Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 118 The Sound of Crying

The high platform with overlapping dark curtains, the slightly dark interior, and the girl illuminated by the only light beam.

Cyril stood under the stage, and together with many freshmen, looked at the girl on the podium. He didn't know this girl with black hair and blue eyes. Different from other ordinary colleges and universities, those who can be selected by the school as freshman representatives are either good enough and convinced by others, or they have a strong family background, and many students will not be too dissatisfied.

However, if it is such a student, most of them have a certain reputation before entering the school. Although the emerald skirt is big, there are only a handful of people in the top group. He has lived in the South District all year round, so it is impossible not to even hear his name. Said.

It's really strange. Cyril shook his head slightly. He didn't care, but other people didn't think so. This kind of student with no background suddenly spoke on behalf of so many people present, which would arouse some people's resentment.

But now, he could hear the whispered discussion of some classmates around him. At the age of junior high school and high school, no one would be easily convinced, especially the children of the rich who were mostly pampered.

The reason why he doesn't care about these is because he has experienced many things that his peers have not encountered when he was growing up, so he will look away a lot.

However, just as he was thinking, after the ceremony was over, he would discuss with his friends where to eat at noon, and then return to the company to continue business in the afternoon, the girl on the stage had already finished her salute and started to make her own speech.

The front is a fixed format, which is basically self-introduction, followed by testimonials, and the usual prayer for new students.

"Entering Edsi Academy was something I didn't expect before. Looking back now, I am still very grateful to the school for giving me this opportunity."


"In fact, every student has their own thoughts, and it may make some students feel uncomfortable if I only express them on behalf of everyone, because what they think in their hearts has not been expressed..." But the speech of the girl on the stage did not follow. Follow the usual routine.

"Just in my 16-year-old life, I have seen countless and diverse concepts and ideas prevailing on the Internet and in reality. People go their own way. We respect the freedom of every opinion, but this kaleidoscope-like world is also dazzling."

"Respect, which was originally used to protect individual freedom, has been used by various people with intentions to create and safeguard their own interests. As a result, all levels of society have been cut horizontally and vertically, and divided into many small pieces."

"Power is scattered, people's hearts are not aligned, each defends its narrow interests and refuses to let go, and attacks each other, people are exhausted and anxious about various concepts and topics..."

"Maybe you will be immersed in a certain kind of happiness for a while, but as time goes by, you will inevitably fall into a certain kind of anxiety, because your happiness and your life are not recognized by most people, they will deny you and slander you. You, let you know what to do."

"The poor are ridiculed because they don't work hard enough, so everything he encounters is taken for granted. The rich are hated because many people think that the wealth of the rich is obtained through extraction, which is full of blood and tears, so hostility and slander have become the norm. "

"Poor people are not respected and can only do their own thing, and rich people have to live a low-key life, because once they show their extravagant and wasteful side in front of the public, they will attract all kinds of attacks and doubts,"

"I think everyone definitely wants to become rich, but now even if they become rich, they have to hide themselves at all times, because resentment has already accumulated among various classes."

"All levels of society are separated from each other, and the top and bottom are united to overcome difficulties and move forward together, which seems to have become an extremely distant term."

"What is it that makes us so awkward that we can't live at all?"

"No, even though there are still slums all over the Federation, it is rare to hear scenes of people starving to death. Industrially produced starch and protein powder are definitely enough, no matter it is compared to the ancient third era, or the chaotic ruins of the fifth era. At the end of the era, we have to improve a lot."

"I think the answer may be that we have fallen into an inevitable trap in the development of civilization, which is to judge a person's life only by wealth."

"Can a person's life be simply measured by whether he has money or not? If so, it would be too single and sad. It's like we walked into the forest for a good stone on the side of the road, and we kept guarding it and gave up. Go deep into the forest to see more animals, trees, and flowers of all kinds."

"Wealth, or currency, is originally a tool created by the division of labor in society. We only need to focus on one thing to obtain our daily needs, but this original tool has gradually become the shackles of most people."

"In the past, you were a spinner, the neighbor next door was a carpenter, and the elder brother behind the village was a fisherman on the river. You each knew a craft and exchanged your harvest with each other. You gave everyone cloth, and your neighbor gave you furniture. Fisherman Give you food, everyone can find their place, and you feel at ease, because you know that you are needed and recognized by everyone."

"But the development of society is that the market is more and more convenient, and the logistics is getting faster and faster. Even if you don't know anyone, you can buy what you want with money."

"I used to go to a mountain far away to pick a flower, which can be used to express love, but now the same flower can be bought for only 20 federal coins. It used to be necessary to write a warm love letter to express the deep meaning in my heart, but Now AI on the Internet can automatically generate tens of thousands of unique love letters every minute."

"While everything is convenient, everything is also measured by money. Any action we can make to express our hearts will be mistaken for buying or replacing with money."

"A puppet that has been painstakingly sculpted is far less perfect than a machine-carved one. A confession that has been painstakingly prepared may not be as good as a temporary arrangement by a professional company. The actions that take a lot of time may be just for show, and many of the steps are taken away. AI and others instead."

"Money can buy any service, but the trust between people is also greatly reduced, because it is so convenient to fake it, even if it is true, it is difficult for us to believe it."

"The criteria for evaluating all kinds of things are becoming more and more simple, how much money you can earn, how much the gift you give is worth, how much your heart is worth, etc..."

"When a person falls from a high altitude and there is only one rope to hold him, he will definitely be extremely worried about the condition of this rope, but if there are multiple ropes, or even a grid of multiple ropes, he should feel much more at ease , because even if one of them breaks, the other ropes will hold up."

"But when the realistic evaluation is single, the rope becomes the only one. Wealth, money, and price become hurdles that can never be circumvented."

"The poor need money to maintain their lives, the middle class needs money to maintain their dignity, and the rich need money to keep their family property from declining. Everyone is eager to expand their wealth and is anxious."

"In the past, we laughed at those backward and conservative moral rules, the glory that people uphold, and the beliefs that have been passed down. We believed that the so-called 'the strong eat the weak' is the truth. This is just a fig leaf for ourselves when bullying others. behavior to justify."

"Many people are willing to fight to the death for that glory and belief, but how many people are willing to die for money, even if there are some, it is because they want to leave money to their loved ones. This is actually another kind of glory and belief."

"Money can solve many superficial problems, but the relationships built on top of it are so fragile that it makes people anxious."

"Society, the country, needs a new evaluation system, and people need a new criterion, so as to calm their restless hearts, draw a clear line, connect all classes, and recast the cornerstone."

"This is my vision for the future, and what I hope to achieve in the future. It may be naive and naive, and there are still many things to improve and change, but I sincerely hope to realize it step by step in the future."

Even many years later, Cyril would always think of the girl with black hair and blue pupils that day at the opening ceremony of Ades Academy, the soft and strong voice in that voice, so peaceful and yet so powerful, Unshakable.

Perhaps it was also from that day that he decided to follow that figure and embark on the path to change everything.

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