Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 123 That Weakness and Strength

Ades Academy, training ground.

A girl with blond hair and an orange dress stood under the shade, looking at the stones on the ground in the distance. She raised a hand, and fiery red particles emerged from the air, and then continuously gathered to form a swirling flame vortex.

The air waves brought by the heat flow stretched her hair and dress, and a twisted and compressed flame ball gradually appeared in the middle of the vortex where the flames converged.

Then the flame ball was launched, hit the stone hundreds of meters away, exploded countless flames, and licked the surrounding gravel and the ground. heat wave.

"Ephne is amazing."


Several companions behind her praised happily, but such compliments did not make Ephne happy.

She just showed a polite smile, thanked her companion for her praise, and then sat back in her seat silently, lost in thought.

Yes, her ability is good, and there are few people of her age who are better than her, but even so, she can't be happy.

Because she has a talent that is difficult for ordinary people, it is not difficult to achieve such a result. Compared with those people with perfect talent in history, there are many people who advanced to Sequence 4 at the age of 16. As far as she knows, one who is also The young man rated as [Perfect Level] talent is about the same age as himself. Now that he has advanced to Sequence 4 for almost a year, and is launching a charge to Sequence 5, this is really not enough for him.

The friends around her praised her only because they didn't know that their own progress speed was actually slower among the same geniuses.

Alas... She let out a light breath, although she was a little upset, she didn't want to tell the people around her.

Her father is a high-ranking official, and her mother also works in a government agency. She has to be cautious in her words and deeds many times. In addition, she has been surrounded by many flattering and ulterior motives since she was a child. , either because she is lustful, or because she wants to use her to have a relationship with her father, or both.

The only person who can talk to each other in life is Fa Xiao who grew up since childhood. Unfortunately, the other party did not come to Ades Academy, but went to another school.

Others, although they can be regarded as classmates and friends on the surface, are not so close after all.

Ephne sat aside and looked at the ground, thinking about something in her heart, when a burst of footsteps came over to wake her up, and then raised her head.

It was the boys who played yesterday. She recognized the five people who walked in front of her.

"Hello, student Aifuni, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. This is our gift of apology to you." After speaking, several people bowed and handed over a crystal box.

There is a dancing and rotating flame core in the crystal box, which is an extremely delicate artificial core for demonstration and decoration.

Natural Sequence 4 Vortex Star Flame (evaluated as "Perfect Level"), as long as you condense your extraordinary core according to the template of this artificial core, you can advance to the job title of Spiral Star Flame, which can be said to be a better inheritance than a memory card. The way of introducing secret techniques.

Even in Ades Academy, this is considered a relatively precious gift, and it costs at least several million federal coins outside. After all, it is not easy to manufacture such an artificial core. Generally, it is a master in a certain field, and it is made by hand alone. , cannot be mass-produced.

Suddenly receiving such an expensive gift made Ephne a little annoyed. In fact, she didn't lack such things. On the contrary, after receiving it for nothing, it would cause some troubles. She probably would be lectured by her father again after returning home.

"Who asked you to give it away? It's so annoying to be self-serving and self-indulgent." She didn't give the other party any face.

After finishing speaking, the girl turned around with a flick of her sleeves, and left with a few companions, leaving behind a few people who were looking at each other.

"As expected, Ephne is just as rumored, and it's not easy to get along with." Some students who were watching were discussing in low voices.

"She's so proud..."

"I really don't give face to my classmates."

Others were chattering and discussing, while the boys in the middle put away the box resentfully. They were very happy after they thought up a plan to collectively save money and give gifts yesterday, but now they are not happy at all.

"Why, isn't it a good gift?" They didn't understand.

"Sure enough, we have misunderstood. Aifuni is such a cold and arrogant person who is not easy to get along with."

"Well, I really don't want to offend Ai Funi. My family is also in an energy-related business. If her father gets stuck, he will lose a lot of money."

There was nothing they could do, and in the end, in order not to continue to lose face, they quickly left the training ground.

