Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 978: Snow Mountain Goddess and Su Mei

[Qi. Meng. Book. Net ☆ Update. New. Fastest ☆ No. Bouncing. Window ☆ Full. Free. Fee] While Zhang Jun was refining the blood quenching pill, Tianxing Nation was also in full swing. ◆Enlightenment~Book^网Www.◆Skywalking Nation covers an area of ​​more than 23 million square kilometers, which is more than twice the area of ​​Central China and has a population of close to 200 million. Moreover, every day, talents from all over the world enter the kingdom of heaven and become citizens of the kingdom of heaven.

Those who entered the Kingdom of Heaven were either accomplished scientists and artists, or were more successful businessmen and scholars, which greatly improved the quality of the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. In order to attract such high-quality talents, Tianxingguo grants them citizenship for free. You must know that the citizenship of Tianxingguo is very precious. After becoming a citizen, it means becoming one of the masters of a large country of more than 23 million square kilometers, and can receive considerable national dividends every year.

It's just that the country is too big, there are too many things to deal with every day, and every Xiaoqiang is omnipotent and needs help. So Ge Xiaoxian, Su Mei and other Zhang Jun women all became the managers of the Heavenly Kingdom, working hard for the prosperity of this country and performing their respective duties.

Su Mei's advantage lies in social interaction, her position is Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since the establishment of the so-called Earth Federation, her life as the Minister of Foreign Affairs has become more and more difficult. Except for the central state, the relationship between most countries with diplomatic relations and the heavenly countries is relatively tense, almost in a state of hostility.

In fact, Su Mei understood very well that if it were not for the strong technical support of Tianxingguo for the technology and manufacturing of all countries, or for the control of Europe’s economic lifeline and the threat of nuclear weapons by Tianxing Bank, those Western countries would probably have to cooperate immediately. Zhitianxing broke off diplomatic ties.

Today, one of the members of the Earth Federation, Prime Minister Apa of the State of India, came to visit the Kingdom of Heaven. India has a population of over 1.2 billion, of which 1.1 billion believe in Hinduism. In the context of the Great Era, the Hindu Holy See controlled the Parliament, making Hinduism a country that unites church and state.

Hinduism is not a religion of the apocalypse, so the Earth Federation was not willing to accept India's membership at the beginning. However, due to the strong influence and strength seen in Hinduism, the Earth Federation had to pinch its nose to absorb this thorn in the eye in order to prevent the Indian nation from standing on the side of the heaven and the central side. The members of the federation even ignored India's embezzlement of several South Asian countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Fortunately, Hinduism is not particularly exclusive. The followers of Islam and Buddhism in countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh have not been persecuted. It's just that under the condition that Hinduism gradually controls the whole country, these believers either converted to Hinduism or left other countries. The followers of the Iraqi religion have entered countries such as Afghanistan; the followers of Buddhism have entered the Central State or the Indochina Peninsula countries to avoid possible threats.

Large-scale immigration activities have caused many countries in the Federation to criticize India. Of course, it is Hinduism that hinders the influence of Yijiao, one of the religions of the Apocalypse, in South Asia. In view of this, the Indian side deliberately acted, and the prime minister visited the heavenly country and the central country separately to warn the federation not to force it too hard.

In the National Welcome Hall, Su Mei led a group of officials to welcome Indian Prime Minister Apa. The moment she saw this Indian prime minister, Su Mei could see that the other party was a spiritual practitioner, and her cultivation was much deeper than her. She is now in the early stage of Guizhen Realm, and the opponent is likely to be a figure at the peak of Guizhen. It is no wonder that the Indian state is now controlled by the Holy See, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary people to act as the prime minister.

The moment Indian Prime Minister Apa saw Su Mei, a light flashed in his eyes, but he was well concealed. He shook hands with Su Mei very politely, and said with a smile: "Oh, I didn't expect the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Skywalker to be so beautiful. It seems that there will be more prime ministers visiting your country in the future."

Su Mei smiled politely: "Your Excellency the Prime Minister praised, it is the glory of our country that you can visit Tianxingguo. On behalf of the people of Tianxingguo and Mr. Zhang Jun, I would like to express my sincere respect to you."

"It's a pity that I couldn't meet a legend like Mr. Zhang Jun." Apadao, "but there are more opportunities, I think we will meet eventually."

The next thing is a little nutritious conversation. You praise me highly, and I praise you highly. The conversation lasted for more than an hour, and then Apa and others were invited to the State Guest Hotel to rest, and they would attend the evening banquet.

In the State Banquet Hotel, Apa’s face suddenly flushed red, and he spoke to the left and right with divine thoughts: "Did you see it?"

Several of his subordinates are also masters of Hinduism, and they are the backbone of Hindu sexism like Apa. There are three major branches of Hinduism, namely, Vishnu, Shiva, and Sexualism. Now the three major factions have jointly formed the Hindu Holy See, whose purpose is to integrate the power of Hinduism to fight against the Christian Church.

The subordinates looked more excited than Apa, and they trembled: "Yes! Her figure is so charming, her temperament is so elegant, and the radiance of the goddess surrounds her, she must be the incarnation of the goddess of Snow Mountain!"

Prime Minister Apa nodded and said: "I don't know if she is the incarnation of the Snow Mountain Goddess, but one thing is certain. If she can be absorbed into my faction, she will be able to help me wait early. Ascend to bliss and achieve the status of the great god."

Everyone became excited and said: "The Prime Minister is right, we must let her join us! As long as she comes, we will also be respected as goddesses!"

