Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 890: Control chip

I have to say that people who are afraid of death are always so straightforward when facing life threats. The deputy bureau-level character said quickly and quickly: "After my bloodline awakened, a man in a black robe appeared." At this point, there was a look of awe on his face, "He is very powerful, it is a myth. The gods in China are omnipotent. I am as weak as an ant in front of him."

"You were originally an ant." Zhang Jun said contemptuously, "but he is not a god, he can only be regarded as a hundred clan with relatively pure blood."

The deputy hall repeatedly said yes, and then continued: "He told me something about the origin of the bloodline, saying that I am a member of the Jinlin tribe among the hundred tribes, and our body is tyrannical, and he is a natural warrior among the hundred tribes. I also told me that the Hundreds are about to come to the world, and we need people like us to play forwards and do something beneficial to the Hundreds."

"Huh? What do you want you to do?" Zhang Jun knew the point was reached, and immediately asked.

"He asked me to join forces with other people of the same kind, and gradually get the large enterprises in this city." The deputy office said tremblingly, "His request is that in the first year, the annual turnover should exceed one billion. Get all of the companies."

"Get it? How do you get it?" Zhang Jun was quite surprised, "Are you going to grab it?"

The middle-aged man immediately said: "The hero can guess it, it is indeed robbing. We have many high-level powers in our hands. For example, we can go directly to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to amend the legal person status, and then change the director status by violent means. In this way, we can quickly We will control every company and make them our private property."

Zhang Jun's face sank.In this way, doesn't Tianxing Group's domestic business also have to be affected?

"The above is only the most direct way. In addition, we will also clean up those obstructive methods by shutting people and killing people, so that we can get a business smoothly." The middle-aged people are very conscious and know all about it. The way it looks.

Zhang Jun narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that Tianxing Group had to come up with a countermeasure. With the financial power and influence of the Tianxing Group, it will inevitably be seized in the first place, which is unacceptable to him. Not to mention whether the domestic uprising can be successful, even if the Tianxing Group loses its leadership in a short time, it will cause irreparable losses.

"Do you have a list of target companies? Do you know where other people who handle this matter like you are?" Zhang Jun asked.

The middle-aged man immediately said: "Yes, we have a list for each of us. I also know those people. Every few days, a representative will be sent on top and we will have a secret meeting in one place."

"Well, I won't kill you today, but you have to cooperate with me. You can do whatever I tell you to do. If you don't obey, I will kill you immediately!" He threatened viciously.

The middle-aged man immediately made a bitter face: "Yes, I dare not listen to you."

After speaking, Zhang Jun took out a metal silver-white box from the car. The box is opened, and inside is a set of injection equipment, with which the biochip can be injected into the organism. A biochip is a miniature computer that can use bioelectricity to control biological activities and even thinking. He injected the chip into the middle-aged person very professionally, and then said coldly: "Once you act in disobedience, this chip will kill you immediately!"

The middle-aged man felt a pain in his spine, and then he felt that his mind was being held down by something. He was full of excitement and immediately said: "Don't dare, I will listen to you!"

Zhang Jun took out a disc-shaped instrument and tapped it a few times. The middle-aged man shook his whole body, lifted his palm uncontrollably, and slapped his face. But there was a horrified expression on the top, obviously this action was involuntary. He drew himself while begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, I have surrendered!"

Zhang Jun clicked on the disk again, and the middle-aged man stopped his movements. He coldly said, "I'm just experimenting with the chip. It seems that the effect is good."

The middle-aged man lowered his head, he was completely frightened now, and he did not dare to give birth to two hearts.

"Now go back and continue to do your things. I will contact you through the biochip. You just need to do as I said." He said coldly, "Remember, your life is in my hands. If you don't want to die, just be obedient!"

The middle-aged man left thankfully. He took out the disc and manipulated it a few times.It immediately showed the information received by the middle-aged man, including what he saw with his eyes, what he heard with his ears, and what he thought in his heart. The approximate content. He smiled slightly and said to the disk: "Xiaoqiang, this kind of thing is good, if you improve it a little bit, you can completely control a person."

Xiaoqiang's voice sounded: "Boss, the improvement has been halfway, and the new product will be available within half a year."

Zhang Jun nodded: "This is our secret weapon, we can use it to control a group of people."

After the two talked for a while, he drove away and went to meet with Chen Sansheng and others. The meeting place was in a hotel run by the Fortune Gang. When he arrived, Chen Sansheng was talking in a low voice with two middle-aged men in their fifties. As soon as he came in, Chen Sansheng immediately got up, smiled and introduced to the two people: "Li Shaoge, Wang Shaoge, this is Zhang Jun I mentioned, and the plan maker."