On the other side of the rehearsal field, Tilan was practicing swordsmanship, and her opponent was Annelly. The swords held by the two were slightly different. It looks formal, with a slender blade and a cross-like hilt, which gives the illusion of a slightly gorgeous hold in her hand.

Today's Tilan is wearing a black dress, black stockings, black hairpins, only the neckline and skirt are decorated with a few blue roses, her eyes are like blue crystals, her figure is slender, she has two temperaments of innocence and enchantment Colliding with each other, they are perfectly integrated.

Fortunately, the training ground where the two of them are now is a separate room, and no outsiders are watching. Otherwise, the photos of Tilan will probably be circulated around the campus the next day.

After the timidity of the past faded away, the charm of this black-haired girl with blue eyes began to show.

Annelly is wearing a dark blue skirt, a white shirt top, and her legs are wrapped in gray stockings, revealing the curves of her legs. She has flexible steps and moves easily on the ground. The rapier in her hand is drawn in the air, with only a few silvery white streaks The arc of the sword flashed suddenly, piercing Tilan in different directions.

At the beginning, she didn't hold back, but went all out. This is not the first time she has practiced against Tilan. At first, she thought that Tilan might not be good at swordsmanship. After all, in the data file, this The educational environment the girl received was not good, and she had no chance to get in touch with it.

But after the first fight, she realized that she had made a big mistake.

In the previous two days of fighting, she lost 16 out of 16 battles, and was easily defeated by Tilan with sword skills every time. This was the result of the two restraining their extraordinary abilities and not using additional abilities to assist them.

In the slightly dark room, the figures of the two kept interlacing, and the sound of interlacing sword blades could be heard from time to time. Compared with Annelly's going all out, Tilan was much more relaxed and freehand. Although the long sword in her hand looked sharper The sword is slightly wider, but it is more flexible. The blade turns over in the air like a swallow, with an indescribable smoothness and briskness.

However, she didn't use this kind of sword technique all the time, and kept changing her way of using the sword, sometimes obscure and sometimes brisk, as if she was familiar with some strange sword technique, and then slowly integrated it into her own system.

After another blade criss-cross, Annely drew back, panting.

"Stop beating, I'm so tired." The young lady with short silver-gray hair had sweat on her forehead.

Although in the process of fighting, Tilan seemed to have several flaws due to her lack of proficiency in the new sword technique, but whenever she attacked, Tilan could change again, allowing herself to stop Annelly's attack in a suitable way. Stabbing and cutting.

After Annelly stopped, Tilan was still contemplating quietly, swinging the blade of the sword in her hand from time to time, spinning between her fingers, drawing arcs in the air.

If a careful person compares the image of her swinging the sword just now with Themisia's swordplay at the Winter Festival Gala in the past, she will find that the two swordplays have many similar details, but their styles are different.

Themisia's swordsmanship is more offensive and moving, extremely gorgeous, while her swordsmanship is more restrained and defensive, with a kind of immobile but unshakable beauty of tranquility.

After a while, Tilan took the sword back, then walked to Annelly's side, and began to instruct her on the omissions and areas that could be improved in the sword skills just now.

After accepting the memory of Themisia and the inheritance of Qinglian Sword Cleansing Palace, her views on swordsmanship, even some masters today, may not be comparable, but it is limited by time, and there are ranks such as sequences. , unable to fully utilize many sword techniques and secret techniques.

After the explanation, it was getting late, and the two walked out of the dark room where they practiced swordsmanship.

At this time, there were not many students staying in the practice field, only a few sporadic ones.

When Tilan walked by, several people couldn't help being surprised, just because Tilan's outfit was really shocking, with long black hair, black stockings, black shoes, black skirt, and only a few flowers. The blue rose, embellished like a finishing touch, makes people marvel.

After entering the interstellar era, due to the improvement of genetic technology, the probability of handsome men and beautiful women has increased a lot, and many beauty and makeup technologies have emerged. It can be said that as long as you have money, you will not be too ugly. They are rare, and the girl in front of them is one of them.

