Danzi combat boots.

Lan Ran wrung the shoes out of the reward.

It was the first piece of equipment he got.

Never wears out, adapts to the user’s ankle, and actively changes color.

In addition, this shoe can also improve the user’s ability to stay in the air to a certain extent.

Very Jordanian characteristic equipment.

Similarly, Karlmalon’s bracer is used, which increases the power of the wearer’s elbow.

In short, all the equipment of a certain star will be contaminated with the characteristics of the star to a certain extent.

Lan Ran immediately put it on, and the foot wrap felt more suitable than the shoes he had just bought.

Impeccably clean!

After he put it on, he felt as if he was jumping higher and running faster.

Although subtle, it’s still a nice boost.

The system is produced, and it is indeed a boutique.

He changed the color of the shoe to the cool KD12 sky blue.

Just by appearance, this pair of shoes is enough to kill all sneakers at this stage.

After doing all this, Indigo opened the endless shop again.

Where, there are more than 100,000 endless scores lying there.

It’s a real bonus, even though you can’t afford an S-class badge.

However, he could finally afford the wildness of his heart.

“Whether to spend 100,000 endless points to buy the Wild Seed.”


“Successfully purchase the Wild Seed, consume 503 Endless Points 100,000, check.”

Lan Ran immediately exited the Endless Shop, opened his backpack, and took out something that looked like an “egg” from it.

Much bigger than an egg, but not at the level of a dinosaur egg.

“How to use it?”

“Just take a hammer and crack it.”

The little short tail had already prepared and threw him a hammer in advance, and Lan Ran took it and knocked it.

Since the thing was random, he didn’t know what would come out.

However, he knew, except for Daiki Aomine’s black panther and Hayama Kotaro’s cheetah.

This wildness also contains ancient creatures.

Such as the Tyrannosaurus rex, which he had met in the Endless Trial, was more powerful than the Black Panther.

What will be prescribed?

Indigo dye is very much looking forward to it.


The eggshell was quickly shattered by Lan Ran, and the breath of the beast suddenly hit Lan Ran’s brain through the gap.

Then, with a roar, it turned into a ray of light and burrowed into Lan Ran’s body.

“How’s that, what’s the wildness?” The little short tail meows on the side.

Although what is said to be opened by the wild seed is random.

But in general, the wild nature that comes out will be the most suitable for the players.

If Lan Ran opened a Chihuahua, the little short tail would laugh at him for everything.

Lan Ran did not speak, click on the introduction:

Arctic Wolf (King)

Item Level: A+.

Item Type: Talent Skill.

Talent introduction: Arctic wolf, also called white wolf, is 1.6 meters long and weighs 100 catties. The harsher the environment, the more fierce the animals, the Arctic wolf’s living environment can be described as extremely bad, perennial activity in minus tens of degrees of ice and snow, every year to experience up to five months of polar night, surrounded by darkness, in order to survive, the wolves have a strong team cooperation, the combat effectiveness is very strong, and can even hunt huge musk oxen.

Talent Trait 1: Wildness: Gives players the wild nature of Arctic wolves, and their instincts are greatly improved.

Talent Trait 2: Wolf King Perk: Contagious and can take teammates further through “Roar”.


And still a king?

The little short tail was disappointed again, and the blue dye guy did not open a strange thing like a Chihuahua, but a murderous Arctic wolf.

And it is also the wild nature of the wolf king level.

In its memory, this is second only to the wild wildness of ancient creatures such as Tyrannosaurus rex.

Improving instincts and taking the state further is something that all wild nature possesses.

But that wolf king privilege is not available to everyone.

Muggle, is this kid really talented?

How did all the good things lie down for him?

But when I think of this kid’s style.

Don’t say it, he is really a natural boss, so cruel that even Hanamiya really has to take a detour when he sees him.

Blue dyeing, on the other hand, is thinking (adfi).

Does this “roar” mentioned in the introduction refer to PUA friends? Ignite their fighting spirit and let them go further?

“If you have a chance in the future, it seems that you will have to try the effect.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The wildness of the blue dye is still quite satisfactory.

He only felt that he was lucky, and had no idea that this was the most suitable for his wild nature.

Satisfied, he checked his experience points again.

In three round-robin games, he averaged 38.5 points, 24.5 assists, 20 steals, 8 blocks and 4.3 rebounds.

2280+3675+6000+2400+645+6000, a total of 21000 experience.

Total experience accumulated: 58492/100000!

There are still 4 more experience left before the next upgrade.

Soon, he will be able to level up to gain 10 attribute points.

Because the low insurance of the national competition is higher than the county tryout.

The county tryouts were over, and the Xiangbei crowd ran to the hospital the moment the competition ended, throwing the recovered Coach Anzai into the air.

Coach Anzai’s wife is also big enough to let these children torture her husband.

I’m afraid that when he was young, Coach Anzai didn’t satisfy his wife well?

Some time ago, Coach Anzai had to be hospitalized due to physical reasons.

Fortunately, it is not a particularly serious illness, and he can be discharged from the hospital in two days.

And the first thing he did after his return was to arrange training for Xiangbei.

Coach Anzai used his ability to make an appointment with the university team he used to play for a month with Xiangbei.

The strength of Lan Dye is already a supermodel, and it is definitely not the level of ordinary high school students.

Coach Anxi can only find a university team for Xiangbei, so that it can have the effect of intensive training.

But he didn’t expect that Lan Ran would be such a supermodel, and he took 2 third-year and 2 first-year students from Xiangbei to kill the college team he had played for.

That’s a college basketball powerhouse!

Is there a mistake that we can’t beat a high school team?

The college team that was pulled in began to doubt life.

Originally, I came to play with a few high school students for the sake of Coach Anzai’s face, but I couldn’t win a single game while fighting.

Is it really not suitable to play basketball?

Otherwise, how could they be abused so miserably by that group of high schools?

Playing in the back, the college team began to be afraid to play practice matches with Xiangbei.

Individual-specific training began to increase.

For example, the development of Sakuragi’s mid-pitch ability has been carried out under the supervision of Coach Anzai.

As for Rukawa Kaede, the old problem is that his passing button seems to have been deducted.

In a short time, Coach Anzai did not have a good way, only let him watch more how Lan Ran played and handled the ball.

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