Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 963: Rise of Great Powers

Zhang Jun then told the story of the sword emperor Ouyang defeating the sky, and said: "Senior Sword Emperor is kind to me, can the Emperor have a way to rescue?"

The Emperor Wu Lei thought for a moment, and said: "It is true that I have known the news of the suppression of the Sword Emperor from an early age. If it were not for the unfortunate fall, I will try to rescue him. However, the place where Ouyang defeated the sky is very dangerous, unless there are three. The emperor shot at the same time, and he had to have a Da Luo-level magic weapon to help him succeed."

Zhang Jun's eyes flashed, and he thought of Little Kunlun, and asked, "How about Kunlun Mirror?"

The Emperor Wu Lei said: "Of course, you are going to Little Kunlun to borrow the Kunlun mirror? I'm afraid the people of Little Kunlun won't give it. They are always stingy."

Zhang Jun groaned: "But apart from the Kunlun Mirror, where is there a great magical artifact?"

"The Xuanhuang Pagoda of the Xuanhuang Small World, the Sky Wrath Sword of Shen Tianjun, the Kapok robes of Zen Buddhism, the heavenly secret plate of the old man of Tianji, the great sacred pen of Confucianism, these are the big Luo magical tools that I know surviving in the world." "They are easier to borrow than Kunlun mirror."

Zhang Jun was surprised: "Isn't the Xuanhuang Pagoda an emperor's magic weapon?"

"Xuanhuang Little World is a small world created by the Dao ancestor Li Er's line, but to be precise, the Xuanhuang Little World is actually a corner of the Dao Sect Great World, and the rest of the big world is covered. At present, Li Family and Dao Sect have no strength. Ways to open more." Five Thunder Emperor Jundao, "The Xuanhuang Pagoda you know should be an imitation, and the real Xuanhuang Pagoda should be in the depths of the Daomen Great World."

Zhang Jun's surprise was extraordinary: "What? The Xuanhuang Little World is actually a corner of the Dao Sect Great World!"

The words behind the Five Thunder Emperors are even more shocking: "In fact, after the confluence of the three religions, the Confucian world, the Buddhist world, and the Taoist world have long been united. They are interlinked. If someone enters the Taoist world, they have a chance. Enter the other two great worlds. The three great worlds are sometimes collectively referred to as the great middle-earth world."

Having said this, he frowned slightly: "Just want to enter there, you must get the approval of the'Xian Ting'. It is a place where conflicts of interest are frequent and it is quite troublesome."

Zhang Jun sorted out his thoughts and said, "The emperor wants me to enter the Dao Sect world?"

"Yes, nor is it." The Five Thunder Emperor said, "I actually hope you can open more of the Middle-Earth World. As long as the Middle-Earth World is opened enough, there will be the last line of defense for Middle-Earth."

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "I can't do it with the power of the emperor, and the juniors don't have that kind of strength."

Unexpectedly, the five thunder emperors shook their heads again and again: "You are wrong, what you need to open the Great World of Middle-earth is not strength, but luck."

"Qiyun?" Zhang Jun moved in his heart and couldn't help but glance at the little golden dragon. Chaos Cauldron has said that Little Golden Dragon can bring him great luck, I don't know if it is true.

The Emperor of the Five Thunders said: "The Central Kingdom and the Tianxing Kingdom have more than one billion people. They all rely on you, trust you, and even admire you. This is your luck. There is a real dragon by your side, which is better than others. Shengda Luo is even more remarkable. This is also your luck. You have Buddha’s eyes on your body, which is also a kind of luck. In addition, you have to help the Chaos Cauldron to gather 120 million catties of power in one fell swoop. This is even more earth-shattering atmospheric luck."

Speaking of this, he is envious and authentic: "Your luck, no matter you put it on anyone, you can achieve the birth of a peerless Tianjiao."

Zhang Jun thought for a while, and it was true that his luck was indeed very good.

"That said, I must be able to open more of the big world of Middle-earth?" He asked expectantly.

"Of course. But before that, you'd better get the support of those old guys from Xian Ting. They know a lot of secrets, which will help you open up the big world."

Zhang Jun groaned: "With the support of the Chaos Emperor and the Five Thunder Emperors, the juniors are still confident. However, I hope I can rescue the Sword Emperor first."

Emperor Wu Lei thought for a while, and said: "Xuanhuang Pagoda and other things must still be in the depths of the Middle-earth Great World. You won't want to take them out in a short time. In that case, you can only borrow Kunlun Mirror."

Both of them thought about it. For a moment, the five thunder emperors flashed their eyes and said: "Little Kunlun's inheritance is not trivial. Kunlun mirror is the top priority, and they will definitely not borrow it. But I think Little Kunlun must have failed to practice. Hua Kunlun mirror, we can steal it out, and talk about it after using it."

Zhang Jun was dumbfounded: "Steal?"

Emperor Wu Lei nodded: "You have Buddha's eyes to help, plus this Emperor, it is not a problem for us to work together to steal the Kunlun Mirror."

