Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 987: Pure Land Buddhism

With the ascension of the monks, the golden light from the Buddha's eye relic swept across the Taoist tire, and the Taoist tire vibrated slightly, which seemed quite comfortable. After that, it divided hundreds of divine thoughts, each of which fell into the sea of ​​consciousness of a practitioner to help them practice.

Zhang Jun was secretly surprised, but he didn't expect this Buddha light to have such a magical effect. He immediately stopped being mad, and focused instead on feeling the changes of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​knowledge. Something that surprised him happened. All the monks were naturally committed to the Buddha, and they naturally had aspirations, and these aspirations were completely integrated into his spiritual thoughts, and strengthened his spiritual thoughts. And divine consciousness can in turn raise the spiritual level of these cultivators and make their practice further.

Buddhism pays attention to spiritual cultivation and regards the physical body as a stinky skin. There are countless ways of cultivation. There are difficult and easy, high and low. But no matter what kind of cultivation method, it is very difficult for ordinary people, and only a very small number of people can step into the path of cultivation.

"Since the Buddha light can help others to practice, I can borrow the Pure Land School of Buddhism. In this way, it will not only strengthen my mind, but also help the general public to practice." This thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

The Pure Land School, also known as the Lotus School, is one of the Buddhism Schools in the Middle Earth, with a long history and far-reaching influence. As the saying goes, "eat fast and reciting Buddha" refers to the pure land sect-based cultivation method, which is simple and easy to understand. The Pure Land Buddhism cultivates rebirth, that is, after death, one can go to the Pure Land of Bliss to live a comfortable and happy life.

The Pure Land Buddhism believes in Amitabha. According to Buddhism, Buddha Amitabha and Sakyamuni are one body, but the manifestations are different. When a monk sees people, he always recites "Amitabha Buddha" and that's it. Speaking of Amitabha, one has to mention Guanyin Bodhisattva's great power and bodhi.

According to the Buddhist scriptures, the two Great Bodhisattvas and Amitabha preside over the Western Paradise and are known as the Three Sages of the West. Guanyin Bodhisattva and Da Shizhi Bodhisattva are the leading bodhisattvas there and assist Amitabha together. Due to the popularity of Guanyin Bodhisattva in Central Earth and Southeast Asian countries, it can be known that the Pure Land of Bliss is widely spread.

Zhang Jun has long heard about the Pure Land of Bliss in the Buddha Kingdom. Zen Master Huan Kong and others have even entered the Pure Land of Bliss. Sun Xiaochan himself was born in the Pure Land Sect. He once told Zhang Jun that the Pure Land Sect is part of the Buddhism world. Due to the decline of Buddhism, most of the Pure Land is currently closed, and the power to open up this small world has long ceased to exist.

He also told Zhang Jun about the development history of Buddhism. After the Buddha opened up the spiritual realm of the Da Luo level, his followers have attached themselves to it, and gradually established the Buddhist world with it as the core. After the establishment of the Pure Land Sect, the first Great Bodhisattva to open up the Pure Land integrated the small world of Pure Land Sect with the Buddhist world, thus becoming a part of the larger world.

The rest of Zen Buddhism, Tantra Buddhism, etc., are all like this. Although they all have their own small world, they are still part of the Buddhist world. Sun Xiaochan also told Zhang Jun that in the Buddhist world, the more active the small world, the closer to the core of the big world. When a certain small world finally enters the core of the Buddhist world, this small world even has a chance to become the dominant force of the large world.

This is true not only in the Buddhist world, but also in the Taoist world and even Western apocalyptic religions. For example, in the big world of heaven, the Orthodox Church is one of the main small worlds, and the Catholic Church is also one of the main small worlds. Both are part of the big world of heaven.

"If I plant a divine mind in the sea of ​​knowledge for everyone in Southeast Asia, and then teach them the method of recitation, will it be possible to restart the Pure Land School? Or even make the Pure Land School the core of the Buddhist world?" This thought came out, He was shocked suddenly. In that way, wouldn't he be the Buddha?

As a person who studies the Dharma intensively, he naturally knows that the Buddha does not mean a person, it is a state, a belief. When the state is reached, you can become a Buddha. The Buddha even believed that everyone has a Buddha mind that is blinded by the red dust and has the potential to become a Buddha.

Of course, this kind of method cannot be used by others, and no one can possess 56 trillion divine thoughts like him. Even when the time is right, his divine consciousness can even be transformed into ten, becoming five hundred sixty trillion divine consciousness. You should know that when an average person cultivates a soul, the number of times the soul splits is generally no more than ten times, which is just a few hundred spiritual thoughts.

When most returned cultivators condense their souls, their divine thoughts do not exceed 1,000, and they belong to the nine-tier souls. If a monk's primordial spirit splits up to nineteen times, he is a seventh-rank primordial spirit, it is already very remarkable, and the number of spiritual thoughts he possesses is only a few hundred thousand, hundreds of.

If a monk has only a few hundred thousand or millions of divine minds, how can he plant a divine mind for hundreds of millions of people? Even if a person possesses a billion divine minds, he absolutely dare not do so. This is because once the amount of divine consciousness used exceeds one percent of the total divine consciousness, the practice of the practitioner himself will be affected.

But even if Zhang Jun divides 1% of his spiritual thoughts, it is more than 500 billion Dao, which is a thousand times the population of Southeast Asia! So the method he came up with can only be implemented by himself, others simply can't learn it, and they don't have the ability to imitate it.

When he was thinking about it, another early normalized cultivator actually broke through to the middle stage, and the noise immediately awakened him. A move in his heart, now that he has a doctrine and a cultivation method, can he start a teaching right away? He said, "I would like to ask you to preach on your behalf. In three days, I will establish a religion in Myanmar and call it Pure Land Buddhism!"

When Zhang Jun was preparing to establish a religion in the Indochina Peninsula, a group of great gods in the Holy See were discussing the "Snow Mountain Goddess". The discussion lasted for a long time, and finally the Holy See made a decision that they would arrest Su Mei by extraordinary means and bring him to India.

One day later, the five great Indian gods left India and went to the kingdom of heaven. However, Xiaoqiang knew when the five great gods appeared within the territory of Heavenly Traveling Kingdom.

In the computer room, the signal monitoring device issued a harsh alarm sound. This kind of monitor monitors the changes of the telepathy signal to determine and lock down the supernatural powers who invaded the Kingdom of Heaven, which is very accurate. As soon as he got the news, Xiaoqiang immediately issued an order. Soon 30 tenth-level **** warriors and 20 light armors received the order. They all rushed to the place where the incident occurred and were ordered to kill the invading enemy!

These thirty tenth-level gods just broke through to the fifteenth-level gods a few hours ago. The reason why they can break through is because of the magical effect of the blood bath pills.

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