Facing the dim sunset, Luo Men also walked towards home.

As an international student living alone, Luo Men still needs to solve his own three meals after returning home.

Luo Men himself is a rich second-generation, but since childhood, he always feels a sense of alienation from the world.

Although he has not lacked popularity because of his high appearance since childhood, he just doesn't fit in with others.

At the beginning, because of an online friend, plus a little influence of the two-dimensional culture, Luo Men also went to study abroad in the island country directly.

However, imagination is beautiful, reality is skinny, and the island country is not as good as the two-dimensional performance, and his online friend, his family is watching him closely, and he has never met him so far.

But today, according to this online friend, she successfully ran away from home and came to play with him.

Because it was the weekend, Luo Men also deliberately prepared to meet her.

Is it the underworld again?

Seeing a cold man hurriedly passing by, Luo Men took a look and stopped paying attention.

In the island country, the mafia is indeed a legal organization. Sometimes it might be easier to find a mafia organization than the police.

"Yes, what is the name of the mafia organization that manages this place? The Eight Snake Clan?"

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Men stopped thinking about it.

Although mafia organizations can be seen frequently, they are still very disciplined. Therefore, if there is no conflict, there is no need to care about them at all, because they will not care about you at all.

Thinking of this meeting, Luo Men still feels quite magical.

Since playing games, I have known each other for almost ten years. Unexpectedly, I have never met each other. I have an indescribable feeling, but both of us feel the same loneliness.


This name is very impressive. More than ten years have passed, and this name still makes him feel amazing. A girl with such a name should be very pure and gentle.

Perhaps it is some kind of tacit understanding. Neither party has seen each other's photos, but both are sure that they will recognize each other when they see each other.

Of course, if the other party is an ugly monster, Luo Men would also admit it, but he believes in intuition more.

Taking out his mobile phone and looking at the avatar that has not jumped after sending a message, Luo Men is a little confused.

Let's go!

The last message sent by Eri means that she has set off, but there is no result afterwards, so whether she escaped successfully or not is unknown.

Arriving at the destination, there are a lot of cars and people around, and the largest landmark building seems to be called Genji Heavy Industries.

Standing at the intersection and looking around, Luo Men's eyes were instantly attracted by a girl.

It was a girl wearing a shrine maiden's costume. She was wearing a red and white shrine maiden costume, a white long dress, and a scarlet hakama. She looked very conspicuous on the street. Just looking at it from a distance, Luo Men felt that this shrine maiden costume should not be a low-quality cosplay costume. He had seen cosplay at comic exhibitions, but none of them were as stunning as this girl in every aspect.

The girl over there turned her head, and her eyes just met Luo Men's, and Luo Men could also clearly see the other person's front.

Luo Men's strength is very good. Even though he is several dozen meters away, he can still see the details of the girl.

Soft and smooth dark red hair, round forehead, long eyelashes, deep rose red eyes, swan-like neck, clear butterfly bones, delicate and soft skin, exquisite calves, slender ankles, slender figure, even bones and flesh, dignified, clear, but also ancient and gorgeous, the shortcoming is the lack of agility between eyebrows and eyes.

Luo Men can see that the girl standing at the intersection, looking at the road, seems to be constantly cheering herself up, but she dares not take that step, and finally stops where she is.

It's like, in this steel jungle city, the lost little beast can't find the way home, and wants to try to understand this world, but the chaotic roar of this world makes her want to retreat.

Indistinctly, there is a feeling that the girl has been abandoned by the whole world.

However, after the girl and Roman's eyes met, her eyebrows, which lacked spirit, instantly became more lively, and then she threw away all her previous emotions and hurriedly tried to cross the road to Roman's side.

She is, Eri!

Seeing that the moment the girl saw him, she abandoned her fear and walked directly towards him, he was sure that this girl was Eri.

The trust that can break all fear is a bond that cannot be cut off.

"But, crossing the road like this is too reckless."

Roman saw the girl's action and laughed.

At this moment, Roman also observed that a car was close to Eri because of Eri's sudden crossing the road.It was only a few dozen meters away from Eri, which was only two or three seconds for a moving car.

However, Romen was not worried. As he grew up, he also discovered that he was different. His learning ability and physical fitness were far superior to his peers. The most important thing was that his speed, nerve reaction, and explosive power were all different from ordinary people.

Seeing the girl in danger, Romen also adjusted his breathing, and the world in front of him seemed to slow down.

This ability is a bit similar to Leo's bullet time in The Matrix. It was born because of a crisis, so he called it bullet time.

Maybe he was born with super powers, but he didn't know how many such super powers there were. He also searched for relevant information through his own channels, but didn't get any answers.

However, while hiding himself, Romen never stopped training his abilities.

After coming to the island country, he also expanded to learn Japanese kendo. Perhaps it was due to his talent, he learned kendo very quickly. It took him less than ten days to defeat the coach who had Menkyo Kaiden.

Now that he has entered bullet time, Romen can speed up by about twenty times.

In other words, one second is equivalent to twenty seconds, and then with Romen's own speed of about eight seconds per hundred meters, he can almost achieve the effect of teleportation.

He quickly came to the girl's side, ready to pick her up and leave the road and return to the safe area.

"Aren't you an ordinary person?"

In the slow perspective, the girl's eyes caught Romen's movement and moved with him, and the joy in her eyes was hard to hide.

Although she didn't run at full speed, she was able to catch his figure. If the girl had not undergone special training, she must have a special talent like him.

Based on the unique feeling between him and the girl, he felt that the girl should be the same as him, and also a gifted person.

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