The next day, the sky had just dawned. After a night's rest, Romen was ready to go out to find someone.

"Luqi, can you bless your brother?"

After having breakfast with Luqi, Romen was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something and looked at little Luqi.

Hearing Romen's words, although Luqi was a little reluctant, she still nodded to Romen and said, "Brother, have a safe journey."

"Forgive me, Luqi, after I come back today, I will be able to play with you in the next few days."

He rubbed Luqi's little head, and seeing Luqi's eyes suddenly brighten, he also smiled and turned away.

Because the island of the base is in the middle area of ​​the eastern Pacific Ocean, when he walked out of the house, Romen suddenly felt a strange feeling, guiding him to look in the west.

If he wanted to go to Mexico, it would not take long through telepathy. Even through telekinesis, supersonic flight, it is completely possible to reach Mexico quickly.

But this sudden feeling made him decisively give up the idea of ​​going to Mexico, and according to his own feelings, he went to the location where the feeling came from.


In mid-air, a strong airflow, accompanied by a deafening sound like thunder, swept over.

When Romen was flying with telekinesis, a telekinetic shield would be formed on his body surface, so such a strong air wave and sound wave was no different from a breeze for Romen.

However, when he saw the huge monster on the sea surface, which looked like a huge tree man and constantly attacked the sponge, Romen was also shocked for a moment.


Looking at this huge creature, Romen was still a little shocked.

When thinking about bringing everyone to their own territory to survive, Romen also thought about Krakoa, the territory of the mutant country Krako that appeared in "X Royal Family".

The name Krakoa may be quite unfamiliar, but Romen happened to have a little knowledge of it in his previous life.

Krakoa is a living island. It can grow and evolve by absorbing mutant energy. Its body is an island with a complete ecosystem, and this ecosystem will evolve as it grows.

Krakoa was originally part of Okara Island, but in ancient times, Okara Island was split into two halves by a powerful demon from another world. One half was called Arako and the other half was Krakoa.

Later, a crack leading to another world appeared between the two islands. The demons invaded the earth from this crack, and the main force to fight against the demons at that time was Apocalypse and his mutants! Apocalypse not only resisted the invasion, he also pushed Arako into another world, and sent his four knights to lead some mutants to station there to suppress the demons forever! ,

To some extent, Apocalypse is still a hero who saved the world, but the Apocalypse in this world is gone.

It is rumored that after being bombarded by nuclear weapons, Krakoa mutated and was endowed with life and thoughts, and even possessed powerful psychic abilities. Anyone who set foot on the island will be controlled by it and become absorbed nutrients, which it also lives on.

However, when it faces a telepath stronger than itself, its strength will be greatly reduced. Professor X in a certain universe used telepathy to reach an alliance agreement with Krakoa and regarded its body as the continent of the mutant country.

Originally, when Roman was looking for an island to settle everyone, he was also going to look for Krakoa. However, Krakoa is a mobile island, and although it has the current giant form, it is rare. In addition, the Pacific Ocean is so large that it is needless to say how difficult it is to find an island.

After grabbing a whale in the sea and swallowing it directly, Krako suddenly noticed the existence of Roman.

Roman's own powerful strength and the mutated X gene, in Krakoa's perception, that is the supreme delicacy.

Without any further thought, Krakoa threw out his arm formed by a large number of vines. As Roman looked at the arm approaching him quickly, there was no emotion on his face, but a bit of joy.

Suddenly, Krakoa stopped.

It was not that Krakoa suddenly found his conscience and stopped beating Roman. Krakoa was a collection of impulses, and theoretically there was no so-called conscience.

It stopped mainly because of Roman's telepathy, which successfully suppressed and communicated with it.

Professor X in "X Royal Family" can communicate with Krakoa. After being baptized by the Mind Stone, Roman will only be stronger than Professor X, not weaker than Professor X.

After some communication, Roman also released his suppression of Krakoa.

After completing the communication with Roman, Krakoa did not have the idea of ​​eating Roman.

The reason is very simple. Roman communicated with Krakoa that Krakoa would be the territory of mutants in the future. In return, all mutants would do their best to provide Krakoa with sufficient energy.

Whether it is energy such as nuclear energy, electrical energy, or the corpses of powerful creatures.

For Krakoa, the future promised by Roman is much better than those fish in the sea. For example, this whale looks huge, but it can not bring much energy.

Under the carrot and stick, Krakoa naturally chose to submit to Roman.

And Roman felt the improvement brought by being born as a king, and until Krakoa really surrendered, he directly let Krakoa go.

To be honest, the surrender of Krakoa alone has brought a huge increase to Roman, not to mention that it can provide a suitable territory for mutants to settle in the future, and Krakoa can also grow, move freely, and even enter space.

Don't be too safe with Krakoa as a territory.

"Go in that direction!"

After landing on the head of Krakoa, Roman also directed Krakoa to go back and forth, and settled everyone first.

Standing on the top of Krakoa, Roman felt Krakoa's every move, which spanned a huge distance, and he couldn't help but have a different feeling.

It's different from the feeling of controlling your own flight with telekinesis, it feels like controlling a Gundam. Just like driving a car, you want to drive a Land Rover. Which man can refuse to control a big car?

Although Krakoa's movement speed is not as fast as Roman's flying speed, it is also quite amazing. It didn't take a long time to see the outline of the island.

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