The two Shao Ge glanced at Zhang Jun, but did not get up. In their opinion, Zhang Jun was really young. Wang Shaoge frowned slightly and said, "Sit down."

Zhang Jun didn't care much. He sat down next to Chen Sanshen and smiled slightly: "Two people, long admiring your name." This is not a compliment. I used to see these two Shaoge showing their faces on TV and went abroad today. , The inspection tomorrow, the meeting the day after tomorrow, all in all, their exposure rate is extremely high.

Wang Shaoge's forehead had relatively little hair. He picked up those strands of hair with his hands, and said in a condescending manner: "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Chen has already told us what you think. But, you are young. , And you are not a person in the system. I don't think you have the ability to carry this burden."

Zhang Jun's eyes flashed: "Wang Shaoge thought I was incapable, so who is capable?"

Wang Shaoge smiled: "We have discussed with the old men, this plan will be entrusted to the two of us, and you can help us. We know that your Tianxing Group is very powerful. But you have to be clear. If you are given power by those people, your Tianxing Group will be unlucky immediately, and your people will not even be able to gain a foothold in the country."

Li Shaoge nodded and said: "Yes, we got the news that those people have begun to embezzle state assets. Originally, those central enterprises were controlled by several families, but now they have lost control. Central enterprises are like this, let alone your heaven. It’s a group. Those people are ambitious, and the country they want to build is completely different from what we imagined."

Zhang Jun said coldly: "Tianxing Group is a private property, no one can touch him, so don't worry about it. This plan was originally a matter of mutual benefit. Since you want to take the lead, you can do it yourself. The Skywalking Nation established is no worse than this country, and it seems that there is no need to go back to the muddy water."

When Zhang Jun was about to stop participating, the faces of Li Shaoge and Wang Shaoge changed. Li Shaoge solemnly said: "Xiao Zhang, please don't be impulsive. As a citizen of the country, you have an obligation and responsibility to do so! The country needs you!"

"Country?" Zhang Jun shrugged, "In today's world, there is actually no need for a country to exist. We can bet that within three years, you people will either become running dogs of those people or be driven to extinction. Of course, I conclude you. Most of them will be crippled."

The faces of Li Shaoge and Wang Shaoge became more and more ugly, they really couldn't find any reason to persuade Zhang Jun. The two exchanged glances, Li Shaoge squeezed a smile on his chubby face, and said earnestly: "Xiao Zhang, I know you are dissatisfied with our suggestions, but you have to understand us. In such a big country, yes. Inseparable from those of us in the officialdom, we must be the core and dominate, otherwise, can you govern the country alone? Can you handle all aspects of this country alone?"

Zhang Jun smiled faintly: "Without diamonds and no porcelain, of course I can!"

The two Shao Ge stayed, looking at him like a ghost: "What did you say? Can you do it?"

Zhang Jun looked at them and asked: "To be honest, I don't want to cooperate with you. Your rule is not much better than these new high-ranking rulers. But I want to get things done, so I have to cooperate with you because we have something in common. Enemy. Let me tell you the truth. On top of these people, there are a group of more powerful people. They have existed since the ancient times. I will call them ancient people."

"These ancient people are very terrible and cruel. Once they are allowed to come to the world, humans will become hell. Even if you become their lackeys, you are only slaves. Under their rule, you will have no freedom and no dignity. , And even be deprived of their lives at any time, your children will become slaves for generations, and your wives and daughters may also be played by them."

As soon as these words came out, the two Shaoge's expressions changed drastically, and they shouted together: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I don't talk nonsense. Few people know what I said." Zhang Jun said coldly, "Don't take a fluke. Without my help, you will all be finished! So don't talk about conditions with me and cooperate with me. At least it will leave you with a big piece of the cake of benefits, as well as dignity and freedom. If you don't cooperate with me, you will become a group of dead corpses, or a group of dogs wagging their tails and begging to be killed at any time!"

Liang Shaoge's face was pale, and he looked at Zhang Jun in a daze, unable to speak. Chen Sanxing sighed softly at this time and said, "Zhang Jun is right. It's this time. If you want to go back to the past, it will be impossible. Even if those people are driven away, this country cannot be as it used to be. ."

"Really?" Suddenly, the door of the official office was kicked open, and a group of young people in their thirties broke in, sneered and surrounded Zhang Jun and Chen Sansheng in the center.

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