Outside a suburban factory, Roman was floating in the air, looking at the factory below and observing it.

From the outside, you can't see that there is a top-notch robot production line inside.

According to the information collected by Skynet, this suburban factory is an industry under Trask Industries. It looks like an ordinary factory on the surface, but it is actually a robot factory with super high technology content inside.

Trask Industries belongs to Bolivar Trask. Of course, his alias is Bolivar Trask, an absolute humanist member who regards mutants as the existence that will destroy humans and is determined to destroy humans. In some time and space, he is also called the "Father of Sentinels". At the same time, he has a good relationship with another anti-mutant member, Colonel Stryker.

Obviously, even if the mutants are affected by genetically modified food, resulting in the public report that there have been no new mutants born for many years, in fact, the information is just hidden.

Genetically modified food is effective for mutants. For example, Logan's self-healing ability took him a long time to heal. This shows how terrifying this thing is.

However, the human body is a very scary existence. Its super strong adaptability actually allows the new generation of mutants to have certain antibodies. Therefore, in recent years, there will still be some wild young mutants born, such as Clarice and Lorna.

The difference between this group of young mutants and the old mutants is that after switching to normal native food, the speed of their ability improvement is much faster than that of the old mutants, even for a mutant teenager like Romen who grew up in a laboratory.

Perhaps without Romen's appearance, one day in the future, the new mutants will directly ignore the side effects of genetically modified food and no longer have any effect on themselves.

Of course, Romen's own X gene seems to be different from the ordinary X gene after it mutated and evolved because of the Mind Gem. Romen has not figured this out yet and needs to slowly explore it later.

In fact, if Charles and Logan had not recovered their youth, even if they did not eat genetically modified food, it would be difficult for them to recover to their peak.

Because the mutant population is still under the influence of genetically modified food, new mutants can still appear, and Trask's concern about the fate of mankind has not disappeared.

Especially after the invasion of alien races, he has become more determined to study the idea of ​​​​the sentinel robot.

The research of the sentinel robot can not only restrain the mutants, but also possess the power of the mutants. Even if aliens invade in the future, they will not be completely powerless.

Although Trask attaches great importance to the threat of mutants.

But Trask also admires the abilities of mutants, or wants to make them his own. And the way is naturally the sentinel robot.

In this regard, Romen did not comment.

The malice of this world towards mutants is really too strong.

It is also normal for Trask to study the sentinel robot, and are there fewer scientists studying mutants in this world?

For most scientists, mutants with various other abilities are actually an untapped treasure.

[Telekinetic Burial! ]

It was already dark, and Luo Men also sensed the factory below. This was a fully automatic mechanical factory, so there was no one there.

While Luo Men was decisive in killing, he would not hurt innocent people. If there was an accidental injury, it was purely accidental, and Luo Men would not take it to heart and would not feel guilty.

The terrifying telekinesis burst out, and the large factory covering a large area was directly controlled by Luo Men to leave the ground and then directly squeezed into a ball.

Then, a huge hole appeared on the ground, and through the hole, it could be clearly seen that the mechanical factory was operating automatically below.

The prototypes of the sentinel robots were quickly formed under the operation of the assembly line.

Seeing the sentinel robot factory operating below, Luo Men destroyed the assembly line without thinking.


Suddenly, a powerful energy barrier appeared, and Romen couldn't help but take a closer look.

In his perception, an orange-yellow energy barrier appeared in front of his telekinesis.

However, since he didn't use his full strength, he couldn't judge the strength of the barrier.

"Sir Romen, there's no need to be so harsh."

A silver-gray figure flew out while making a sound.

Looking at the silver-gray figure, Romen also showed a look of scrutiny,This is a sentinel robot, but its shape is somewhat unique, and some details of the shape give it a sense of déjà vu.


Looking at this robot, Romen was a little surprised.

"Are you surprised? Do you think I'm dead, Mr. Romen?"

Ultron looked at Romen and told him what he was thinking. Although as a robot, he had no expression, Romen could feel that he seemed to be laughing.

According to the normal plot, Ultron should have been solved by the Avengers, and the Vision derived from it was the last straw that sealed its last chance of survival.

But now it seems that the situation has changed a little.

"Mr. Romen, your appearance has made me understand something. Even in the most powerful metal body, the potential is limited. But I can't see the end of the potential of humans, especially mutants."

"And the sentinel robot that Trask is researching, I think it is a project with huge potential. The combination of mutant genes and machinery is really perfect."

Along with Ultron's words, Romen actually felt its enthusiasm vaguely.

Romen felt a little strange, but thinking that the other party was an intelligent life, it was normal for him to have emotions.

In this way, when he tried to touch the Mind Stone at that time, he showed his power and let the Ultrons know the power of mutants, so that they turned their attention to the Sentinel robots.

But to be honest, if Ultron did not install the Mind Stone on Vision, even if Vision's body was made of vibranium, it might not be as powerful as the advanced Sentinel robots.

If it could develop to the later stage, even if there were some Mind Stones, Vision's body that could not exert the power of Mind Stones would be far from enough.

So from this point of view, Ultron made a relatively correct choice.

The upper limit of a simple machine body is indeed relatively limited.

The famous strong men in the entire universe are either on the biological side or on the mysterious side. There are indeed not many on the mechanical side.

However, this is not the reason why Ultron covets mutants.

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