Walking past the crowd, although the girl didn't turn her eyes away, she felt that the eyes were focused on her, which made her a little embarrassed. In fact, this dress was the first time she wore it. long request.

The clothes were designed and cut by a master from the central star field. After sending them to the academy, the head maid of Pulangli asked her to wear this dress for activities in the campus, whether it was dining, practicing swords, or other things. After going back at night, Pu Lanli will check the details on the clothes, check those places for wear and tear, and where the hook lines are damaged.

Dressing appropriately is an important part of etiquette. It may not be difficult to make good-looking clothes, but it is really not easy to give full play to the style and beauty of clothes and maintain elegance.

Many people wear dresses, like a monkey wearing a crown, neither fish nor fowl, and some details of behavior do not match the perception of the clothes, and there is a feeling of conflict and separation. This is 1+1\u003c1, which reduces their own image.

When going out in the morning, the head maid taught Tilan in this way, which made the girl embarrassed. Although she had received etiquette training, she had no idea how to display the beauty of this dress, so she showed it. Only the innocence of a girl is really different from the dark style of the dress.

But inexplicably, her temperament did not conflict with the pitch-black dress, on the contrary, it blended well, so that Pu Lanli didn't know how to evaluate it.

"You are quite special." In the end, the other party could only helplessly admit that this is indeed much better than trying to learn how to behave.

Some people are naturally cuter, and they can attract others just by sitting in place. As someone who has seen many wealthy ladies, she has to sigh that Hercia Tilan is really a special kind of child .

It's just that at first you seem inconspicuous and a little ordinary, but when you get along with her, you are unknowingly attracted by her charm. While innocent and innocent, she also has an inexplicable tenacity, strength, softness on the outside and rigidity on the inside.

Etiquette training is by no means an easy task. It is often boring and tedious. It requires a non-stop exercise and finding a suitable range. This kind of work often ends with sore waist and legs after a day. Many wealthy ladies spend half a day doing it. I couldn't hold on, and complained endlessly.

But when she was teaching Tilan, the girl never complained, she just accepted the training patiently and quietly, and she was not lazy mentally, she was really thinking and adjusting herself, which made Pulanli feel a lot easier.

Although some people seem to be doing things on the surface, they have actually given up mentally or are irritable and disgusted. They are just moving their bodies and doing things perfunctorily.

"Although I'm not a big shot, in my opinion, Miss Tilan will definitely not be limited to this in the future."

After getting along for a while, Pu Lanli gradually developed a little respect for this girl, and no longer thought she was the common and delicate daughter of a wealthy family.

"Why can you keep doing this without any complaints in your heart? My teaching is very strict and unreasonable. In the past, there were many people who were taught to cry by me." One night, after the training, Pu Lanli said Ask Tilan.

"Probably because I had a difficult experience before." The girl sat on a walnut chair, her long black hair scattered on her collar and shoulders.

"I am insignificant in school, and the teachers are very busy. Many students come to them every day. It is very rare to be able to ask them questions and get guidance."

"Because of my poor family background, education is rare. It is a way for me to get out of the environment. I cherish this hard-won opportunity very much."

"There are many students in the teacher's class, and the performance of a single student does not affect her income. She is not obliged to teach every student in detail and carefully."

"I have nothing to give to the teacher. I can only try to remember every sentence of her seriously, and then ask questions in the limited time."

"I am very grateful to the teachers for their teaching and answers. I know their teaching is good for me, so I will not complain, because it is not easy for them to explain to me selflessly and patiently. They can also perfunctory Mine, after all it doesn't affect their income."

Maybe that's the case, Pu Lanli looked at the girl sitting on the chair.

For any teacher, when she has such a pious, non-anxious, and serious student, she can bear to teach her well. It is not so much luck as it is the result of her own hard work.

The black-haired girl was sitting on the chair, blooming silently in the corner like an unknown flower, and the frailty and strength were unified in her.

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