai consciousness.

Ayerai consciousness is the eighth consciousness of man. Buddhism believes that all beings have nine senses. The first five senses are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. They belong to sense sense and can feel specific objects; the sixth sense is consciousness, which is the difference between the first five senses and the past. Dust's separation delusion. The seventh consciousness is the bridge between the first six consciousness and the eighth consciousness, which is called conveying consciousness and transmitting consciousness. From the Buddhist and Taoist perspective of reincarnation, every seventh consciousness corresponds to a sentient being in samsara. Every sentient being reincarnates, the seventh consciousness changes once.

The eighth consciousness is different. The eighth consciousness is the fundamental consciousness. No matter how many sentient beings reincarnate, the eighth consciousness will not change. It will only accumulate causal karma as the number of reincarnations increases and the amount of earthly experiences experienced. The eighth consciousness is still a combination of truth and falsehood. An Ayerai consciousness that has not experienced the infiltration of the first seven consciousnesses is pure consciousness and the root of wisdom. It's just that everyone's eighth consciousness is more or less invaded by the first seven consciousness, so there are more elements of falsehood, more distinctions between likes and dislikes and dislikes.

Therefore, there are three great powers that can cut off the karma in the eighth consciousness, which is called cutting off karma. This is a very great way. Such people must belong to the abundance of manifestations. This method of cutting off karma is the ultimate cut in the three corpses of the Taoist family. Zhang Jun broke through the heart barrier at the beginning and belonged to Three Corpses.

Qinglian's eighth consciousness gradually became clear, and she saw countless karma entangled in the eighth consciousness, entangled endlessly. These karma include her in this life, her past generations, and her future generations. The past, present, and future are the three corpses. For practitioners, they are all vain, red dust, and smelly skin. Don't care too much about them, they can be discarded.

Seeing karma, Qinglian sighed slightly, feeling like she was in a sea of ​​suffering. If she is cruel, she can cut through the dust with one blow at this time, and she will be happy from now on. However, she finally made up her mind, just because she had a person in her heart.

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