Zhang Jun swallowed his saliva, and said that if this matter was discovered by Little Kunlun, he wouldn't be able to find him desperately? But after thinking about it, he wouldn't be afraid of this if he could rescue the sword emperor Ouyang Baitian. Turning his eyes, he said: "We are doing this for the sake of mankind. Steal and steal!"

Before heading to Little Kunlun, Zhang Jun and the Five Thunder Emperors appeared in the Kingdom of Heaven. Uncle Wu and Sun Ma saw that the Five Thunder Emperors returned to the world, and they were so happy that they knelt on the ground and repeatedly called the name of the Emperor. Emperor Wu Lei lifted up the two and said with emotion: "These years, I have suffered for you."

"Master, we don't suffer, but the master suffers." Sun Ma wiped her tears. "Now that the emperor returns, it will surely shock the world, a **** enemy."

Emperor Five Thunder waved his hand: "Don't announce mine in advance."

When the three masters and servants spoke, Zhang Jun went to learn about the latest situation. He learned from Xiaoqiang that the Korean Peninsula has become a place where the two sides are fighting, and the residents of the island are overwhelmed. About 70 million people have been transferred to the Central State. For these immigrants, Xiaoqiang gave all citizens treatment.

I have to say that the welfare and environment of the central state are now better than those of the Korean Peninsula. These immigrants were all included in the Korean nationality of the Central State, and since then they have become members of the various nationalities of the Central State, contributing to the development of the country.

In addition to the Korean Peninsula, Mongolia and Southeast Asia's Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos have all begun to have a large number of immigrants fleeing to the central state, even if the four countries block the borders to no avail. Due to economic underdevelopment, the number of descendants of a hundred ethnic groups in the four countries is extremely small, resulting in weak enforcement and extremely large numbers of refugees.

Xiaoqiang will accept all refugees who fled into the country. With the current strong productivity of the central state, all kinds of production materials can be greatly satisfied, and even if the population is doubled, you can still live comfortably. What's more, most of the refugees who escaped are people with academic qualifications and thoughts. They fled the original country after being unbearable to be oppressed, and they will all become talents for nation-building.

Not even Zhang Jun knew that Xiaoqiang had already formulated a series of territorial expansion plans. The Korean peninsula is only the beginning, and Mongolia, neighboring Southeast Asian countries, Siberia, and Central Asian countries are all his goals. As far as Xiaoqiang is concerned, he has strong scientific and technological strength, and his productivity is more than ten times that of the previous one hundred times. Therefore, the larger the country, the larger the population, the faster the development, the stronger the strength, and the more helpful Zhang Jun.

The previous time Zhang Jun used willpower to cleanse the soul, thanks to the aspiration advantage of the central state's population of more than one billion. In addition, Zhang Jun will enter the Great Luo Realm sooner or later, and if he wants to enter the Great Luo Realm, he can't do without a huge belief in power. He must prepare for Zhang Jun in advance. In fact, no matter whether you control Asia or annex Africa, everything is for the boss.

Domestically, the secular practitioners are obediently planted with biochips. The purpose of installing biochips is to facilitate data collection on the Lord God, and to monitor citizen behavior. Fortunately, the behavior of the main **** computer is objective and fair. It neither exposes individuals nor seeks profit by using it, let alone harming citizens. In this regard, most citizens are acceptable, of course there are exceptions.

There are a group of people in China who are chanting the slogan of freedom and are resolutely unwilling to use biochips. Of course, the state did not force these people, but specifically set aside an area of ​​up to one million square kilometers in the western region, and those who refused biochips must live there.

This land is completely located in the desert and the barren land on the Gobi, but because the "Great Western Line" project proposed by Chen Sanshen is already in the implementation stage, it will not be long before it will become the same place as a Jiangnan water town.

Even if there is no sufficient water source, there are still tens of millions of people settled here. Drinking water is obtained through high-priced purchases, and a large number of water trucks enter the city every day. This city is officially called the "Free City".

Unexpectedly, the urban population is growing at an alarming rate, and the population will reach 70 million in five years. Because the people here are not restricted by the main gods, and there are no biochips in their bodies, this has led to the breeding of various darkness and crimes. So a few years later, the name of the free city changed and people changed its name to the "Criminal City".

Xiaoqiang's delineation of such an unconstrained area is meaningful. There are yin and yang in the world, and there are no fish when the water is clear. The same is true for governing the country. It is impossible to require everyone to be a perfect citizen. Everyone lives under the light of the Constitution without the slightest shadow. By opening up such a place, people who are gloomy in their hearts or yearning to stimulate their lives will have one more choice to release their various desires.

However, the capital of crime does not allow those cultivators to enter, because these powerful monks can easily break the balance inside. All cultivators must plant biochips whether they like it or not, otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in the central border.

In Africa, Xiaoqiang's approach is different. All residents are living in designated residential areas, where the infrastructure is complete and there are good welfare. The vast African land has become a paradise for Xiaoqiang, a metal city for metallurgy, a mechanical city for machinery manufacturing, an electronic city for electronic products, a clothing city for clothing, and a food city for food. A series of professional and efficient production Bases appeared one after another.

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