Sarutobi Hiruzen's uneasiness was soon confirmed and turned into real fear.

In other words, not only Sarutobi Hiruzen got the news, but all the forces in Konoha got the news, that is, there was internal strife and large-scale fighting within the Uchiha clan.

More specifically, both Sarutobi Hiruzen and other big families also got specific information.

It's not that their intelligence power is so strong, but that the people of the Uchiha clan not only did not cover it up, but directly spread it out.

The radical faction represented by the Uchiha elder disappeared, the conservative faction of the second elder and the neutral faction of the clan leader surrendered, the Luomen faction officially ascended to the top of the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Luomen became the head of the Uchiha clan and concurrently served as the head of the Konoha Guard.

All these changes show that the Uchiha clan has changed.

With such a fast change, and thinking about the slight earthquake yesterday, some smart families also guessed that Luomen might have awakened the Mangekyō, and then suppressed and eliminated the Great Elder faction with absolute force.

Because those families who have heard of the Izanagi technique also know how difficult the people in the Great Elder faction are.

For the Luomen faction, all the families with some strength know it, and even invest in it. This faction is a force built purely around Uchiha Luomen. The number of people is not large, but they are all young and have potential.

But the Luomen faction was able to eliminate the Great Elder faction so quickly, and even directly subdue the Second Elder and the Clan Leader faction at a lightning speed, even though it did not have an advantage in numbers.

Then the answer is obvious, that is, there has appeared a force that this group of people cannot resist.

Although the Uchiha family did not say it explicitly, the people of the Warring States period have not all died, and naturally they will not lose their fear of that man, the Uchiha family's terrifying strongest eye, the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Since the Mangekyō Sharingan was guessed, the slight earthquake last night also had a direct source.

In an instant, many smart people also acted quickly, thinking of getting closer to the Uchiha family.

It is true that Sarutobi Hiruzen is now the third generation Hokage, and his strength is also very strong, but that is the Mangekyō Sharingan. In this era without Senju Hashirama, who else can resist such a terrifying force.

At this time, most people know about the Mangekyō Sharingan, but they don't understand the concept of Mangekyō and Eternal Mangekyō, and they don't know that ordinary Mangekyō will be used. They just know that having a Mangekyō is powerful.

Of course, Romen's eyes will not be blind, so the difference with the Eternal Eye is only the difference in pupil power.

Even if Luo Men is not as strong as Uchiha Madara, he is still a generational level strong in this era, that is, the strongest Raikage of the third generation Raikage, and the reckless among the reckless are qualified to clash with him.

In just one day, everyone in Konoha knew that Luo Men had the Mangekyō Sharingan. The title of Konoha Little Shura, which was originally earned during World War I, was directly promoted to the next Ninja World Shura. In an era without the God of Ninja, the Ninja World Shura would not be directly invincible.

Of course, the major families were still more reserved at this time. Although they wanted to come over, they still did not take action.

But at this time, as the boss of Luo Men's faction, Kenichi directly spoke to the major families.

Because the ninjas of the Uchiha family suffered a lot of losses in this civil strife, the Uchiha family was slightly short of manpower, so there was a vacancy in the Konoha Guard. Therefore, as the new head of the Konoha Guard, Luo Men will directly release the quota that was originally limited to the Uchiha family and allocate it to other families and civilian ninjas.

In an instant, all the major families were unsettled.

If it was that Luomen was just showing his strength, then everyone might be in awe, but not too fanatical.

At the moment, although Luomen did not show the Mangekyō Sharingan, everyone assumed that he had it.

Then, in addition to releasing the quota for the Konoha Guard, this is an iron rice bowl, with high pay, little work and close to home. For most ninjas who lick blood on the tip of a knife, it is simply too perfect.

With strong strength, everyone will share the cake. In an instant, Luomen's popularity went up directly, and he was promoted to the chief heir of the fourth generation Hokage, although the current third generation has only inherited for three years and is still in his prime.

All of this is an operation, in fact, it is from Kenichi's operation. Needless to say, the purpose is first to increase Luomen's reputation. If you want to achieve the position of Hokage, reputation is definitely indispensable.

There is also the need to break free from the restrictions imposed on Uchiha by the second generation Senju Tobirama. As a smart man, Kenichi naturally saw that the Konoha Guard was for the Uchiha family.It is a benefit and also a restriction. I have to say that the second generation's methods are indeed very clever.

There was no opportunity before, and now the Uchiha family is just being reorganized. After consulting Luo Men, Kenichi is also ready to break through and build up in other aspects.

Letting go of the position of the Konoha Guard is just the first operation. There are many more methods in the future, and he is ready to use them step by step. In addition to improving the image of the Uchiha family, the most important thing is to help Luo Men increase his reputation.

"Hiruzen, look at what these evil Uchiha have done. They changed the minister without notifying you, and even directly assigned the position of the Konoha Guard to other people. Do they still have you as a Hokage in their eyes?"

Kicked into the Hokage's office, Danzo, who was still a handsome man at this time, also looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen aggressively.

"They don't need to inform me. We have no right to interfere with the autonomy of the Konoha Guard given to them by the second generation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face showed a bit of bitterness. This was a problem left by the second generation. After carefully reading the documents left by the second generation, he was sure that Uchiha's operation was not wrong at all.

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Danzo's face froze. Although he was very dissatisfied that the second generation did not pass the throne to him, he still respected the second generation very much, so he was silent.

"Are we going to let them do it like this?"

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo asked loudly.

Both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo knew that the Konoha Guard in the past was actually a reward from the second generation for Uchiha's past achievements, but in fact it was a sinister imprisonment.

The stable living environment and the trivial things constantly wear down the will of the Uchiha ninjas, and it becomes more difficult to open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then the Uchiha who controls a large department alone, coupled with the pride of the family, will also make other families dissatisfied. The gap will eventually grow due to the lack of communication with other families and civilians.

The Uchiha family, which has no mass base and cannot open the Mangekyō, is naturally not a concern.

But who would have thought that in just a few years, such drastic changes have taken place within the Uchiha, and then those Uchiha who regard the Konoha Guard as a forbidden delicacy are willing to let go of the control of the Konoha Guard.

Everything is heading in an unpredictable direction for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Feeling irritable, as Danzo pressed him, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but say to Danzo: "What can I do?"

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was hesitant and couldn't come up with a suitable solution, Danzo couldn't help but say dissatisfiedly: "You will regret it, Hiruzen!"

"I am the Hokage, Danzo!"

Hearing Danzo's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but shout.


Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Danzo's face darkened, and he didn't stay any longer, and slammed the door and left.


Looking at Danzo who left, Sarutobi Hiruzen also sighed, showing a tired face.

How could he not understand what Danzo said? He understood, but it was really hard to do anything now.

If his actions directly led to Romen's armed seizure of power, he was sure that those fence-sitters would abandon him and go directly to Romen.

However, he has the support of Uzumaki Mito, so he is not without any say. He has met Roman before, so he thinks Roman will not do anything wrong.

Now, he can only hope that Roman will not do anything wrong.

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