"I am Roman, and I rely on my strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Roman's body slowly floated up.

Both Professor X and Logan saw the shadow of a person when they saw Roman's body flying up.

The next moment, in the astonished eyes of the two, the water tower, which was used as an iron cage to prevent Professor X from being discovered, began to break and decompose.

After the transformation, Roman's telekinesis can completely do the same as the Black Phoenix, directly decomposing matter to the atomic level. As for shaping matter at will, it is not possible for the time being, and his control over his ability is still a little lacking.

Under the gaze of the old man and the old wolf, the iron sheet of the entire water tower finally collapsed and dissipated, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Suspended in the air, Romen turned around and looked at Logan, and slowly said: "Is this enough?"

Logan did not speak, but he knew very well that even in this era of superheroes everywhere, such a powerful ability is enough to protect a large number of mutants, just like Professor X and Magneto who were once at their peak, and may be even more powerful than the two. Because Romen is young enough, his own power has not even developed to the peak.

But the mouth of a middle-aged man is always harder than the mouth of a dead duck.

Of course, Romen can also perceive Logan's thoughts through telepathy, so he did not force Logan to be convinced.

In front of a telepathic person, it is enough to be convinced.

Looking at the boy in front of him, Professor X seemed to see some shadows of his former disciple. If he did not restrict but guided him, maybe the X-Men team might still exist now, and the situation of mutants would not be so bad. Jean, a seed that might be an Omega mutant, wasted her talent by herself.

However, seeing the boy in front of him, Professor X, Charles Will, once again had some hope for the future of mutants.

"I agree."

Without thinking too much, Professor X agreed directly.

When Logan heard what Professor X said, he wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, and finally said nothing.

Charles is still the backbone of the two, and as a guy with a scattered spirit, he only wants to buy a boat and live on the sea for the rest of his life to escape reality.

In this case, accepting the protection of the powerful mutant boy in front of him is also a similar situation.


Without asking Logan's thoughts, because he already knew what Logan's thoughts were, Romen said directly to the two: "Don't resist."

As he said, he moved the two to his side, and then Romen put his hands on them.

Before the two could say anything, the scene in front of them began to distort and change, and then appeared on Krakoa in the next moment.

"Is this space movement?"

Roman's teleportation ability now allows him to instantly reach any place he has been to. There is no problem in moving around the entire earth. It is not a big deal that Professor X's emotions fluctuate.

Professor X doesn't know how many times he has been shocked by this young man, Roman.

But no matter what, he feels that the surprises Roman brings to him are getting bigger and bigger. Telepathy, telekinesis, and the ability to move long distances in space, he doesn't look like a simple alpha-level mutant.

"Where is this?"

The mysterious and spectacular Krakoa Island is surrounded by fog, and its borders are almost invisible. There are many huge trees towering into the sky inside the island, with thick trunks and lush branches and leaves, as if it is a primeval forest.

It's no wonder that Professor X is a little surprised. As the strongest telepath, Professor X knows a lot of information, but he can be sure that there should be no such place on the earth he knows.

"This is Krakoa, a unique island."

Looking at Professor X in a wheelchair, Romen smiled.

After hearing what Romen said, Professor X hesitated for a moment, tried to explore with his telepathic ability, and then asked in surprise: "It has its own thoughts, it is alive?"

"Yes, Krakoa's body structure is very complex, its body is very huge, and the position we are in now is its most important main brain. And the main brain is the place that gives it life, allowing it to have a certain thinking ability and extraordinary power."

Looking at the tree in front of him with tangled lines like a human face, Romen looked at the tree next to him.Professor X introduced it.

Hearing what Romen said, Professor X also showed a bit of surprise on his face.

The former X-Men traveled almost everywhere, but he was sure that he had never seen such a magical existence, otherwise he would not have been unaware of it.

"The world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders."

Professor X also sighed with emotion, while Logan on the side was a little absent-minded. Krakoa, which was peaceful and like a fairyland at this time, was much better than the ship in his dream.

"Professor, you have two things to do next."

Pushing Professor X's wheelchair and taking the bald old man to his residence, Romen also stated his purpose:

"First, teach all of us to use our own power. This should be what you are good at."

Hearing Romen's words, Professor X also nodded. Through telepathy, he could feel that the mutants here were full of youthful vigor. Without directly exploring other people's memories, he could also guess that these children should not have a strong control over their own power, and teaching young mutants is also his strength.

"Then you need to study Krakoa's specialty, the Krako flower, and develop it."

Professor X is an outstanding scientist. In the "X Royal Family" universe, Professor X can study the Krako flower and develop three potions that change the situation. Professor X in this universe should be able to do it.

"It can be possible, but my state..."

Although hesitant, Professor X thought about it and took on these two tasks, but there was still some worry on his face. If his superpowers get out of control, it will be a bit troublesome.

"Don't worry, I have prepared a solution."

Pushing Professor X into a room, he answered Professor X with a smile, and then took out two syringes.

"What is this?"

Looking at the two syringes in Romen's hand, Professor X also showed some doubts on his face.

Without much explanation, Romen handed one syringe to Logan, and the other was directly injected into Professor X's body.

Although Logan was a little hesitant, he thought about Romen's ability and felt that he would not use this method to kill the two of them. He directly relied on telekinesis, and he could not stop Romen at the moment.

After thinking about it, Logan decisively injected himself with the liquid medicine.

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