Apa touched his chin and groaned: "This Zhang Jun is very powerful. You see that the Skywalking Nation he built is so big that even the Central Nation is supported by him alone. And this woman is his woman and wants to take away. She, I’m afraid it’s not that easy."

"Then what to do?" The subordinates are anxious, but this is an opportunity for their sexual power to rise, absolutely not to be missed.

Apah thought for a moment, and said: "We Hinduism have always wanted to open up the Brahma world, but unfortunately the status of the Brahma was full before that. Now that the new era opens, everyone wants to open up the Brahma world. To open up the world, I must Only a great Brahma can do it. Our sexual force, Lidra, has already taken a step towards the Great Brahma realm. If he can get the help of the Snow Mountain Goddess, it will be a matter of time before he attains the great Brahma status."

"Although the three schools of Hinduism are not in harmony, their interests in this matter are the same. As long as we make this matter public, everyone will support us in absorbing the goddess of the snow mountain. No matter how powerful Zhang Jun is, it is impossible to compete with Hinduism. "Apa analyzed, "The Hindu Holy See and the immortal court of Middle-earth have close contacts. Those old guys should help us. As long as they are willing to pressure Zhang Jun, he has to agree if he disagrees, and there is no other way."

The next day, Apa did not make a transfer to the Central State, and flew directly back to India. On the same day, the Hindu Holy See held the highest-level meeting. Eight hundred gods equivalent to the return to true realm, and more than 50 gods equivalent to the manifestation realm attended the meeting to discuss the "Snow Mountain Goddess" and the possibility of opening up the Brahma world in the future. .

In Hinduism, the Great Fanjing is the Great Luojing. Historically, due to the rise of Buddhism and the later invasion of the Iraqi religion, they have never been able to open up their own big world. Now that the new era began, they saw hope again, so when they heard that the incarnation of the Snow Mountain Fairy appeared, all of them were very excited.

The meeting lasted for more than two hours, and in the end they agreed to do everything possible to absorb Su Mei into the sexual force, so that she could help Lidra break through to the quasi-Dafan realm. As long as you enter the quasi-Bhagavan, with the number of Hindu followers and the stability of believers, it will be sooner or later to officially enter the quasi-Bhadhana.

Wasteland, Xian Ting.

Xian Ting is an organization jointly constructed by masters of Buddhism, Buddhism and Taoism. There are twelve manifested saints in it. They have a high level of cultivation and a respected status. They are either saints or emperors, like the killing emperor is one of its members. Xian Ting is a top-grade treasure place where reality and imaginary coexist, and practice here is much faster than outside.

Today, Xian Ting held a meeting and invited nine phantasmists from the legendary academy. In addition, the Yuqing secret realm that manages Taoism, the Tathagata secret realm that manages Buddhism, and the sage ancestors in the secret realm of sages and sages that manage Confucianism are also present.

In the space filled with purple qi, all the sage powers are seated. In the misty environment, a voice sounded.

"The Hindu Holy See sent an emissary, hoping to absorb a woman from Middle-Earth to join Hinduism. In return, the Hindu Holy See is willing to establish a continuous and stable alliance relationship with Xian Ting. Right now we Xian Ting is facing threats and suppression from the Apocalypse religion. To establish a good alliance with Hinduism, the world's third largest religion, Xian Ting will no longer be under such pressure.

People heard that the speaker was an ancient emperor of Xian Ting who was still above the killing emperor and had a lofty status. For his words, people agreed. At this time, another voice rang.

"Not only is the apocalypse religion threatened, but hundreds of ethnic groups will soon join the world! If there is no such a strong alliance of Hinduism, I don't think the Middle-earth spiritual world can resist the above two. Therefore, no matter what kind of consideration it is based on, Hinduism cannot offend. "This time it was the Slaughter Emperor, his tone was very firm.

At this time, Li Daoji said: "Several emperors said that they are very true, I just don't know which woman Hinduism wants to accept? Why do they want to accept her?"

The high-ranking emperor said lightly: "I've been waiting for someone to investigate it clearly. This woman is named Su Mei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tianxing Kingdom. She is one of Zhang Jun's women. This woman is related to Su Daji of the Shang Dynasty. Yang Yuhuan of the Tang dynasty is similar, and they all possess the charm body that harms the country and the people. This constitution is called the reincarnation of the snow mountain goddess in India, and is of great value to them. Hindu sexists believe that if you are in harmony with the charm body , Can help them break through the bottleneck in their practice."

As soon as the words came out, the following blasted the pot, and the smiling mother said angrily: "Emperors! So if Su Mei is an ordinary person, going to Hinduism is not only not a bad thing, but also a great good fortune. But this woman is Zhang Jun. Woman, he will definitely not agree. Zhang Jun controls the two countries and covers the sky with one hand. Are you going to be an enemy of him?"

"It's just a mortal emperor, what's the point." The Emperor Slaughter said disapprovingly, "If he doesn't know how to promote, I can suppress it with one hand. Of course, the premise is that you don't interfere. This matter is very important, you should think clearly."

The faces of the people in the legendary academy are extremely ugly. This matter is related to the safety of the Middle-earth practice world. Even if it involves Zhang Jun's lover, they can't say anything more. After all, one person is nothing compared to the overall situation.

Sun Xiaochan sneered: "I just remind you that Zhang Jun's energy is far more powerful than you know. Some time ago, he rescued the sword emperor Ouyang defeating the sky. Isn’t it any of the above? Besides, although the emperor of the world is nothing great, don’t forget that if you want to become Daluo, you cannot do without the will of the world!"

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